Tuesday, December 30, 2008



Monday, December 29, 2008

Things aren't good right now....

Wow, I can't believe it's been a week since I posted.....

Not a lot I have to say, I guess...I am glad Christmas is over....I do believe this year was the worst Christmas ever.

The little boys had a good Christmas....so did my two oldest, but not from me...

Their dad bragged about how he spent over $600 a piece on them....I couldn't even begin to touch that. I was only able to give them a small amount of money. I had some put back to give them, but Christmas day, we had a flat tire, before picking them up, so I had to take money from their Christmas money I had saved to replace the tire.

Hubby and I have been arguing a lot...over money, go figure. Christmas night, when the older two boys were up, tensions were high, hubby and I were arguing, stupidly, in front of the kids and my 18 year old went off on me.....he cussed me, talked to me like I was a dog....F this, F that...a side of him I have never seen before....telling me I should manage my money better....all because he was pissed over me not having enough for him for Christmas, I am sure...although he didn't come right out and say it. Anyway, we were downstairs, and my son was screaming at me, cussing at me, hubby and 14 year old were upstairs, and 14 year old looked at hubby and said, "Oh, my God, I think he hit mom"...of course, hubby saw red, came flying down the stairs, grabbed 18 year old by the shirt, they started fighting, 14 year old and I had to seperate them...it was awful...I have never been so ashamed, so hurt and felt like such a bad mother in my entire life. 18 year old started bringing up everything from the past, his dad and I divorcing, how he has put up with so much bullshit....I swear, I have done nothing but given him love and all that I could. His behavior was so out of line...I am still nursing hurt feelings over this....I am still upset.

I currently have some freaky rash, spread all over my neck onto my chest...I think it may be hives...possibly because of my nerves..I don't know. I am tired, I am exhausted and I feel depressed. I need to figure out a way to get out of this funk that I am in...Hubby's attitude is that I just need to "get over it".."let it go"....
Everyone apologized...18 year old, hubby and myself...but the rest of the visit with them was strained, uneasy..I doubt my son will come back to visit me again.

I wish it had never happened...I wish our finances were better...I wish I could do more for my kids than what I can....I wish I were a better mother.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Because I'm bored....

And, I'm not ready to post about my weekend just quite yet....probably bore all of ya'll anyway.
So...I stole this survey/meme thingy from over at Why Are You Stalking Me's Blog....I thought I would give it a whirl....

Name: Donna

Birthdate: Sept 7th

Birthplace: North Carolina

Current Location: Indiana

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Brunett/with reddish highlights

Height: 5′ 2″

Weight: 114 lbs

Piercings: None

Tatoos: Not now/not ever

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Wonderful Husband

Overused Phraze: Would you kids please be quiet!!!!


Food: Nice juicy steak

Candy: Dark Chocolate

Number: 7

Color: black

Animal: I don't have an animal, so I can't really have a favorite

Drink: Cherry Coke Zero/Water

Alcohol Drink: Wine, Wine, Wine...

Bagel: Blueberry

Letter: D

Body Part on Opposite sex: Butt

This or That

Pepsi or Coke: Coke

McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonald's..but only for the salads...Burger King guy creeps me out!

Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry

Hot tea or Ice tea: Hot tea in the Winter, Ice tea in the Summer

Hot Chocolate or Coffee: coffee

Kiss or Hug: both

Dog or Cat: Neither

Rap or Punk: Neither

Summer or Winter: Summer

Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny Movies

Love or Money: You can have all the money in the world, but if you don't have love, you have nothing!


Bedtime: 11:00 P.M.

Most Missed Memory: Can't recall

Best phyiscal feature: legs

First Thought Waking Up: Oh, God...I don't want to get up...I hate my job!

Goal for this year: Work on controlling my patience

Best Friends: My husband Keith

Weakness: shopping

Fears: something happening to my children

Heritage: Cherokee Indiana (1/8th cherokee)

Longest relationship: Um...My first husband...eight years.


Drank: Yes

Ever Smoked: Tried it once, during my first divorce, not for me..yuck!

Pot: I am ashamed to admit, but yes...in my younger years...

Ever been Drunk: Sadly, yes...

Ever been beaten up: Yes...let's not go there...bad memories!

Ever beaten someone up: No, but I have fought back in defense. Is that the same thing?

Ever Shoplifted: No

Ever Skinny Dipped: No

Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Yes

Been Dumped Lately: No...I have always been the dumpee..


Favorite Eye Color: Hazel

Favorite Hair Color: Brown/Black

Short or Long: short

Height: 6′ +

Style:Current, age appropriate

Looks or Personality: both

Hot or Cute:Cute

Drugs and Alcohol:Prefer he refrain from drugs/alchohol in moderation

Muscular or Really Skinny:Muscular

Number of Regrets in the Past: two

What country do you want to Visit: Italy

How do you want to Die: Preferrably in my sleep

Been to the Mall Lately: 3-4 times a week, usually

Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes....especially in the summer, when I can sit out on my porch, watch the lightning and listen to the rain.

Get along with your Parents: Only have my Mom left, usually we do...we live 700 miles apart, so it's easy to get along.

Health Freak: Yeah, kinda...

Do you think your Attractive: Yes, I work very hard to be...

Believe in Yourself: Yes

Want to go to College: I would love to go back...maybe one day!

Do you Smoke: Yuck, no!

Do you Drink: Yes, wine, hardly ever anything else

Shower Daily: Twice a day, every day

Been in Love: Yes, with the love of my life right now and forever.

Do you Sing: only in the car

Want to get Married: I am

Do you want Children: I have plenty, so no more for me.

Have your future kids names planned out: no more kids for this chick

Age you wanna lose your Virginity: Um..that happened a long time ago!

Hate anyone: I don't hate...now dislike, hell yeah, lot's of people!

Well, that was fun...feel free to grab it and entertain yourself.

I will be back later with a recap of my glorious, overly stimulating weekend..LOL.

A little Monday Morning Food for Thought...with a humorous twist...


This should boggle your mind!!
And scare you as well!


1 .
At Wal-Mart,
Americans spend $36,000,000 every hour
of every day.

This works out to $20,928 profit
every minute!

Wal-Mart will sell more
from January 1 to St. Patrick's Day (March 17th)
than Target sells all year.

Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot +
Kroger + Target + Sears + Costco +
K-Mart combined.

Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people
and is the largest private employer. And most can't speak English

Wal-Mart is the largest company
in the history of the World.

Wal-Mart now sells more food
than Kroger & Safeway combined,
and keep in mind they did this
in only 15 years.

During this same period,
31 Supermarket chains sought bankruptcy
(including Winn-Dixie).

Wal-Mart now sells more food
than any other store in the world.

Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores
in the USA of which 1,906 are SuperCenters;
this is 1,000 more than it had 5 years ago.

This year, 7.2 billion different
purchasing experiences will occur
at a Wal-Mart store.
(Ear th's population is approximately
6.5 billion.)

90% of all Americans live
within 15 miles of a Wal-Mart

Let Wal Mart bail out Wall Street

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Miracles do come from unexpected places....

A couple days ago...."Mr. Burns"....called me in the office and asked me to meet him for lunch...I really didn't want to go, but he seemed insistent so I did...

Imagine my surprise, while during lunch....he pulled out a christmas card for me. He goes "Merry Christmas"...of course, I felt like an ass, as I didn't have anything for him..with our shaky work relationship, I honestly did not expect anything.
Inside the card was a gift card to Target, with a huge amount of money on it. I am talking huge. I was speechless. This gift card would more than buy Christmas for two little ones, allowing me extra money to give my older two some cash for Christmas.
I told him Thank you, but I couldn't accept it...it was too much. He replied that he wanted to do that for me, he knew (I guess he overheard me talking to my friend Eddie about it..the new office manager)that hubby and I were having a hard time this Christmas...that we weren't going to be able to buy presents until the Friday after Christmas,having our Christmas with the boys, then it was going to be limited. He said he could see how stressed out I was, the dark circles under my eyes, from lack of sleep, etc...he said no one should have to endure the holidays like that...hating them so much, because of lack of money.
He told me how much he appreciated me, he had a good year...he is also a saxophone player, a very good one, and he plays different gigs frequently, makes quite a bit of extra money doing so....so, he said he felt compelled to do something to show his appreciation for me and to me, and to alleviate a little of my burdens this holiday season.
So, I thanked him, with tears in my eyes....finished our lunch and came back to work.

Now....I am eating humble pie....as I have found miracles still occur and from the least expected places....

Thank you Mr. Burns....

Monday, December 15, 2008

This is where I am with this whole damn Holiday b.s.!!!

I hate Christmas! I hate being broke! I hate the pressure of trying to come up with money to buy the "perfect" piece of plastic crap toy! I will just be glad when all of this holiday present buying bull shit is over! I am having anxiety attacks, waking up in the middle of the night, worrying over money...over the fact that I only have 3 presents a piece for my two little guys, and nothing for my older two as of yet, and um..Christmas is in less then 2 weeks away.

My days are spent arguing with the spouse over money, over what bills can go unpaid, or we going to have money to buy what the kids want and make them happy!

I wish we lived back in simpler times, where kids were appreciative to get one toy and some fruit/candy cane in their stocking.

I wished I could just go to sleep and wake up and all of this Christmas crap was over!

I wished I had planned better...started saving in the summer, to insure there would be money there.

I wished Christmas had not became so commericalized...

I wish I made more money!

Again...I must say...Bah Humbug! I hate Christmas!!!!!

That is all..carry on!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday Funny...Santa is definitely a woman.....

Santa Claus is a woman!

Santa Claus is a woman because:
The vast majorities of men don't even think about selecting gifts until Christmas Eve and only go for a last-minute shopping spree.
For a he-Santa, there would be no reindeer because they would all be dead, gutted and strapped on to the rear bumper of the sleigh.
Even if the male Santa did have reindeer, he would inevitably get lost up there in the snow and clouds and then refuse to stop and ask for directions.
For a Santa man, there would be unavoidable delays in the chimney, where the Bob Vila-like Santa would stop to inspect and repaint bricks in the flue.
He would also need to check for carbon monoxide fumes in every gas fireplace, and get under every Christmas tree that is crooked to straighten it to a perfectly upright 90-degree angle.
Men can't pack a bag.
Men would rather be dead than caught wearing red velvet.
Men would feel their masculinity is threatened...having to be seen with all those elves.
Men don't answer their mail.
Men would refuse to allow their physique to be described even in jest as anything remotely resembling a "bowlful of jelly."
Men aren't interested in stockings unless somebody's wearing them.
Having to do the 'Ho Ho Ho' thing would seriously inhibit their ability to pick up women.
Finally, being responsible for Christmas would require a commitment.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My kind of diet....

I was perusing some blogs, and clicking from one place to the other, and one of the bloggers I read mentioned she was thankful for white merlot...now, I have never seen or heard of white merlot, so I googled it. When I did, I stumbled upon this link:Easy wine.net

I no longer need to be on a diet to lose weight...but, if I ever have to again, (God forbid)..then this sounds like a plan that would be right up my alley..lol!

The Chardonnay diet was pioneered by girls in the UK and involves drinking large quantities of Chardonnay wine, water and tea. The Chardonnay diet is a short term diet and is not recommended for more than five days at a time. Like other short term diets, the Chardonnay diet will cause you to loose weight rapidly but, unless you change your eating habits afterward, the weight is not guaranteed to stay off.

On day one of the Chardonnay diet you drink at least two pots of tea in the morning and you continue to drink tea throughout the day until you are really quite hungry. You should try to wait until it is at least three o'clock. At this time, you should have a late lunch of either salad or chicken. Now's time for the Chardonnay wine part of the Chardonnay diet. At around six o'clock after your lunch has digested, you begin drinking a bottle of Chardonnay wine. Once you have finished the bottle of Chardonnay wine, you should go to bed.

Follow this same routine for two more days. If you are doing the Chardonnay diet correctly, you should find that you have lost two pounds for each day. That is a total of six pounds lost in the first three days!

The fourth day of the Chardonnay diet is a little bit different from the first three days. On the fourth day of the Chardonnay diet, you will have your usual tea in the morning but this time you will skip lunch altogether. At six o'clock, you can then have a normal dinner. You can choose whatever type of dinner you wish but something healthy would be very appropriate. Just don't forget to have a bottle Chardonnay wine with it. After all this is the Chardonnay diet. Also, you really shouldn't skimp on dinner. Your body really needs to replenish some vitamins and nutrients because the first three days of the Chardonnay diet can leave you feeling quite weak. After the fourth day of the Chardonnay diet, you may discover that you have gained a pound back. This is normal but you are still five pounds lower overall.

The fifth and final day of the Chardonnay diet Day five is a day of fasting. You should eat nothing at all until six o'clock when you have your final bottle of Chardonnay wine.

As with any other temporary weight loss diet, after completing the Chardonnay diet you should be careful of what you eat. Avoid foods that are high in fat and keep your meal sizes to a minimum in order to allow your body to adjust. This will also help to maintain your weight loss.

Although the Chardonnay diet may not be for everyone, someone who enjoys Chardonnay wine may think this is the best diet ever. Please note, you should always consult a doctor before going on a diet.

Now...honestly, my opinion is that this diet can't actually be real. I posted this in good humor...just for fun. I wouldn't recommend excessive drinking to anyone...regardless of whether or not it makes you lose weight....just saying.

Christmas humor....hee hee....

Where Have I Been?

This cartoon pretty much tells it like it is....

Seriously, this upcoming weekend, is my weekend to start my Christmas shopping...and if the crowds that I have seen, from driving by the mall, Toy's R Us, Wal-Mart and Target, I am going to need to up my fitness game to pretty much get it done....Headed to a possible recession my ass! The parking lots are packed, the crowds..unbelievable!

Both of the little boys have made out their lists....my question is, why in the hell do legos have to be so damned expensive...seriously, I have seen sets, of which 9 year old has requested, over $100 freaking dollars! It's just a bunch of plastic pieces...how can they get away with pricing that stuff so high?
I have bought one thing for Max, one thing for Aaron....seriously, that is all I have done, so I have my work cut out for me. I have to score an X Box 360, and I hope Friday when I go to buy it, I will be able to find it. If not, I am screwed! Because, um...that is what they asked Santa for...along with Guitar Hero.....so, pray that I will be able to find one.

Why start so late, you ask? Well...it has to do with that little pesky thing called money, you know..the green stuff....the stuff we have not had any extra off, until this Friday....

I got my tree up last Friday, a few decorations scattered through out the house....no outside lights as of yet....I am the only one that will put them up...and baby, it has been freaking cold outside...I have just not had the motivation...sigh....
Oh, well, if lights are not put up outside, it wont' be the end of the world. Maybe Justin, 14 year old will help me hang some icicle lights this weekend.

The two youngest want to spend Saturday baking cookies....I have been perusing the intranets for some yummy Christmas cookies, something that will knock everyones socks off....beyond the typical sugar cookie and chocolate chip cookie....anyone out there have any great Christmas cookie or candy recipes you would like to share with little ol' Dixie? I would be much obliged.....just send me an email, or leave me a comment. Consider it your Christmas gift to me....lol.

Happy Hump Day everyone!

Friday, December 5, 2008


I very seldom dream....if I do, I hardly ever remember them.
But, this morning, I had the most realistic dream...I was in a school of some sort, I think I was a teacher/aide or something. I believe it was a high school. As I was walking through the school, sitting in a chair, was this man...as I walked by, he grabbed my wrist, twirled me around and pulled me onto his lap....he smiled up at me, and took my face in his hands...pulled me into him, and kissed me....I actually felt the tingle from the kiss, then my alarm went off...Damn! Why does it always do that, when you are dreaming and you get to the good part!

Oh, this is the man I was dreaming about....

Why, I don't know. I seen Quantam of Solace several weeks ago. No one, or nothing was on my mind when I went to bed (Honey, if you are reading this, seriously, I was not fantasizing about another man, or any man) ...
Also, the whole school bit, I don't get that either....Oh, well...I just thought it was funny that I dreamed this sort of dream, about this man in particular.

So, what kind of crazy dreams do you have? Share with me!


Signs You're Sick of the Holidays

- 10 -
You've got red and green bags under your eyes
- 9 -
You're serving reindeer pot pie
- 8 -
When you hear, "Sleigh bells ring, are you listenin'?," you scream, "No! I'm not listening!"
- 7 -
You climb on your roof and start shooting carolers in the ass with your BB gun
- 6 -
You think you hear your Christmas tree taunting you
- 5 -
Instead of spending time with family, you're watching some guy make photo copies
- 4 -
You're busted for running through town wearing nothing but mistletoe.
- 3 -
You've got eggnog coming out of your ears
- 2 -
Your standard response, "And happy holidays to you too, you bastard"
- 1 -
Two words: tinsel rash

(Source: Top Ten Lists from LATE SHOW with DAVID LETTERMAN)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Fun Christmas Meme.....

Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Depends. Sometimes gift bags, but most often wrapping paper. There is just something about the fun in ripping the paper off of that gift!

2. Real or artificial tree? Fake. I worry about a real one catching on fire, plus all the pine needles falling off.

3. When do you put up the tree? Usually the day after Thanksgiving, but this year it will be this Friday.

4. When do you take the tree down? Usually the weekend after the New Year.

5. Do you like eggnog? If it has liquor in it!

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Shamefully, I don't remember.

7. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes. Two.

8. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I have never received a bad gift. It is always the thought that counts with me.

9. Mail or email Christmas cards? I have in years past, don't know if the budget will allow that this year. Maybe to just a few close family and friends.

10. Favorite Christmas Movie? I have two. A Christmas Story and Bad Santa.

11. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Usually two weeks before Christmas!

12. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? My famous Christmas dinner...ham, mac-n-cheese, mashed potatos, homemade rolls, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, etc...plus all the great before dinner finger foods and desserts/cookies.

13. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Clear...always!

14. Favorite Christmas song? Rocking around the Christmas tree.

15. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Stay home.

16. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer? Yes! To not know them would be so "un-American"..lol!

17. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel.

18. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning? I usually let the kids open one present Christmas Eve, that I pick out for them to open.

19. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Crowds at the stores and Mall.

20. Do you decorate your tree in any specific theme or color? Kind of a candy theme...gum drop garland, lot's of candy type ornaments.

21. What do you leave for Santa? Cookies and milk of course! And some "Reindeer food".

22. Least favorite holiday song? White Christmas...I hate snow! I don't even want to sing about it!

23. Favorite ornament? The ones my kids have made.

There you have it...23 fun things about me regarding the holidays. Feel free to take this meme and make it your own. Just leave me a comment so I can come over and check out your answers!

Thursday 13......

13 Interesting Christmas Facts.....

~The Christmas tree was first introduced by Queen Victoria in 1846.

~Electric lights Christmas trees were first used in 1895.

~The movie "It's a Wonderful Life" appears on TV more often than any other holiday movie.

~ The song "Jingle Bells" was first written for Thanksgiving but become popular around Christmas time.

~You would receive a total of 364 presents if you were to receive every gift listed on the "The Twelve Days of Christmas" song.

~Candy canes were originally white straight sticks of sugar used to decorate a tree.

~In the United States alone, Visa cards are used an average of 5,500 a minute during the holiday season.

~Each year over 3 billion Christmas cards are sent out in the United States.

~Although many believe the Friday after Thanksgiving is the busiest shopping day of the year, it is not. It is the fifth to tenth busiest day. The Friday and Saturday before Christmas are the two busiest shopping days of the year.

~Alabama was the first state to recognize Christmas as an official holiday and the tradition began in 1836.

~One town in Indiana is called Santa Claus. There is also a Santa, Idaho. (I know the one in Indiana is real. Been there. They have an amusement park called Holiday World, where you will find Santa every day of the year...Oops, I stand corrected...Santa is only at Holiday World during the season the amusement park is open, from May until October ).

~"Jingle Bells" was originally written for a Thanksgiving celebration in 1857.

~ The average American takes six months to pay off the holiday credit card bills. (Just in time to start all over again!!)

What interesting facts about Christmas do you know?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


This is so going to be me at our Office Christmas party! LOL...we always have a catered dinner somewhere, with Karaoke....one too many glasses of bubbly, and I very well may be singing, "This job blows"...lol.

I haven't even started my Christmas shopping. Not one single thing as been bought. I don't have any decorations up, nothing.
Don't worry, though...I plan to start the decorating this Friday night. Hubby has to work, I have no kids for the weekend, so it will be just me, the decorations and a bottle of wine! Hopefully, I will get it done. Then, this weekend, I plan to start some shopping. We are on a very tight budget...so, buying for 4 boys, is going to be hard. Our biggest purchase is going to be an XBox 360/Guitar Hero...

It would be so nice, if we could win the lottery or something...I hate how the pressure is on, trying to come up with enough money to satisfy everyone, make everyone happy. Hubby and I never buy for each other. As our primary focus, is the kids. It sucks....maybe that's why I procrastinate about starting my shopping.

Oh, well...I will do the best I can, hopefully the boys will be happy.

If it wasn't for the stress of money, I would love Christmas, but...because that always puts pressure on us, I hate it...it has become so commercialized. When I was a kid, we were just has happy with a few presents, our stocking. Which was usually filled with apples/oranges, candy canes, nuts and a box of chocolate covered cherries.
If my kids got that in their stockings, they would think a cruel joke had been played on them. But, I guess I have no one to blame but myself. I have always went above and beyond, set the bar too high, and it kills me to try to keep that level every year.

So, how many of you are like me, not even started your shopping/decorating?

Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm Back....

Well..hello, all! I am back...Back from the South and back to work! Thanks to all of you that left such heart warming Thanksgiving wishes for me on my last post! You guys rock.

Our Thanksgiving was nice..busy, but nice. It took us 15 hours to get to South Carolina. As I stated in my last post..we left our house Weds Morning at 3:45 a.m. and arrived at my Mom's at 7 p.m....we did ok, until we reached Atlanta, the 285 by pass all the way into South Carolina, was pretty much grid locked, bumper to bumper, 5 miles an hour...for 3 hours! It was horrible. I have never seen traffic so bad. I have made that trip probably 3 dozen times since I have lived in Indiana, and never have I seen traffic that bad. Of course, it wore on our nerves and hubby and I had a few short tempered moments with one another, but...as the saying goes, "All is well, that ends well"...we arrived safely and Mom was thrilled to see us.

Thursday, Thanksgiving, was spent cooking with Mom, as dinner at my brothers was going to be at 5 p.m. that evening. Believe it or not, it went off without a hitch..the sister in law and I were cordial to one another, we didn't have too much to say to one another, but no shots verbally or otherwise were fired. My brother didn't have the white lighting, but he did have a nice bottle of Merlot for me, so that was good. We had a great visit, and a great time....I got to see one of my favorite aunts and uncle's...they made an hour trip down from their house, just to see me! The only one out of four other aunts and one uncle they gave 10 hoots enough to come over and see me. My time was too limited to drive all over half of hell and tarnation to look for them..so, they were the only one's. Oh, well..maybe next time.

Mom and I had huge plans to go do some Black Friday shopping, but we just could not get up and out the door on Friday morning...we finally did venture out to the mall, but the one mall in Anderson was tiny, I forgot how small it really was, we couldn't find anything. WalMart was the same....too many people, it just wasn't worth it to me.
Friday night, hubby and I went to Greenville, which is the larger town, about 20 miles from my Mom's..to check out the Blind Horse saloon...
It was fun, but I was just a tad bit over dressed...lol. Anyway, we left there, went downtown and explored a few other bars, met some nice people from Buford, South Carolina....had a drink with them and ended up at a jazz bar, where I had a George Clooney look a like, totally hitting on me..it was so much fun! Even hubby got a kick out of watching this poor guy make a fool out of himself...

We spent Saturday, our last day, just hanging out with Mom, laying around dozing, watching t.v....we ended up going to pick up take out for dinner, then I went and visited my brother for one last visit, say good bye to my nieces, then we headed back to Mom's...packed up and hit the road at midnight Saturday night...so we could miss the traffic through Atlanta....we did fine there, and it was smooth sailing until almost out of Louisville, KY into Indiana, two accidents caused us to be delayed and once again, a trip that should have took 12 hours, took us 16 hours....

I was extremely glad to be home....now, it's back to work and the start of the Christmas Holidays. I have not even begun my Christmas shopping, still have to put up my tree...the pressure is on....

I will be so glad when the holidays are over and things can get back to normal.

I hope all of you had a terrific Holiday and a great weekend!