Thursday, January 31, 2008


Since tonight is the season Premiere of Season 4 of Lost....I thought I would post a little Lost trivia....see how many you can get right........The person with the most correct answers will win a prize from Dixie....Why? Cause I love's all of ya'll...and I feel guilty for letting you down over the American Idol debacle this, I thought we could have a fun contest...Now, to be fair...don't look up the your answers in the comment section.....and I will review them and post the winner and the answers tomorrow!

Let's have some fun!

"This quiz covers episodes 1-6 of the greatest television show to have arisen in this world of terrible reality shows, and humorless sitcoms that repeat each other. Some knowledge outside of watching the show is required."

1. By the end of the two hour pilot episode (which was aired as two separate episodes), there are 48 survivors. By the end of episode 6, "The House of the Rising Sun", how many survivors of the plane wreck are on the island.

2. How many miles off course did the plane crash?

3. There is something not right about the island. Giant beasts that cannot be seen, mysterious recovery from paralysis, and what kind of animal appeared that did not belong on a tropical island?
Panda bear
Polar bear
Snow leopard
Arctic fox

4. Which survivor was in a wheelchair previous to the crash landing on the island?

5. In "Walkabout", when the wild boars were in the plane wreckage, who did Jack suspect was in the plane snooping before discovering that the boars were there?
Answer: (1 word)

6. What kind of phobia does Charlie have?

7. Which survivor has been the only one, as of "House of the Rising Sun," to have come in close contact with the mysterious creature on the island and live?

8. Jack finds the coffin his dad was being shipped in with the dead father still inside.

9. What did Jin accuse Michael of stealing?
His watch.
His father's watch.
Sun's father's watch.
Sun's watch.

10. What is the name of Walt's Labrador Retriever?
Answer: (One word)

11. Which survivor is pregnant when she arrives on the island?

12. What did the survivors nickname the two dead bodies they found in the cave?
Homer and Marge
Odysseus and Penelope
Mary and Joseph
Adam and Eve

13. When Boone tells Shannon she wouldn't be able to catch her own food, who does she turn to and persuade him to catch a fish for her?

14. What is the nickname that Sawyer gives to Kate?

15. What nickname does Sawyer give to Shannon?

16. What colors were the stones Jack found in the cave near the dead bodies, that he hides from Locke?
Answer: (3 Words, color and color)

17. What did Sun teach Walt to do with the aloe plant?
Brush his teeth
Soothe sunburns
Mend wounds
Gel up his hair

18. What kind of dog did Jin give to Sun as a companion for when he was away?
Sheba Inu
Chow Chow

19. Who is the only survivor at the end of "House of the Rising Sun" that knows that Sun can speak English?
Answer: (One Word, first name)

20. What instrument of Charlie's does Locke locate?

21. What color suit was Jack's father wearing when Jack sees him on the island?

22. Did Sayid, and the others of the small group that went in search of a radio signal, tell the whole of the remaining survivors about the French woman?

23. What book is Sawyer seen reading in "White Rabbit"?
Robinson Crusoe
Harry Potter
Watership Down
Island of the Blue Dolphins

24. Which of the following survivors did not go to the cave to live near the fresh water in the end of "House of the Rising Sun"?

25. And for the avid television viewer, which of the following ex-Mutant Enemy employees is a producer and writer for "Lost"?
Doug Petrie
Joss Whedon
Marti Noxon
David Fury


Check out this blogger, her American Idol posts are pretty good... visit Obie
....She has a pretty good recap of Omaha's auditions....I promise to bring back my posts next week.


Hey, ya'll....don't give up on me when it comes to American Idol...I didn't get to watch last night either...this week has been a total bust...I hope to make up with that tonight, with Lost...

I totally forgot about American Idol last night..shame on me, huh? I had a good reason....I had an 8 p.m. appointment to get my taxes filed last night. Hubby wanted to get it done early, since we get a refund...8 p.m. was the only available time they had yesterday....

I distractions next week...I will be back to full Idol blogging..and tomorrow...I will so be blogging about Lost....

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Your Hillbilly Name Is...

Lil' Dixie Tractor

Dancing With The Stars..Season 6 Rumors....

This post..courtesy of

While we have less than a month to wait for the new Dancing with the Stars lineup, we have nothing better to do with our time than to speculate who will be part of that big announcement. At one point, Tori Spelling's name was being thrown around but her pregnancy will keep her sidelined this season. Too bad for Dancing with the Stars, which apparently was looking to have a Beverly Hills 90210 cast member every season. There's always Luke Perry! This month, TV Guide and In Touch Weekly reported possible season 6 contestants. Here are the rumored cast members from several different sources.
TV Guide reported in their most recent issue that Cheryl Ladd and Monica Seles are possible celebrities to compete on Dancing with the Stars. Ladd is most famous for being Farrah Fawcett's replacement on Charlie's Angels in 1977. More recently, she appears on the NBC show Las Vegas, playing Jillian Deline, wife of Ed Deline, played by James Caan.Keeping with the tradition that several current and former pro athletes are part of the show, Monica Seles' name has been thrown into the ring. Seles was once the number one tennis player in the world. She was the youngest winner of the French Open, at the age of 16. At the height of her career, she was attacked on the court by a spectator. She has had some success since but has never managed to capture the success that she once had.In Touch Weekly reported this month that Kristy McNichol was also being considered for Dancing with the Stars season 6. An inside source told the magazine that McNichol fit the demographic of people who watch the show and also, brings along the nostalgia factor with her as part of the package. McNichol is a two-time Emmy Award winner for her work on the shows Family and Empty Nest in the 1970s and 1980s.Other names that have been thrown out there include Florence Henderson of The Brady Bunch, Chyna, the former WWE wrestler and current resident on Celebrity Rehab, and Brooke Hogan, the Hulk's daughter.

BAD NEWS......

We had a big storm blow through our area last night...It totally knocked our electricity out....for 4 hours....I did not get to see American Idol last night..I was not a happy camper...we had wind gusts up to 70 miles per hour...and the little town that I live in....if there is any rain, or the wind blows over 10 miles per hour....our power goes out, stays out for apologize to those of you that came here looking for my American Idol recap....I promise, as long as my power stays on, no other catastrophes..I will be back next week.

So..for the time are a couple of links regarding American Idol that you can check out...

Thanks for stopping by...sorry I let you guys down! But, it was kind of out of my hands....\

Have a great Wednesday everyone!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I AM THE BOMB....YO DIGGITY! (The F word will be used..proceed with caution-with hypens of course-what kind of lady do you think I am?!!)

As I stated in my first post of the day....I received two second award, given to me by the totally cool Troy,, felt it befitting to pass on an award he had received, the F Bomb award....
Check it out...

Now, I believe that this award was meant for those that have a "colorful" language, primarily, dropping the "F" Bomb, left and, just like Troy, I don't recall ever using the F Bomb on here....could be, maybe I have dropped it...don't rightly in real life...I can say I have...really trying to quit though...but on the blog here, not so, I am going to take it that he thinks my blog is the "F--ing Bomb" that case, I accept this award Troy...and every time I use that word, or try to quit using that word, I should say...I will think of you my friend!

Now, as stated before...I must pass this award on....I am not passing it to people that just use colorful language from time to time, but also have a blog that I feel is the "F--ing Bomb" here goes....

I bestow this award to the following people..

Elle...the most beautiful, colorful pirate in the world... ....

Pissy...the little hellcat from Alabama... ...

My manly blog crush...Monk... ... colorful Aussie girl blog crush...

Rockstar Mommy....I heart her....

Last, but definitley not newest blogger friend..Slick....a man after my own heart..

Well, that's it folks....I won't be back around any more today....lot's of work to do here, at my actual job...the one that pays the bills....I can't spend all my time here....although, I have done a good job of it today.

Remember...tonight....8 p.m..on Fox....

I swear...I swear....Dixiechick...has left the


I have been high Daphne...from

So...a high five meme you say....It's an archive meme Hoopla.....

Here are the rules:
Go back through your archives and post the links to your five favorite blog posts that you have written. But there is a catch:
Link 1 must be about family.
Link 2 must be about friends.
Link 3 must be about yourself.
Link 4 must be about something you love.
Link 5 can be anything you choose.

Post your five links and then tag five other people. At least TWO of the people you tag must be newer acquaintances so that you get to know each other better. Readers - don’t forget to read the archive posts and leave comments!

Wow...this is kind of hard....had to do some serious archive searching...because I am a dummy and I don't label my posts....I really need to start doing, on with the meme...

About Family: Guess I need to go with this post

...Christmas with my boys.....I heart my boys...

(sorry, don't know how to attach my post any other way)...Daphne, how did you do it with one word?

About Friends: This is sad....I really don't have any entertaining friend posts...because I really don't have any close friends anymore...not since I moved to Lafayette with the, you my blogger are what this is all, I guess this post.....
Will have to suffice.

About Myself: This is too easy..cause we know, Dixie loves to talk about is my 100 things about me post....

Something I love: Well..that would definitely have to be this.... ....Dancing With The Stars...can not wait until the new season...does anybody know when it starts????

Anything I choose: Wow...that is a tough one...there are so many posts..but, guess I have to say this post.....
I just wrote for my Son Justin's birthday...that is the one post I cried my eyes out when I wrote it.....

Well, that's, I high-five....Kim, Bridesmaid , Julie , Pissy and my favorite law man, The Enforcer ......

Thanks for the fun Meme Daphne....

Rock on!


Wow...I am really feeling the love in the blogosphere right now...As I stated yesterday...Diva, from gave me an award...the E for excellent award...

I could not be more Diva herself rocks....I want to be just like her when I grow up....also, she is part of the bloggy give-away carnival...and she is hocking some really cool stuff right now, so meander on over and check her out...make sure to leave her a comment, you might win her purdy little give a, the tradition in the bloggy world, when you receive an award is to pass it's always fun to receive an award, so I don't want to break that tradition...kind of like a chain don't want any bad luck for not passing it, without further ado....I am passing this on to......

My friend Toni...over at, because she is an Excellent Mom to her two little ones, Her Highness and The Conqueror...and she posts amazing pictures of said children....she writes wonderful Haikus and she has the Mother in Law that makes Debras, From Everybody Loves Raymond, look like a Saint.....head on over, check her out, leave a comment and tell her Dixie sent ya!

My friend Ajooja....over at, because he is very entertaining, he hates Mondays like I do...he never fails to make me laugh....head over, give him some attention.....I promise you won't be disappointed.

My fellow Hoosier Emily, over at, she has two beautiful little girls, loves a lot of the same things I do, she has great give aways....and I want to be part of her "In" over, say hi, leave the girl a comment or two.....

Then..we have my favorite Italian chick...Sicilian...over at, she begins every post with a wonderful quote, post great pictures of Texas, loves her daughters and her sweetie and has ups/downs on the job that rival even mine at times....go over and give her some love, people....she rocks!

Last but definitely not least, my southern co-hort, Daphne...over at, I just love her and I have no doubt that if we lived closer, we would be great friends.....she is a great mom, writes witty and entertaining posts about her kids.....there are lots and lots of reasons to head over and check her out...she rocks, too!

Well, that's it for now.....I received another award from Troy...over at ....dude bestowed upon me the F Bomb award....I will explain that in my next post....very "colorful" award.....if I do say so, check back with me later...I will passing this puppy on....

Oh...Daphne also tagged me with a meme....I will get to that as well...I haven't forgot...I just have to actually do a little I don't feel so guilty about receiving that awesome, huge paycheck I make every week....yeah, right.....anyway...

Ya'll have a great Tuesday.....I will be back!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Birthday...mission completed....rating...success!!!

Wow! What a busy weekend! Justin had a very happy birthday and thanks to all of you for your birthday wishes! I gave him his gifts Friday night...clothes, a new jacket, the Tony Dungy book "Quiet Strengh" and an ITunes Card, so he can put more music on his IPOD....lucky kid....(I don't even have an IPOD)...anyway....he was very happy with his presents....I printed off a copy of his birthday post(Below)...he read it and cried...I cried.....he is such a sweet boy.

His Dad had also given him his present for him, before he went to school that morning..
A Fathead....$100 for a decal to stick on his wall...

I mean, that is what he wanted...Justin is one of the biggest Indianapolis Colts fan's I have ever seen...but, a fathead...of Peyton Manning, for his wall...a little much, I thought..but, his Dad has the money, it was what Justin wanted...I am little too, I wouldn't get it for him.....His Dad did...he was happy, so "Yay, for Dad".....

I did get him the Dungy book and a Colts birthday cake...check it....

Saturday...I took him for lunch...just the two of us....something he asked for...he doesn't get to spend very much one-on-one time with, it was a treat for both of us. I told him we could go anywhere he wanted to go...he wanted Olive Garden...but, wouldn't you know it...they were packed....2 p.m. on a Saturday afternoon...not one single parking space to be found...he was disappointed, but I told him to make a second choice...we ended up at Red Lobster....yum....yum...I love seafood, but it was hysterical, seeing my boy work so hard to eat crab legs...lunch took forever because of it, but he enjoyed it, so that is what counts....afterwards, we went to the mall, to exchange the jacket I bought him...for a different style and to buy another pair of jeans for him..

We ended our afternoon, at the movies...we seen this....

It was an awesome movie...we laughed, I cried....hey...I wasn't the only one..the theater was packed...they actually sold out for this time slot...when the credits rolled, I looked around...grown men were sniveling...handing thier wifes their hankies....Justin was unsure of it at first....when I mentioned going to see it..but, when it was over..he said he was glad we came....made you think...

So...I have three questions to ask...

What would you do, if you only had a few months left to live...what would be on your list, your Bucket List...of things you would like to do if you knew you were going to kick the bucket?....

Tough question...second question.....just like in the movie, would you want to know, if you could, the day you know you were going to die?

Third question....if you knew you were going to die, could you ask yourself two questions..."Do you have joy in your heart?" and "Have you put joy in someone else's heart?"....

I would be interested to hear your thoughts on those questions...tomorrow, I will post my bucket list...and my answers to those questions...maybe post a few of your answers for comparison.

And...if you haven't seen this movie...I highly recommend it....I give it five is a keeper. If you liked the will love this movie as well...and if you do go see it, put a kleenex in your purse or pocket...

Have a Great Monday Everyone!

Oh...also, I have been given an award by Diva over at is my award....

Wow..she thinks I am excellent.....that is just awesome....I will be posting my acceptance speech later on today...and I will be passing this award stay tuned for that later today...thanks again are a sweetheart!

Friday, January 25, 2008


I just read somewhere, couple of places actually, that Brangelina is pregnant again, this time with twins....Wow!

They keep it up....they are going to end up neck and neck with the Duggers....

Except for a few minor things...Angelina and Brad are hot...they can definitely tell their children apart....they don't look like clones...I am sure the twins will be gorgeous!

Exactly 14 years ago today......

This was me...14 years and one day from today...pregnant with you, Justin...on the phone with Grandma...telling her they were going to induce me the next morning...all along, I was already having labor pains, didn't know it. We arrived at the hospital for induction at six o'clock in the morning, January were due Jan 26th...nothing like waiting till the last minute,huh? You weighed in at 7 lbs, 11 oz....19 1/2 inches long....I cried when you were born, but so did you

...So today, my son...I say to you....

Happy Birthday, My Dearest Justin....

14 years ago today, you were placed in my arms for the very first time...

It seems like it was just yesterday that your Dad and I brought you home from the hospital. Even though I had already been through having your brother Timothy, I can still remember how nervous I was, holding you for that first time....wondering if I had it in me to be the mom to not one, but two little boys....but from the moment you looked at me, I knew that not only did I have more than enough love for both of you, I was in awe of you, I knew everything was going to be is a bittersweet reflection for me. I am so grateful for the blessing of your birth~because whether you realize it or not~you were a planned baby~Your Dad and I wanted you badly. We also wanted your brother Timothy to have a little brother to grow up with as well. Just the idea of you brought joy to our lives.....

You have grown up so fast....the time since you have came into my life has passed so quickly....I can remember like yesterday....getting you ready for your preschool graduation...sitting in the audience, watching your cute little self walk across that stage to get your "diploma."

It brings tears to my eyes, even now, as I sit here and type this....

Gone are the action figures, legos, matchbox cars and superheroes you so used to longer do you ride the kiddy rides when we go to amusement parks..'s the scariest, baddest rollercoasters you can's all about the electronics, sports, friends and girls...

And um, the money...let's not forget that...

Justin, are on that precipice...not yet a longer a little boy. I hang on the edge of that precipice with you, son. I so miss your younger years, yet...I am thrilled to see the young man you have become. You are everything I have hoped for you to be. Crammed between your overachieving older brother and your pesky little brothers, you have handled your position in our family well. Your kindness and giving spirit are continuously displayed to me, your Dad, your Step-dad and others...the world is definitely a better place with you in it.

As the years have passed, things have been very challenging for both of us..sometimes, we found ourselves in some very difficult situations. At times, I have made a mess of things as a mom (your dad and I divorcing, the difficult time with your then Step-Dad John)...and I may have not always done the right things, but I always tried and put you kids first, I tried, very hard to make you happy, when my own happiness was seeing you happy. I know your life hasn't always been easy, but through your strong spirit,you have overcome a lot. Not once have you ever placed blame on me, or got angry with me that I didn't always have money to give you the things you wanted, the things your friends had. The love you have for me, for your family, overwhelms me. You are a very affectionate person, you always have been. You wear your heart on your sleeve, just like your Mama. You also have a great sense of humour and you never fail to brighten the most dreary of days for me. Now that you live with your Dad, I don't get to see you as often, but you always make sure to call me, at least every other day....that is how thoughtful you are. I find such joy and peace in your happiness and your laughter. So, those phone calls, keep me going. Thank you for that.

I just want you to know, that I have truly enjoyed being your Mom. I have never deserved you, but I thank God for you every day. To say I am proud of you, would be an understatement. Every milestone you achieve is a personal milestone for me as well. I have learned so much from you and I am sure I will continue to do so in the years to to forgive, how to love unconditionally and not expect anything in return, how to just enjoy the small, carefree things in life...the list is endless.

Thank you! You have made my life worthwhile and I am honored to call you my son as well as my friend. Now that you are older, I enjoy hanging out with you, going to the movies, etc....
I wish that I could just give you a portion of what you have given to me. I hope your dreams become a reality for you....and just know, regardless...your Mama will always be your biggest fan!

Live large, dream big, laugh often and love deeply.....

Happy Birthday, Baby Cakes.....
All My Love,

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Over 10,000 people showed up in Charleston, South Carolina, hoping to grab their 10 minutes of fame, or possibly a Golden Ticket to Hollywood. Out of that 10,000 only 23 got that Golden Ticket. I am so sad, my southern co-horts did so terribly. Seriously....there were only 4 Golden ticket recipients shown on last nights show.

Last season, 4 of the final 12 were from the South...because of expectations were really, was I disappointed. I feel like I totally wasted an hour of my life last night...and no, I did not see one single person I

First audition began with Raysharde Henderson...a.k.a..the black Clay Aiken...I am not a Clay Aiken fan, but nowhere could I see any resemblance to Clay Aiken...too funny!
Dude also had the "fro" going on....seriously dude...trim that bush down!

He sang, "I Can't Make You Love Me"...he had good quality to his voice...but he couldn't control it...not noteworthy.
Randy told him it was over the top, Paula said it was too theatrical, not pop Idol material and Simon told him it was too 1970's cruise ship cabaret.

So...three no' Golden ticket for the Black Clay Aiken....

Obviously, the show was determined to get all the bad they could in first....
Next up was waitress DeAnna Prevatte...

DeAnna was from Albermarle, NC...the same home town as Kellie Pickler....she thought she sounded as good as Kellie Pickler, or she wouldn't be, no..girl looked like she should have been called Flo....she was angry, scowling and proceeded to do a terrible rendition of Reba McEntires "Fancy"....there was nothing fancy about her or the way she sang the one point, she even got down on the floor, howling like a wounded animal..being kicked repetitively...
Anyway, Simon thought she was very angry, he even called her a "little tiger" her a no....Randy and Paula agreed with Simon. I personally think her song choice should have been "Hard Knock Life" from the musical Annie...I actually felt kind of sorry for her...

The bad just keep come on up....Randy Stark and Crystal Ortiz..

These two met on the Idol Message Boards...they are so "in love"....totally all over each other...they attempt to sing "She's More" by Andy Griggs and it is just awful..but they are totally oblivious...the cupids flying around their heads, with their wings flapping, must drown out the sound of their voices....they are looking into each others eyes, can just feel the sweetness...
The judges are oblivious to it though...they are terrible...Simon tells them it is a horrible audition and If he was in their family, he would definitely tell them not to ever sing out loud again....then he proceeds to tell them to check into a hotel..
So a no is given, from all three judges.

After those two...I didn't have high hopes for the next couple, who happened to be a brother/sister team....Michelle and Jeffrey Lampkin....

I was pleasantly surprised....
These two were a ton of fun...especially Jeffrey...dude was totally out of control...but he did have a good voice....sister was ok, but Jeffrey was definitely the stronger of the two...they were in perfect harmony, singing R.Kelley & Celine Dion's "I Am Your Angel"..kind of an odd choice for a brother and sister to sing..but, it worked for them...Simon told them they were a breath of fresh air, but he told Jeffrey he was much better than his sister...Paula felt they had a beautiful tone...Randy felt they were in tune...but gave a yes to Jeffrey and a no to Michelle....Simon and Paula gave a yes to both, stating they couldn't split the two of them up and Simon told Jeffrey he had three months to get his sister in shape....Welcome to Hollywood! I expect some great things from these two....he reminds me a little of Rueben Studdard, don't you think so?

Ok...after finally being able to give out a couple of Golden tickets, I thought...hey we are on a roll...but, um, no....there were still several goofballs that followed the brother/sister duo....nothing worth mentioning...nothing memorable....

Then...innocence prevails....truthfully...with 16 year old Amy Catherine Flynn...

Amy is the leader of her dance team at her high school and also a speaker for STARS....Students teaching/respecting other words, she preaches about abstinence...and boy, does she preach to Simon....was kind of funny....Simon goes, Yeah, I can see that happening...tells her to make sure she stops and gives the same speech to Ryan Seacrest when she leaves...too funny.
Anyway, Amy sings "Reflections" by Christina Aquilera....she does a pretty good job...Paula said she is nice and innocent, gives her a yes....Simon told her the song was too big for her, that she was annoying and a lot of people were going to find her that way...and then he told her that she was not as good as she thought she was..but, all in all....he still gives her a yes...Randy told her she had mad potential...and gives her a yes as well...she's going to Hollywood! After she leaves the audition room, the judges are commending her preaching about abstinence, but as always Simon has to get the last word and makes the remark, "I give her one day in L.A. and that will change"

Following Amy, we have another blonde beauty...typical southern belle...London Weidberg....

Unfortunately, the most exciting thing about her, other than her pretty face, is her name...which, of course, Simon liked...they had to build her up by telling the story of how she had to put her "music career" on hold due to her father dying from cancer, three years ago....three years ago I said....must have been a really big music, anyway....she sang Billie Holidays "Good Morning Heartache"...Randy felt she had a nice tone, Paula said she had an engaging nice bluesy/pop tone about her and Simon was not too impressed...he told her she was like 1000's of other singers, nothing unique..but all three did give her a, she is going to Hollywood...I don't see her making it too far, at least not with her voice...maybe with her looks...I am sure they will make her up in true Carrie Underwood fashion, throw on some short dresses and she might make it to the top 25...we will just have to wait and see.

Then we are introduced to Female Air Force C-17 pilot, Lyndsey Goodman....pre-audition, Idol played her up so well, I was expecting something seriously great from her...unfortunately, she disappointed...

She sang an ok rendition of "Black Velvet"...but you could tell she was extremely nervous and that nervousness overshadowed her performance...
Randy and Paula felt she had a voice..but they noted her nervousness as well and Simon felt she replicated a cabaret singer, not a recording artist, so she is given three no's.

As we have seen, in all past Idol auditions, there are always a couple that feel they have the best voice ever and no amount of criticism from the judges will make them think otherwise...we saw two of those last night....
The first over the top "I can really sing" performer was Aretha Codner...

It is one thing to think your are better than what you actually are, but this girl totally took it to a different level...She starts out by telling the judges that she is named after Aretha Franklin....I don't know if they heard or not, because the minute she walked in, you didn't see her, you seen the two torpedoes sticking out from her chest..Yowza...the judges immediately started laughing at her....she sings Whitney, (another Whitney fan), " I Have Nothing"...could she have picked a harder song to sing? I think not....I mean, she starts out ok...but she crashed quickly....Simon made fun of her clothes, then told her she murdered the song....Aretha started arguing with Simon...telling him that yes, she does have a beautiful voice....that her voice is her family, to people that don't even know her...she says she stops crowds, people listen to her and they are just like "Wow"...Simon asked her "Do you mean the crowd disappears?" and Aretha told him they come closer....Simon says, "Holding anything"...really funny..girl was desperately trying to convince the judges....but, all she got was three no's and a pissed off Simon!

Unfortunately though, Aretha was not the worst...Joshua Boson, proved himself to be the single biggest idiot and asshole on the planet....first off, red pants and black shirt...too pimp looking...honestly...who the hell dressed him?

Dude truly gives the South a bad name....he attempted to sing a very bad rendition of "And I Am Telling You, I Am Not Going"...originally by Jennifer Holliday and sang by Jennifer Hudson, our previous Idol recording artist....he murdered it. It was a screeching/yelling Idol nightmare....very "low country"...........the judges told him that it wasn't good enough....all three agreed, "NOT GOOD"...Joshua flipped the hell out....seriously, I wanted to give him a good kick in the nether regions myself..
He proceeded to tell the judges, "Ya'll should never have ever come to South Carolina, because this is what you are going to get."...Simon told him he had a great attitude (being sarcastic) then Joshua told Simon that the show was fake and rigged...Simon was PISSED...he goes "What did you say?" and Joshua said, "Faked and rigged. Because I can sing. I knew I was going to be cut; I told everyone that."
Simon told him he was deluded and very rude...Joshua continues to argue with Simon....and Simon argues back, again telling him he is rude and deluded....Joshua told Simon, "Well, I will just leave it at that, because I am a good person and you are not."
Paula starts to talk, telling him she thinks he has a lot of personality, but Joshua just walks out on her...he slammed the door hard as he left....he tells Ryan a bald faced lie, that the judges said all of South Carolina had absolutely no talent, South Carolina sucked, it was all over the news...which was totally untrue and made him look even more like the ass that he is...
I think Joshua and Aretha should hook up....then they could make a "worst of Amercian Idol" show....

Wow....after Joshua...I didn't know if I could take anymore...but, the South Carolina auditions wrapped up with the birth of Emma Grace Highman...her father was in the audition line, set to be the first audition, when he got the news that his wife was in, Idol gave him a second chance..I liked Oliver Highman, a lot more than the judges did..

He sang "Get Here"...I thought he was pretty good...I am sure the dude was exhausted...maybe that made him a little nervous..he should have been given a Golden Ticket..but, no....Simon felt it was too old fashioned/corny....he took it well, and asked the judges if they at least wanted to see his baby..they of course said yes, and she was adorable..the judges were cooing/ooing/awwing over her...Simon even said, He felt like that was his, ok..Simon..that was weird...I felt bad for him, after seeing the baby, Paula did too...she said she wished she could change her mind, but it was too late....

Well, that was it...the SC auditions...what a disappointment...

Next week, Idol heads to the heartland...Omaha, Nebraska...I hope the hell they have their game on..because after last nights Charleston can't possibly get has to get better....

Now, thus far...we have our guesses as to who might be in the top 24....and I have a secret...I know, 100% who some of those might be....I have a spoiler link for on it, only if you is the top 24, photos of them, filming a car commercial..
Pictures and video have emerged from the American Idol Top 24 video shoot of a Ford Commercial yesterday. The camera crew spotted “16 finalists”. I see some of my favorites in there!

Just go to this link....

Don't ever say Dixie doesn't have the latest and isn't on top of her game...because I totally researched this for you Idol lovers out there....but, if you don't want to know...don't click..M'kay?

That is all...


Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Week two of American Idol takes us to San Diego....with a crowd of over 12,000 people waiting to, that's a lot of want to be's....

First audition of the evening, lands a golden ticket to Hollywood..

Tetiana Ostopowych...

She sings "Someone To Watch Over Me"...she did OK....I seen better come from the Philly/Dallas auditions....Simon seemed to agree...he told her that she was not as good as she thought she was...Randy and Paula disagreed with Simon...they gave her yes's and Simon relented, giving her a yes as well...although when she left the audition room....Simon said she was obnoxious. She also told Simon that she would show him what? Hopefully she can do better than she did last me, she is another pretty, yet forgettable face.

Next up...we have the 2nd Golden ticket of the San Diego Auditions...Perrie Cataldo....a single dad of an adorable 4 year old little boy....he regaled us with the sad story of the death of his wife, saying she was just in the wrong place, at the wrong time, doing the wrong thing, with the wrong people...Hhmmmmmm...wonder what she was doing? Sad... are photos of Perry and his little boy...

Perry sang Boyz 2 Men...."I'll Make Love To You"....I thought he sounded pretty good.
Simon was really impressed with him...he get's three yes's...and a ticket to Hollywood...

The Golden tickets just keep coming....Michael Johns, originally from Australia, is up next.

He sang, "I've Been Loving You Too Long"....he sounds great, he looks great...a male version of the "total package"....Simon said he has a voice like a white soul singer....Randy and Paula were impressed, so he's going to Hollywood.

After 3 Golden tickets, the golden streak just didn't last....time for the train wrecks.....
There is Christopher Mitchell...

He has a laughable performance..I don't even recall what he tried to sing....he just had me mesmerized with all the head jerking he was doing..his voice was terrible...he looked like a bobble

Next was the shrieker....Tehilla Lauder....

I also don't recall what she sang...I had to leave the room, take some aspirin...she was giving me a headache..terrible, just terrible.

There were a couple more unforgettable want to be singers....then came a memorable one..
Valerie Reys...she said she was often told she sounds like Mariah, no...she was as far from Mariah Carey has PeeWee Herman was from John bash Mariah like that...unforgivable...
Anyway, Presenting Valerie.....
The funny thing, before her audition, she told Ryan that she loves to watch American Idol and laugh at the rejects....well, guess she can laugh at herself now...heehee..because her performance was very laughable....Simon's exact words were..."Oh, My God..."...she goes, "Was that in a good way"...Simon said, No...not in a good way....he told her that the only way she would sound like Mariah would be if she took a Mariah CD and left it out in the sun for a year, then tried to play it....Randy did have something nice to say...he told her she thought she had potential if she would stop trying to copy Mariah...but, obviously not enough potential..because girlfriend got 3 consecutive no's from the judges...

Let the train wrecks continue...appears the judges are about ready to give up on San Diego....

Next up...Monique Gibson....

When she walks in, Simon immediately pokes fun at her for the way she was dressed, asking her if three different people helped dress her...
She attempts to sing "I Believe In Miracles"...when I say attempt, I mean, girl was terrible....after the first word out of her knew girl was awful...Simon interrrupts her, telling her not one word of the chorus is going to happen...yet she starts singing again....obviously Simon doesn't believe in miracles...has it would take one for her to convince people that she has talent....
She insists to Simon that she can sing and that she will be back...she leaves crying.

Next up is Monique's friend...Christopher Baker....he can't sing either...

What is up with these people? They have to know they have no talent....yet, they continue to parade themselves in front of the judges....making absolute fools of themselves...Christopher was no exception...he attempted to sing Whitney as well, "The Children Are Our Future" ( I think that is the name of it)....anyway, Simon told him no children would be laughing after that performance...that not one note was in tune....He starts singing again...Randy tells him, "Dude, that just wasn't good, not in tune, not one note" has to take him out..then he and Monique continue to sing out in the hallway and bash the judges....proving to the world what total idiots they really are...

Moving on...

Last contestant of the first day...Samantha Musso, thinks Simon is totally HAWT....(Samantha, I have to agree-cause my hubby looks a lot like Simon)...she comes to the audition with her sister, Simon invites her sister to sit with him and be a judge as well...

Well...we can see who got the good looks in the family...Samantha...
Chick has a great look and a great voice....she sang some Aretha Franklin...really belted it out...the judges are impressed and she's going to Hollywood!

Seasoned auditioner...Blake back...he has auditioned in the last 10 cities...he was the Statue of Liberty in Season 5,Chicago would think, after 10 would wake up and realize...Dude, I really can't sing....but, not Blake....

Not only is Blake obsessed with getting him through, so is his mom...nothing like the blind love of a mother....He sings "Stand By Me"...his voice is not too bad...but, not good enough....hopefully, dude hangs it up and does not audition again...he get's three no's...

Four more crash and burns follow....
Alexandria Ruiz...

There are no words....just lots and lots of noise...definite no, across the board.

Sarah Long...

She sounded like a cartoon character trying to sing, and we aren't talking about the chipmunks, either...Simon asked her if she knew William Hung....get it?

Alberto Hurtado, the gross long nailed, flower wearing, fan carrying, sparkly eagle shirt bearing was next....

All dude was missing was his bong..holy cow....dude was not playing with a full deck..seriously. He tried to sing a song he said he wrote, called "Live"....which Simon told him was seriously depressing..calling him the equivalent of a storm cloud on a sunny day...he kept telling Simon there was a happy ending, but it just never seemed to come...definite 3 no's...although, he does give Paula one of his fans, with her name on it..after he leaves the room, Simon asks, "Where's my fan?"...too funny!

Finally, the wierdos seem to have left the building...
Next to last audition..
16 year old David Archuleta.....

He has overcome having a paralyzed vocal chord and proceeds to sing John Mayer's "Waiting On The World To Change"....I thought he had a great voice..not sure how far he will go, but the judges let him through to Hollywood...Paula thought he was a sweetheart, Simon liked his song choice and Randy felt he had a good voice...
I read somewhere today that he won Star Search back in 2003...don't recall hearing that during his audition..but, go figure...who watches Star Search any more? I didn't think that was airing in 2003...hhhmmmmmm.

Final audition for San Diego, Carly Smithson...

She was on Idol previously, but was disqualified due to a problem with her Visa....she sang Whitney Houston,(another Whitney song, what is up with that?)...anyway, she sang "I'm Every Woman"...I thought she did great, Simon told her it wasn't as good as 2 years prior, Paula said it was refreshing, Randy said 100% yes....she is going to Hollywood.

Well..that's a wrap of last nights auditions...I will be so glad when the auditions are over with, we can move on to the actual Idol portion of the show....the costumes the themes, the songs...I am getting rather annoyed with all the weirdos....

Anyway, tonight...the auditions are being held in my home state, South Carolina....wonder if I will know any of them....should be fun to watch....

So, join me tonight....let's see what freaks and potential stars climb out the South tonight....
American Idol...8 P.M...Fox....
Until tomorrow...
