Friday, August 27, 2010


I didn't think Friday would ever get here this week! I am counting the hours until 5 p.m..then I am off to get a pedicure, home, a short run outside and then to get ready to go out with the hubby. It's date night for us....I think we are going to a sports bar called The End Zone, then who knows where else.

I am, it might not be a really late night. I want to be up early for a 6 mile run in the morning.

I went to the gym last night, and failed miserably at getting my workout in. I just wasn't feeling it....after completing a sluggish 4 mile run, I said screw it and left. That is just not like me....but, I figure a 4 mile run is better than nothing. So, I absolutely have to make it to the gym for some upper body strength training this weekend. Come hell or high water.

Hope you all enjoy your weekend....I know I will!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I just read this on I would share with my readers. If you have never read fitsugar, check it out. Offers a lot of great health and exercise tips.

1. For your birthday, you'd rather see a box from Nike than a box from Tiffany's.

2. You own more sports bras than regular bras.

3. When someone asks you out for a date, you assume it's to go running.

4. At least one of your toenails is black or missing.

5. When your heart is pounding, you're breathing heavy, and you're covered in sweat, you're not in the bedroom.

6. You'd rather kick up some dirt than kick back a beer.

7. Your typical conversations involve words like fartlek, negative split, and pronate.

8. You're overly familiar with the iliotibial band and just refer to it as the ITB.

9.You accessorize your outfit with a heart rate monitor watch, sweat band, and band-aids on your feet.

10. You wear sneakers at all times, just in case you can squeeze in some quick intervals.

As only 5 of these apply to me, I guess I am "half of a fanatic"....

How many apply to you?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lunch Time, maybe not.....

I get an hour for lunch. I spent it doing this:

But, for my legs...actually, the entire hour was spent 15 minutes there/change, leg exercises, 15 minutes change and back to work.

I did:

3 sets of squats 40 lbs, 3 x 12
3 sets of deadlifts 30 lbs, 3 x 12
3 sets of plie' squats, 25 lbs, 3 x 12
Calf exercises, 50 lbs, 3 x 12
glute exercises, 30 lbs each leg, 3 x 12
Hip Adductor 95 lbs, 3 x 12
Hip Abductor 55 lbs, 3 x 12
Leg Extension 40 lbs, 3 x 12
Leg Curls 40 lbs, 3 x 12
Leg Press 115 lbs, 3 x 12

Wow, did I work up a sweat. I should have done them last night, but I ended up running 7 miles and doing abs, so I didn't have a choice but to rush and get it done on my lunch break.
I was late clocking back in, but only by 2 minutes. So far this week, I have ran 12 miles, worked my abs and my legs, tonight I am taking off to spend with the family.

I plan on a 4 mile run and upper body/abs tomorrow night.

Friday a short 3 mile run.

Saturday a 6 mile run. Then later in the afternoon to the gym to do legs, arms, abs again.

Sunday, a day of rest.

That is the plan, we will see how it pans out. My weekends usually get screwed up.

As it is, I am watching the clock....I have had just about enough of this place today.

Expanding on "I Digress"

Ok, didn't mean to offend anyone with my dislike of the phrase, "I digress" I don't like about? Well...just the overuse of it. Running it into the ground on a blog post...every other sentence or paragraph. Too much of a good thing, know what I mean....

Now, back to your regularly scheduled program.

Hey, Hey...It's Humpday!

The weekend is just around the corner! But...I

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The phrase that makes me crazier than...

When bloggers use the phrase, "But, I digress....".....I freaking hate that! It sounds totally lame-o to me...and you will never find it here on this blog!

Tiresome Tuesday....

Seriously, Mondays are pretty tough, but so are Tuesdays...once you get to Wednesday, it is kind of downhill from there. I don't know why it is, but I am really tired today. We had computer issues here at work this morning, so we were unable to use our computers..therefore, the morning drug by at a snails pace.

Then, of course, lunchtime flew by. The boys started back to school last week, I bought all of the things they needed, except for an extra pair of gym shoes for them to leave at school. So, the Mother in law gave me a coupon for $10 off anything $10 and above, so at lunch today, I ventured over to the mall on the lookout for some gym shoes for Aaron the 10 year old...and luckily, I scored a $40 pair of LA Gear sneakers for $10...they were on sale for $19.99 and with the coupon, they were only $9.99...can't pass that kind of deal up!
If they are still on sell this weekend, I will go back and get Max a pair. For right now, he has a good used pair he can take to school and leave for gym for a while.
Then I hit up Subway for a sandwich for lunch..a roast beef on wheat...yum! I finished it off with a serving of watermelon I brought from home.

Now, sitting here with a full tummy and a long boring afternoon strecthing out in front of me....I feel blah...but, nothing a good workout after work won't cure I am sure. Last night, I was going to go to the gym, but Hubby called me and told me Max had hurt his eye...that he had been wrestling with some other kid, and his eye, the white part, looked scratched and it was all bloody looking. I was very worried that I was going to have to take him to the E.R...but, once I got home, it was not as bad as we thought it was. It looks like a little red scratch...Max said it didn't hurt, he coudl see fine, so I am going to keep my eye on it...and if it gets worse, doesn't appear to be getting better, then I will take him to the doctor.
After determining he wasn't in dire danger...I strapped on my running shoes and went outside for a lovely 5 mile run...

Tonight, I plan on a minimum of 4 miles, ab workout and some strength training for my legs, since I didn't get any in last week (for my legs)...

Here's to Friday!

Monday, August 23, 2010

I was on T.V...

Local news caught me on camera regarding the race on Saturday.

Check it out! You can see the kid running neck and neck with me at one point, then he pulls ahead! LOl'Z.....

Race Recap and Photos:

Ok, so Saturday Morning my alarm went off around 6 a.m., having only went to bed at midnight the night before, I was beyond exhausted. I honestly laid there for 10 minutes, trying to talk myself out of getting up and running the race. I just wasn't feeling it. But, the longer I laid there...I knew that if I didn't do it, I was going to regret it. There was not one feasible, legitimate reason as to why I should not. So, I drug my butt out of bed and started getting ready.
My pre-race breakfast:

Hubby and Max went with me...I had not pre-registered, so we had to make sure we were there before 8:30 a.m....I was worried that we would be late and not make it on time, so we were there by 7:45 a.m...No one was there. I was really concerned at first. Finally we seen a couple of guys wondering around, and I stopped and asked them if the race was still going on, they said yes...was still rather early.
Eventually, a few stragglers started wondering in...I registered, got my t-shirt and bib number and proceeded to let hubby and Max take a few photos.

Like an idiot, I had hubby pin my number to my back..I was the only one that did that! After the race, I realized how stupid that was, when I noticed everyone else pinned it to their shirts or shorts. Hey, it was my first and learn.

I was a little nervous and after the above picture, I proceeded to do some stretching....drank a Gatorade for pre-fuel...I had no idea what the race route was going to be, so I was surprised when they had us start out on the grassy area in front of the school.

The race started at 9 a.m....and I was right out there in front...there wasn't a big turn out for the race, maybe about 45-50 people. There were no timing chips. I wasn't sure how they were going to keep track of everyone. I was still unsure of the route
When the race was about to begin, some guy on a gator got out in front of us, the race organizers told us to follow the guy on the gator, he would lead the way.

All I can say is, OH MY GOD.....the first mile was on uneven wet grass, around the campus, around a retention pond, on a sideways was to say the least very difficult...but, I ran my first mile the fastest I have ever ran...8 minutes and 9 seconds. When the guy standing at the first mile marker yelled out my time, I was like Holy S--T!!!! I couldn't believe I had ran an 8 minute mile. After the first mile through the wet uneven grassy area, we were briefly led back onto the pavement about .10 of a mile, with a sharp left back onto a dirt road, by the school was very much overgrown, wet and muddy. I was slipping and sliding all over the place. There was a young boy running the race with his mother, and he stayed in front of me about 10 yards for the entire race. I couldn't believe I had a kid beating me. I blame it on my lack of sleep the night I passed him once, when we got to the two mile mark, and grabbed some water. Then he gained on me and passed me again. Little shit....I yelled at him, said, "Hey, young man...good job! You are showing this old lady up, and that's not allowed"..he smiled, picked up the pace and left me in his dust.
Finally, we were back onto the paved road again.

Max and hubby were there around every 1/2 mile or so, routing me on, taking pictures. In the above picture, Max ran out to point me in the right direction. He was so proud of me, so excited.

1/2 mile to go...the end is in sight!

The finish line is just ahead...I had not stopped once and I was so glad to see hubby and Max yelling over here!! Over here! You got it!
I ran through the finish line with an overall time of 27 minutes and 55 seconds. It would have been less than that, but as I came close to the finish, I was still behind the young boy and he turned left when he should have went straight, so we both had to turn around and get back on track..that probably cost me 10 seconds or so....
At the end, I grabbed a Gatorade and pretty much swallowed in one big gulp. I have never been so thirsty.

I am not sure exactly what place I came in..I think at the bottom of the top 1/3 of runners, according to hubby...he thinks I was 12 or 13....overall I was very proud of myself, I beat my personal time, and the time I wanted to run the race...

Oh, and last but not least....just to show how muddy it was....
My shoes after the race:

I had a great time and I am so glad I did it....I can't wait until I run another!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I Did It!!!!! With A New Personal Record....

Just got home from running my first ever 5 K a word...unbelievable! I ran the 3.1 miles in 27 min and 55 seconds! Not sure what my splits were, but I do know the first mile I ran in 8 min 9 seconds.

I am very pleased with my time. Hubby and the little guy, Max were there to cheer me on, taking pictures around every other stretch...
The run was an out and back run...almost like cross country..very little of it was on a paved surface. I was covered in mud, it was wet, slippery..kind of like a trail run....not what I expected it to be at all.

It was fun though. I will post pictures as soon as I can find my camera cord or first thing Monday from work.

I truly now have the racing bug! I can't wait until the next one.

Friday, August 20, 2010


That can't be further from the matter how crappy your job can be through out the week, on Friday, it is just better! Guess it's the countdown to 5 o'clock and the fact you have 2 entire days off...

No big plans for the weekend. Tonight the fam and I are going to the gym. I did 4.5 mile run last night, but hubbby needed me to run some errands and be home early, so I was unable to get any strength training in. So, tonight, while I work out, the hubby and the boys are going to swim. I may or may not join them after my workout. I don't plan on running, but may do 30 minutes or so on the eleptical...I figured if I am runnign my 5 k in the morning, I better let my legs rest tonight. My mileage for the week is going to be rather low, unless I can get a run in on Sunday as well. I sure hope so.

After my 5 k run tomorrow, I have to go meet the ex to pick up the 16 year old. Only to turn around and take him back home 24 hours later. So, I will be spending a lot of time in my car this weekend. That's is worth it to get to spend any time with my boy. We may or may not go catch a movie with all of them Saturday afternoon and hubby said something to me this morning about going out for dinner Saturday night. Just depends on finances. If not, grilling out, chilling with some wine and a DVD sounds just as good to me.

My work day, although it is Friday, is going to be a rather long one. As of this moment, I am totally caught up on all of my work for the day. Lunch time is almost here, so I think I am going to go spend it at Target. Jimmy Johns may or may not be on the agenda as well...I love their lettuce far as the rest of the afternoon, I so wish I could ask the boss for a 1/2 day. Go to the gym, get my workout in, then maybe take the boys to Columbian Park for the evening and let them swim there for a couple hours. But..unfortunately, I am a chicken shit and I am afraid to ask. They get really crappy around here about that kind of stuff.

Oh, well...I will fake it till I make Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Get out, do something good for yourself!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What I will be doing this Saturday Morning at 9 a.m.:

My first 5k Run! I am so excited.....

(From the website)
Join us for the first ever 5K @ Ivy Tech Community College Lafayette!
The Hands Helping Haiti 5K will take place Saturday August 21, 2010 and is open to runners and walkers of all ages. The course will begin and end on the Ivy Tech Community College Lafayette Campus. Walk will take place after the start of race and is free. All proceeds will be going towards the reconstruction effort in Coupon, Haiti.

I have been wanting to run a race all year, never had the funds. So, since I got this $80 bonus coming, I figured it is about time I do something for myself that matters to me. Plus, the money I pay to run the race will help the Earthquake victims in Haiti...I have wanted to do something for charity for quite sometime and this is perfect.

I am so excited! Guess that means no wine for me Friday night, as I want to be on top of my game in come in with a PR less around 28 minutes. Wouldn't that be awesome?

Wish Me Luck and I will make sure to have hubby snap some photos. If I can get him to come with me.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Show Me The Money....

My workplace is running a contest to save customer accounts from cancellation....very seldom do I ever participate in these contests, because they generally revolve around the residential side of our business, and I deal with the Commercial side of our business. But, the Customer save contest is open to all employees.
This afternoon, I just so happened to answer the phone, as it was ringing off the hook, and it was a residential customer, wanting to cancel all of his accounts, all 8 of them..yes, 8..and out of those 8, one was a commerical account...I managed to talk him out of cancelling, gave him a free service call on each property, and cha..ching..documented it, and will get a a cool bonus for each account. $10 per account x 8 accounts= $80!!!!

I will believe it when I see another words...Dear Boss Man...


And, if the bonus does go through on my next paycheck...question will be, what will I spend this extra $80 on? Probably bills...or kids. Such is my luck.

Snails Pace....

This is how I am riding through the a snail's pace. It has truly been a week of hell...Mr. Burns has decided to take up permanent residence at his desk...which infringes on me and drives me up the wall! I find it hard to believe that it is only Wednesday. Or that it has been over a week since my last post. I find myself reading blogs, commenting here or there, but not posting.

Nothing new my way....same old, same old, day in and day out. Had a great weekend last weekend with the hubby. The highlight being our Saturday afternoon lunch date to the Lafayette Main street Wine and Cheese shop. delicious. Here is the link:

If you are from the Lafayette area and have never must check it out. They sell a huge variety of wines, along with local made cheese, jellies, etc....It is owned by a Farmer in Delphi and he has done a phenomenal job with the place. They serve lunch type sandwiches and soup and on Sundays they have brunch menu with Mimosa's...MMMMmmmm....

I had an avocado b.l.t and hubby ordered a cuban sandwich...with that we shared a lovely bottle of Oliver Piniot Grigio..yum yum...after lunch we were a little tipsy, and meandered down mainstreet. We have never just strolled down Main Street and we proceeded to check out all the little shoppes, etc....stopping in one and buying some incense.

Pretty much, the remainder of our Saturday was spent resting. Sunday, on the road again to pick up kids; which pretty much took the entire afternoon and evening away.

The highlight of my entire week last week: Running 24 miles for the week! I worked out 5 days. That is a personal record for me. Hopefully I can keep up the momentum for this week.

But, now that the kids are back in school (started yesterday), it is really hard to make it to the gym that much. I feel guilty, like I am imposing too much on the hubby if I do. So, I am hoping the temps cool down and I can squeeze a few outside runs in through out the week. I used to be able to go and work out at lunch time, but the owner of the gym I go to, closed it down. He had 3 locations, with one of those very close by my work, of the three, he closed that one! Sucks so bad.

As it is, at this moment..I am counting down the hours until this work day is over. Which puts me closer to the weekend. Really don't have any big plans. We have kids all weekend, so probably housework, gym and some kid related activities.

I forsee one of these in my not so distant future!

All thanks to Mr. Burns...

Here's to Friday's speedy arrival.

berry cartoon endorsements 081410

berry cartoon christo 081410

berry cartoon abs 081410

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

berry cartoon epiphany 081010

Tuesday Doldrums....

Waaaahhhhh....(sounds just like Snookie)'s only Tuesday. I have a feeling this is going to be a very long week. Last weekend flew by, as did Monday...but today, Tuesday...well, it's moving (barely) at a snails pace. I feel like I have been here forever already today.

I was extremely busy yesterday, for a Monday. So, I didn't have a chance to post about my weekend. Needless to say, as usual, my weekend was extremely busy and flew by in a flash.

Friday night, after work, I went to the gym and ran a quick 4 miles...afterwards, I went to the grocery...had to get some wine, stopped and grabbed myself a salad and picked up a pizza for the hubby and the boys. I always feel weird, after working out, being all sweaty, my work out clothes, and then go inside somewhere an order a I jokingly asked the teenager behind the counter at the Pizza King, if the pizza they served was calorie free..then I had to make it a point to let him know the pizza wasn't for me, just my boys. Why do we do that? Feel the need to "explain" ourselves to a perfect stranger. Anyway, went home and relaxed for the evening.

Saturday morning, I was up and out the door for a run by 8 30 a.m. At first, the temperature was great..but, it warmed up 45 minutes, I got a great 4.5 mile run in. Then I had to shower and dress, as the hubby, myself and the boys, had to drive to Terre Haute (2 hrs away) to meet my 20 year old, to take care of his paper work for his financial aid/student loans for his Sophomore year of college. The paperwork had to be done and turned in this Monday and of course, he pushed the envelope, waiting until the last moment. We got to Terre Haute around 1 pm..took care of the paperwork, then took all 4 of my boys, plus the oldest (Tim) girlfriend, out for lunch. Anytime we visit, the boys always want to go to Buffalo Wild Wings..not my favorite place to eat, but, hey..whatever makes them happy. I finally got to meet Tim's girlfriend....I was a little nervous, as they seem to be pretty serious(from conversations I have had with Tim) and I didn't want to embarrass my son, I wanted to make a good impression. I really liked this girl...out of the three girls I have met, since Tim started dating, she is by far the best...even Max the seven year old, had a crush on was too cute, to watch him blush, when she teased or talked to him. He even told his brother, "Tim, Natalie is did good!" was too funny. Natalie couldn't join us for long, as she had to be at work at 2, after lunch we parted ways with her. But, not before I got a shot of all of them outside the restaurant...

Tim has been talking about moving out of his Dad's place for some time and Saturday, he told me the apartment that he and six other of his friends were planning on getting had came through and that he would be moving out of his Dad's the next day and into this apartment/house. I was shocked...I knew it would happen eventually, that my baby would "fly the nest" so to speak..but, it was hard for me to fully wrap my head and my heart around it..the fact that Tim was old enough to be out on his baby boy isn't a baby anymore..he is a hoo. I can't tell you how sad it made me..but, in the same sense..very proud of him. He wanted to show us his new place, so I eagerly agreed to follow him...we had to stop by and pick up the key from one of his friends, then drove over to the new place...

The house that he and his six other friends rented is an old, old 1890's era Victorian home, in a very old neighborhood in Terre Haute...the house, I am sure, was very beautiful in it's time and if someone had several hundred thousand dollars, it could be restored and be quite it is now, needs a lot of work, but for seven college boys, it is perfect. Tim, I feel, has the best room in the entire house. He is very excited and I hope sharing a house with so many other guys works out well for him. I spoke with him yesterday and as of Sunday evening, he is officially on his own. Paying his own bills, his own rent and putting himself through school. I couldn't be more proud of him. After touring his huge new home, we said our goodbyes to both older boys and made the two hour drive back to Lafayette. We got home around 5 pm and by 6 I was out the door to run more errands..the video store and the grocery store.

Hubby ended up grilling out for dinner and we wrapped up our evening by watching the Wolf man, with Anthony was a rather stupid, graphic/gross movie and I would not recommend it to anyone....

Sunday, well..the morning was kind of a lazy day...I made pancakes for everyone for breakfast, cleaned up, did some household chores..then showered and dressed and took Max, the little one with me into town, to pick up a school supply list and go look for him some new shoes for school. After returning movies to the video store, we stopped, yet again at the grocery and got stuff to grill out again and came home, prepared dinner, cleaned up and I was in bed by 10 p.m...

As I said Monday, here at work I was extremely busy, and 5 o'clock came fast. After work I went to the gym, ran 5 miles and proceeded to do my I was strecthing out my left leg, I looked down and seen blood seeping out of the side of my shoe...I had literally ran until my feet bled...what the heck? I took of my shoe and my sock was covered in blood..apparently, I had a small blister on the inside of one of my toes from my Saturday run and had popped it open and it bled as I ran..

Seriously, I am not kidding...

I went to the locker room to survey the damage...

I had planned on doing legs and abs, but knew the legs were out of I didn't want to leave a trail of blood throughout the gym, I had no bandaid, no extra shoes to change into, so I did my ab work and left the gym.

So, tonight, is another gym feels so great to be feeling healthy again and able to give 100% with my gym routines again. I plan on at least a 4 mile run and my leg work I was unable to do last night.

Hope you all have a great Tuesday...3 more days and the weekend is here again! Whoo Hoo!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Calorie dense...but oh so tasty! Larabars...gotta have em'....

I have posted about these before....I love lara bars...but, I just tried this new flavor, to fuel up before going to the gym this afternoon....this flavor is phenomenal...tropical fruit tart....yum, freaking yum....I am in love.

If you have not tried larabars, and would like a gluten free, low ingrediant snack...then you must try them! My favorite flavors are: Tropical fruit, peanut butter, cashew, key lime and coconut.....

I only eat 1/2 of one at a time, because an entire bar is around 200 calories, but it is much better for you than a candy bar, that is for sure.

No one paid me to say this, nor have I received anything free (although that I wouldn't just like them and wanted to share my thoughts.

Doctors visit....

Ok..well, as I have posted over my last several post..I have not been doing very well. Not quite sure what was wrong with me...lot of different symptoms, etc...but, 2 weeks ago, I felt a lump underneath my right arm...of course, being a woman, the first thing you oh, no...breast cancer..then you get on google, and start typing in your symptoms, and voila'..the next thing you know, you are freaking out and scared that death is imminent....I put it off, worried, put it off some more, and finally caved and went to the doctor. I have been scared out of my mind..scaring my husband, worrying, not sleeping...not eating...not working out very much..every disease, every illness, ran through my mind. I was sure I had one if not two different things wrong with me. My biggest fear, breast cancer.

Tuesday, after having not slept a wink the night before, hubby had finally had enough and demanded I make an appointment. The lump under my arm had went down...I knew it was a lymph node, with all my prior symptoms, I even thought I might have a disease as bad as cancer....but, the lump was smaller...still, I scheduled an appointment with my ob/gyn and he felt it...said it was less than 1 cm and it was definitely a lymph node....he ordered blood work, to test me from everything from mono to the thank be to God..everything was negative.
The doc thinks that it could have been caused by a mosquito bite a few weeks before, that made me ill and made my lymph nodes swell up. My blood count looked good, all tests were negative and today, the lump is almost gone.

I am thankful that I am ok...I feel better today. Back to normal, pretty much. I can't begin to tell you the cocoon of fear that I have allowed myself to be wrapped up in. All starting from googling symptoms. Don't do that people. Go to the doctor. Don't look stuff up online, because then, you pretty much convince yourself one symptom can be the cause of fatal life threatening diseases, and then all you do is actually make more symptoms manifest themselves and the worry makes you even sicker.

I get it honestly though...I am a Virgo....we are natural worriers.

And...a lot of the other symptoms I had...may be just related to Peri-menopause....I am almost 40 after all. Getting older sucks. I don't feel almost 40, in my head....that is. Anyway, I am grateful I am ok....and I hope to live at least another 40 years.

The relief I feel is indescribable. I am glad I had all those tests done. It feels like I have another chance...know what I mean?

Anyway, maybe now I will feel like blogging more. I am hitting the gym tonight...the Old Dixie is back!