Thursday, November 29, 2007


I was over at Casey's blog..aka...Moosh from Indy.....and she had this you tube clip posted,featuring this ventriloquist...Jeff Dunham....loved was so hilarious, I thought I would share a different compilation clip showing his talent...Hope you don't mind, Casey....He is so is about a ten minute clip...but it is totally worth it....It will have you laughing so hard you will spew your coffee...seriously, it is that funny...take 10 will totally make your day.

So, without further is my Friday funny!


1.) Baby Alive....

...she was my favorite doll ever...until I fed her tuna fish, Mom started to smell something rancid, found it was coming from my doll...had to throw her out..I was five year old mind could not comprehend that she was not really alive and tuna fish....was not such good thing for her to have.

2.) Donny and Marie Dolls...

The picture posted is not one of the actual dolls, but close...they had on purple chiffon outfits, came with their own sound stage, microphone and everything..I remember,when their t.v. show would come on, I would have everything set up so I could play with them and watch their show at the same time.

3.) Fashion Plates...

I spent hours creating my own "designs"....I think I was about 8 or 9 when I got this for Christmas...I loved it...I just knew someone was going to recognize my talents and want me to design for them in Paris or somewhere....pipe dreams....I tell ya...what hopes we have as kids.

4.) Strawberry Shortcake...

I just loved her..she smelled great...she came with friends...I was a Strawberry Shortcake freak..I had her and several of her friends....I remember taking her to school, like in first grade or recess, some boy stepped on her playing kick-ball or something anD smashed the side of her face in...never got his shoe mark off of her face.

5.) Snow White Mirror Mirror on the Wall....

I think this was one of my creepier has this button, you pushed, it would show the sorcerer in the mirrors reflection as he said the Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Whose the Fairest of them all..then it would show your reflection....creepy!

6.) Barbie Hair Style Head...geez, I don't know what else to call it..

I also wanted to be a cosmetologist when I grew up...I practiced on this Barbie head so much, her hair started to fall out..I also used magic markers on her face, for make-up...she ended up looking like a body less

7.) Barbie Townhouse....

I was a Barbie Freak..aren't most girls? Even today...girls everywhere love cousin had the Barbie Mansion...with pool, camper, everything..times were tough for my Mom, so, this was all she could afford..she picked it up at a yardsale, but it was in great condition...I never knew that, until years later...because she had it all set up on Christmas Morning, I thought Santa had brought it...I loved that thing.

8.) Cabbage Patch Doll

I never had the real thing...I wanted one really bad, but Mom could not afford to buy me one, so one Christmas, she had a lady she knew that made "adoptive dolls", similar to the cabbage patch doll...well, she must of been drinking when she made mine...because it's head was shaped like a football, kind of like that Nickolodeon cartoon, Hey, Arnold! It had enough yellow yarn on it's head to crochet an did have the cute little butt though, I loved that doll..until I took it to school one day, two girls beat me up and took her from me, the teacher found her in the trash can...after that, I was never the same about dolls...nor did I ever take one to school again, even though all of the other girls were bringing theirs.

9.) Paper Dolls....

I had quite the collection of these little rainy day gems...shoe boxes full..I could spend an entire afternoon of playing with these...every time Mom went to town, I had to have a new book of them..always got them, along with coloring books, for Christmas.

10.) Easy Bake Oven....

When my Mom would bake...I would have to pull out my little Easy Bake oven and bake too...although, everything "baked" in it always came out tasting like crap!

11.) Little House on the Prairie Books..Boxed set...

Man, I wished I still had these...I got them when I think I was about eight, and I read the entire set over Christmas read them several times over the years. My favorite childhood books ever!

12.) Sweet Valley High Books Boxed Set...

I lived vicariously through these every single book in the entire series.

13. ) Shrinky Dinks....

Let's just say, Me and this toy...resulted in a lot of burns...but man, they were fun.

Well, I guess that is enough of the childhood memories...Did any of you ladies have any of these toys?



Toward the beginning of this month...I posted about the Underblogs.....and how I wanted you, my blogger friends, to give me a list of blogs that you like....there are so many great ones out there, that post awesome material...yet, some of us never know about these would be such a shame to keep them in the, I asked for help from some of you to list at least five blogs that you like....only a few of you commented, but it still gave me quite the, to those blogs you recommended....I hand out this award....celebrating you....The underblog....and I also want to hand out this award to the blogger that recommended these awesome, here goes....

I give this award...

To the following receipients.... and receipients...make sure to copy and paste your award on your sidebar for everyone to see how much you rock!

Daddy Forever for recommending the following underblogs...(these underblogs receive the award as well)...

Chased by Children
Holly's Corner Blog
Say Anything
The Ice Box

Lori..from Fairytales & Margaritas recommended...

Cami because she's witty and smart.
Holly because she is one of the funniest chicks you could ever know.
Jo because she is funny and has great stories about her kids.
Troy because he is one funny dad with teenage girls. dear friend from over at the Egels Nest told me to pluck a few feathered friends from his blog that he has given a few blog awards, here goes..

Melinda Zook
I'd rather be Blogging
Play at Home Mom
I Beati
My Beautiful Chaos
A tale of Two Kiddies
Life isn't a Matter of Milestones
Mommee & Her Boys
Myriad Musings of Marci
V-Dog and Little Man

Now...for Dixie's picks...

From the Land of Monkey's and Princesses just love her, because we are both Southern....her husband likes the colts and she has two amazing kids..I feel that if we were to ever meet up, we would be the best of friends....

Add Humor and Faith She is an amazing woman, that has truly lived her life in a joyful fashion and she always has an amazing story to tell...she is also the Mom of Chased by Children.

Kim of Fab Fam of Three she is a wonderful mother of two beautiful children...and is about to become Fab Fam of Four....

Casey at Moosh In Indy I just found her and I absolutely adore her...she is a cute little mom of the Beautiful Moosh, transplanted from Utah to Indianpolis Indiana..close to hom for me...I love her day to day stories of her beautiful little Moosh and life in a city I visit on a weekly basis...check her out!

Pissy....wonderful Pissy over at Southern Circle of Hell
because...well, lot's of reasons..too many to list...just go over check her won't be disappointed....She rocks!

There you have it folks...The wonderful Underblogs....Check them out....Also, peruse through my blogroll...I love them all...just can't list them all in this post....they are all worthy of this award.....worthy of your me on, I have to go and alert each of these winners to their award....

This was fun! Can't wait to read each and every one of these terrific blogs! And hey, if you feel so inclined..pass on the love!


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The checkered flag is in sight....the last half hour of the finale!

The destiny of the mirror ball trophy is still unknown...

Mel B does her dance..ho hum...they did good....just still not good enough to win me over..the judges were very complimentary....their total score...85 out of 90...still one point ahead...
*sorry...I did not get the judges thoughts...Max got up..took me the entire Mel B dance to get him back in bed***

The Banana man is back with his perfect 30 Quickstep....He is ready to go full throttle...Vroom Vroom Helio...give it to me....Wow..wonderful, wonderful, wonderful...their chemistry is amazing..he just gave, or should I say, Julianne just gave Helio a good long kiss....I love them!
Now...for the judges comments...
Bruno..the turbo was engaged...he is like the sunny side of life...very proud of him.
Carrie Ann...favorite dance again..she told him to watch what he does to the have taken a risk every time you have danced...great dancing!

Dumm...dum...dumm...dum...Dumm...dum...dumm...Who is going to get the trophy???
I am so nervous for Helio and Julianne

Ok...well, the votes are in...and...
The winners are...

Hallelujah!!!! Helio and Julianne...THEY WON...THEY WON...THEY WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...I AM BEYOND THRILLED...I KNEW I PICKED A WINNER...asta la vista...Mel B.....Helio once again made it to the finish line!! Way to go Helio and Julianne~!!!! I will be at the Indy 500 come welcome Helio across the finish line there as well..

This has been without a doubt...the best season ever...thanks my friends, for watching and sharing it with me...I am going to bed a happy woman...just as soon as I do my Happy Dance....

Part 3...the third half hour...of the two hour Finale!

They are talking about Bruno and Carrie Ann's new show, "Dance War"...are any of you going to be watching? Me??? Depends on if American Idol is on at the same time....we will just have to wait and see...

Ahhh...poor hubster has to get ready to go to work..the poor guy has suffered through the entire season of watching this show with me, now he has to leave and miss the last half hour....he is not happy..believe it or not, he has actually enjoyed it..he is a big racing fan...just like me..he hopes Helio is going to blow Mel B out of the competition and take home that mirror ball trophy tonight...ha ha...he said he is going to call me when he gets to work to see who won....

The next returning star..the most improved....Jennie and Derek...she is one hot MILF...I used to look like that....once upon a time..oh, well...time marches on..haha....Wow....looks like she is even better than before...Great performance!
She should have stayed over Marie when she was voted off!

Celine Dion...singing once again...the biggest selling female artist of all time...I didn't know that....this song is new, from her new album...UMmmm...don't think I will be rushing out to Hell Mart to buy it any time soon...Don't get me wrong..she is great...for those of you that like her type of music...just not my cup of tea....I am more your AC/DC kind of girl....she sounds kind of folk songish....or country....nothing wrong with that either....I grew up on Country and folk music...whatever floats your boat I say.

Now...they are reviewing the differences between Mel B and Helio...Mel sucks..Helio rules...just my opinion..I am entitled to it!

Live...from the living room of Dixiechick...Dancing with the Stars Grande finale!!! we go, the second half hour of the show...

Gosh..I can not get these kids to stay in bed..time to bring out the rope, tie them to it...haha..just kidding...but, seriously, Aaron has something on his finger now, something that he can't see..but it hurts when he rubs on, let me tuck him back in..

I totally missed Wayne Newton's they are talking about Mel B and and friends are commenting about of the guys just commented that they hope Helio's helmet still fits when he gets back..

Back to the ballroom..Floyd Mayweather and Karina Smirnoff....he is not dancing tonight...preparing for a big fight on Dec 8th....

Mark Cuban is back...looking quite dapper....still got that face thing going on...They are dancing to King of the quaint...he is still a little stiff, but overall, not too bad...

They are reviewing the good dances and the bad...recapping Sabrina and Mark having to leave...yeah, that was a say the least....I expected, just like Tom, to see Sabrina in the Sabrina is, she looks hot...her love affair with Mark is doing well for her..awww..too cute...Mark just gave her a little kiss on the nose...the audience is cheering, going nuts for her..she did very very well....Love her!

Puny Jane is back...she looks very elegant..they are dancing to Billy Joel's the Piano Man....The judges gave her a standing ovation....very nice.......

Uh Oh...Cameron and Edyta....dancing their "Superman" routine..He is hot...I give him that....they look great, their dance is great....Man,
Edyta is so skinny....I hate her.Nah, just kidding..their dance is really fun. I thought he did a good job, from start to finish on this show...He took his shirt off..OH MY GOD!!!!!!! That was totally worth sitting here for over an hour...

Bathroom break...

Part 3, third half hour coming up....stay with me people!

Dancing with the Stars...the Grande Finale!!!

At this point, only 1 point seperates Mel B and Helio from acquiring that Mirror Ball trophy...that is, unless Marie's fan's, once again kept her in...

Ok..they just recapped last nights scores...Mel B in first, Helio in 2nd and Marie at the bottom..

Celine Dion is singing...I like her Ok..I like My heart will go on...very romantic song and she has a great voice....I have her C.D. someplace....I love the flute that guy is the background. The professionals that are dancing during her song look like they are fluttering in the wind..they are awesome...I would so love to be able to dance that way...

They are getting ready to reveal who is going third place....Oh my god, oh my god...who is it going to be....

Whooo Hooooo...Marie and Jonathan....are finito.....Don't get me wrong, I like Marie..just not in this competition...she is funny...she is entertaining....but, her time was up...

Marie and Jonathan are dancing their farewell dance...they are dancing the was good....a lot more calmer than last night...farewell Marie...farewell. they are recapping funny moments with all the stars and their partners...lots of backstage stuff..Helio really has such a great sense of humor...I loved the Prince Charming joke between him and Julianne...too cute..

Now former contestant..Albert? I think it the Elvis song..A little less conversation..a lot more action...great job....he last danced on the show eight weeks ago...Wow...he looked like he had been dancing every day since..

I am sitting here....looking at the clock....wondering how in the hell they are going to drag this show out for another hour and a half...

Stay tuned..part two coming up....I am going to pour a glass of are in bed....time to relax...we will get through this!

I have not forgot...

A while back...I mentioned "Celebrating the Underblog"...only a few of you commented, leaving me with a list of blogs that you would like for me to, I will have that post, with the list of blogs and thier award, posted tomorrow....

Also, I am going to try and live blog the results of The winner of Dancing with the Stars tonight....if the hubster and kiddies cooperate with me....

Until then...have a good evening with your families....I am off of work here in a few, to the grocery and home to do the cook dinner, help with homework, bathe kiddos, etc....etc...


Finally...Dancing with the Stars recap...just in time for the elimination round!

I can honestly say I thought I would be more pumped after last nights show, but I'm not....I of course felt Helio and Julianne did the best of the night...but, overall...I just wasn't "wowed"....

Boy, did they cram a lot of "weirdness" into last nights Dancing with the Stars...
it was also kind of dull...just not as exciting as I was expecting for the finals....
It seemed to me like their was less dancing on the part of Marie and Mel B and more "hamming it up" for the cameras....for it to be the "final" show, I...along with a lot of other viewers I am sure, were expecting to see a lot of perfect 10's...but the judges were harsher with their votes, all we really seen were a lot of 8's and 9's.....

So...without further ado....lets recap the show...

First up, Mel B and Maxim....

For their first dance...they performed the Cha Cha Cha...they danced to the song "Car Wash"...seriously??? For a Cha Cha???? That was was full of flair, kind of amusing, but not your traditional Cha was void of the breathless moves one would expect of a dancer dancing the Cha Cha...Len said it was "crisp, clean, precise"...a good show opener, with a few "funny" moments.
Bruno said she was an accomplished stunning dancer and Carrie Ann said it was fun, but that she was expecting a tad more excitement....their score...28. I totally disagreed with that most...a 24 was what I thought she deserved. Why in the heck do the judges like her so much?

For their second dance...they danced Freestyle...they danced to Timbaland's "The Way I Are"...which I felt the band did a bad imitation of....they were totally out of their element..I mean, Hip Hop??? In ballroom dancing? Come was a train wreck....Max was the choreographer and you could tell was not cohesive at all. They were all over the place, with ridiculous hip-hop moves, crazy did not show case her talents and improvements since the beginning...I thought it was terrible.
The judges thoughts....Len felt it was disjointed, lacked flow....Bruno differed with his opinion..he felt it was risky, spectacular and that they did a good job...Carrie Ann did not feel that it showed off the greatness that is Mel B...Ummm....yeah...
Their score for the them a total of 55 out of 60.

Marie and Jonathan are next.....
The judges picked the Samba for thier first dance....

I must say....Marie does give her heart and soul with her performances but last night, as far as the dancing side of things go...She sucked! The Samba is the same dance she danced and afterwards, I am sure the judges were holding their breath...waiting for it to happen again....instead, she did make it was once again, not her best dance. The Samba, according to Bruno, is tricky....he told her technically, it wasn't a good dance for her, but she never fails to entertain...Len says, for entertainment and fun, she is second to none..just not so with her dancing....Carrie Ann agreed with Bruno and Len....she said it revealed Maries range of motion weaknesses...which in a nut my opinion...she just can not keep up...she is definitely not the strongest of the finalists....thier first dance score....24.

For their FreeStyle Dance...all I can say is What a was a cross between a doll from some macrabe Toy Soilder freakish nightmare....or was "just weird"....As Bruno said, It was the loopiest thing I have ever seen....he even went as far as to compare it to "Baby Jane and the Bride of Chucky"....Marie was dressed, I guess you could say like a porcelain doll..because if you didn't already know, she is a "doll designer"....hence the "idea" for the dance I guess...Their song choice was to "Start Me Up" and Marie is supposed to be a wind up doll, that once her partner "winds up" she comes to was very stiff, very mechanical...there was a lot of weird lifts, hardly any dancing. Len told her that what happened to her with that dance, is something that has happened to him..something that sounds like a good idea, is put together and brought out on the dance floor, it basically "craps" out....Marie was upset, disagreed with everything the judges said...but I am with the judges on this was not a sucked. They scored a 22....placing them third for last night.

The last couple...of course are my pick to win...Helio and Julianne....

Their enthusiasm is so contagious...I just adore them together. For their first dance, the judges picked the Jive for them to dance...Julianne is dressed in this adorable pink/black 50's poodle skirt number....Helio looks very handsome in a pink shirt/black pants, which had sequined cuffs on them...awesome....they dance to the song, "The Twist"...they did a fantastic job...they told a story with their dance...they get a standing ovation...lots of hollering and yelling from the a good way....Carrie Ann totally agreed with the audience's enthusiasm...but she was tough on poor Helio about his footwork..he did mess up some steps here and there through out the dance....some of his moves were a little awkward....Len said he messed up the "toe-heel swivels"...he did say although he was high octane, there were a lot of technical issues with the dance...Bruno felt his personality of course was gleaming, but he too had issues with Helio's footwork....their score for the Jive.....25....Boo to the judges, because it was still better than Mel B's Cha Cha....

For their Freestyle dance..Helio and Julianne totally rocked it! This dance was, without a doubt...the zestiest dance of the night...and they wore racing jumpsuits to kick it cute, so adorable....loved it. They danced like racecar drivers, only sparklier....they even rip off their outfits to reveal sexier costumes underneath...They dance to the "Land of a 1000 dances" and they do a meanagerie of dances in that one was a total blast, for them as well as the audience...they are flipping and turning all over the place. Len said it was the best Freestyle dance of the night...Helio had some very difficult lifts to perfect and perfect them he did...Carrie Ann said it was fantastic, she said it brought technique as well as entertainment....Bruno called Helio, "Mr. Irresistable"....their score...29...for a total of 54 out of point behind Mel B...and if the judges had not done such a poor job of scoring on Mel B's first dance...Helio and Julianne would have been in the lead.

The trophy will be awarded you all support....lie with Helio and Julianne....he has come so far...out of the three remaining...he has improved the most....he drives a race car..has never been on stage entertaining like Mel B and Marie...and isn't that the whole point of Dancing with the Stars??? He so deserves to win...Mel B did not bring it home last night and Marie...well Marie just needs to hang it up....

2 hour results show....tonight....9 P.M...CBS...Celine Dion will perform, one person will be voted off, the remaining two will dance one last time, before the trophy is awarded....I can guarantee that Mel B and Helio will be the two left to dance , in a dead heat race, to acquire that trophy!

Now lets all say it together.........GO HELIO AND JULIANNE!


Very busy work day...

The boss is in the office, has been all time thus far to post my Dancing with the Stars recap....don't give up on me...hopefully soon.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Let the Christmas Madness begin.....

Wow...hard to believe that Christmas is less than a month away....when I left with my last post, the hubster and I were on our way out to start our Christmas shopping...he hates to, I thought the above cartoon was don't think that it is the shopping, has much as it is the spending of the money....we bought a few things, but I still have a long way to go.
I am one of those "wait until the last minute" kind of people.
I don't venture out on Black Friday.....but come Christmas Eve....I am still out there running with the rest of the crazies, zombie-eyed shoppers....grabbing those last minute items, trying to salvage what is left to buy. was every one's Thanksgiving? Mine was busy, yet wonderful...I cooked so much food, we are still eating the left overs...but that is the fun of it, isn't it?
Hubby's Mom and Dad came over, I had all four boys, then me and the hubster....
I cooked an 18 lb turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, cornbread dressing, baked macaroni and cheese, rolls....2 pumpkin pies, brownies and the previously mentioned coconut cake....I had appetizers as well...everything was homemade, from took me 3 days to shop, prepare and cook all of that food, by myself..and a total of 30 minutes for everyone to eat and get up from the table...amazing.

The in-laws took Max (4 yr old) with them Thanksgiving night, hubster went to sleep, of, the three older boys and I just kind of hung out....watched t.v..I was so exhausted I could barely move...

Here are a few pictures of the three older boys Thanksgiving night. front of the computer...where he stayed the majority of the to keep up with all the girls on "face book"...

Justin...getting ready to watch the Colts game....

Aaron, playing downstairs in the playroom....

Friday, we had to take the boys home to Terre Haute, Tim had to work Friday we were in a rush to get them there....hubster was driving, he got pulled over...received a speeding ticket to the tune of $160....what a way to put a dent in the Christmas budget, let me tell ya....let's just say I was none too happy with him....

Friday and Saturday night, we did a little shopping, stayed in the rest of the time.
Sunday, on the way to pick up the two little ones for the weekend....we got rear ended....did not do a lot of damage to our car...just scraped our left rear bumper...get this...hubster let the girl that hit us go....he said he could buff it out, not worth the trouble....I was not too happy about that either...

I am tired...I am irritable....I don't want to be here at work....but, we have a speeding ticket to pay now, I don't work....I don't get paid.
C'est la vie.....huh!

This week has got to be better than the's to a good one..

OH...Don't forget...Dancing with the Stars tonight! This is the last show..until Tomorrows results...they will each be dancing three dances tonight...I 'll be watching....hope you will be too..

Go....Helio and Julianne!


Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving is over.....

I just wanted to check in with everyone....hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful. Mine was..just very very busy. Who braved the Black Friday sales yesterday? I did not...but I am getting ready to head out and do some shopping today....Let the Christmas count down begin. I will try to get on later this evening, make a more substantial post...until then....


Wednesday, November 21, 2007



Happy Thanksgiving My Friends!

I am leaving work soon to go pick up my kids for the holiday..I am so excited to get to see Tim, (17) yr old...I have not had a good visit with him since the 4th Of, anyway, just wanted to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving...I will be cooking all evening, all day, I probably won't be on the computer for a day or two....

I leave you with Adam Sandlers Thanksgiving song lyrics...if you have never heard it, try and pull it up online..I couldn't find a link,Youtube is blocked for me here at work, sorry....but, it is funny...worth a listen

They wanna hear the thanksgiving song! all right..
This is uhh, this is the thanksgiving song
I hope you enjoy it.

[starts playing]
Love to eat turkey
Love to eat turkey

Shout from crowd: I love you adam!
Adam sandler: ohhh, I love you!
Love to eat turkey
cause its good
Love to eat turkey
Like a good boy should
cause its turkey to eat
So good

Adam sandler: that clappins messing my head up man. I appreciate it. but I was trying to think of the next line and all I hear is clapping. here we go... thanks anyways

Turkey for me
Turkey for you
Lets eat the turkey
In my big brown shoe
Love to eat the turkey
At the table
I once saw a movie
With betty grable
Eat that turkey
All night long
Fifty million elvis fans
Cant be wrong
Turkey lurkey doo and
Turkey lurkey dap
I eat that turkey
Then I take a nap

Thanksgiving is a special night
Jimmy walker used to say dynomite
Thats right
Turkey with gravy and cranberry
Cant believe the mets traded darryl strawberry
Turkey for you and
Turkey for me
Cant believe tyson
Gave that girl v.d.

White meat, dark meat
You just cant lose
I fell off my moped
And I got a bruise
Turkey in the oven
And the buns in the toaster
Ill never take down
My cheryl tiegs poster
Wrap the turkey up
In aluminum foil
My brother likes to masturbate
With baby oil
Turkey and sweet potato pie
Sammy davis jr.
Only had one eye

Turkey for the girls and
Turkey for the boys
My favorite kind of pants
Are corduroys
Gobble gobble goo and
Gobble gobble gickel
I wish turkey
Only cost a nickel
Oh I love turkey on thanksgiving

Happy thanksgiving everybody! goes nothing!

100 things about moi.....

1.) I am 25 years old...HHuurruuummpppphhhh....OK...37! Geez....
2.) I was born in NC, moved to SC when I was almost two years old.
3.) I have 1 living brother, 1 deceased brother.
4.) My baby brother died when I was 8 years old, he was 18 months old.
5.) I am a Mom to four handsome wonderful boys, Tim, Justin, Aaron and Max.
6.) I am divorced twice and remarried for the third time to my soul mate.
7.) I never met my real dad; he died of a massive heart attack, 29 years old, while my Mom was three months pregnant with me; she remarried when I was two, My step dad was the only dad I ever, he was daddy to me.
8.) I am 1/4 Cherokee Indian. My paternal (biological dad's) Mom was full blooded Cherokee.
9.) I love wine. Rieslings, whites, some reds...occasional Pinot Grigio.
10.) I drive a Saturn's a stick shift.
11.) I learned to drive a stick when I was 16.
12.) 3 years ago, I was a size ZERO!
13.) Now...I am a size 4-6...depends, because clothing manufacturers are clueless when it comes to sizing clothes.
14.) Love and finally finding happiness made me gain weight...that...and wine.
15.) I feel I look healthier now....although, I would love to have some plastic surgery...I would totally have the works done if I had the money.
16.) My favorite foods are Lobster, nice fillet Mignon, pasta...probably another reason I am no longer a size
17.) I T.V...Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, etc..
18.) I met my current husband on
19.) I also love to watch Little People/Big World and Jon/Kate Plus 8...My husband makes fun of me for this.
20.) I have a serious case of road rage...I curse at people and drive too fast. They just need to get out of my way..then it would all be good..(do keep it at bay with my kids in the car though)
21.) I have very little patience...I have to work on that every day of my life.
22.) Coffee is my wake up call...I have to have it every and caffeine withdrawals~not pretty.
23.) Sleeping/reading is another favorite past time of mine; neither of which I get enough of.
24.) I love high heels, the higher the better...I can walk/dance/run in them if I have too...I wear them with everything....all of the time.
25.) I love to dress up sexy for my when he takes me out dancing/date nights.
26.) My husband takes me out twice a month for our date nights.
27.) I get a pedicure/manicure every two weeks...I am not high maintenance...I work every day, that is a luxury my husband insists I give myself.
28.) I drive too fast.
29.) I have only gotten one speeding ticket, to the tune of $150, in the past 20 years.
30.) I love old-school Rock-n-Roll.
31.) Although I do listen to hip-hop, current top ten, twenty..whatever...with my kids. I know what a shorty is...I can do the Solider boy...I am totally hip like that.
32.) I love to dance....I am pretty good at it....just not Dancing with the Stars good.
33.) I love Subway...I could eat it every day for lunch.
34.) I am not too happy with my job right just does not challenge me....
35.) I worked in Hospital management for eight years, at a 330 bed hospital...loved it, Miss it, wished I had that job back.
36.) I miss my two older boys something fierce...I hate they are growing up on me.
37.) My 2 older boys live with their dad...I still have court ordered physical custody, but when they both turned 13, they decided they wanted to live with their broke my heart!
38.) My 2nd ex-husband was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life...he was mentally, verbally and physically abusive to me....and also a drug addict. He was arrested for that abuse finally..that was the demise of our marriage.
39.) My first ex-husband was 11 years older than me, he was a good guy, I loved him, but there were too many differences between us.
40.) I married for the first time at 19~he moved me from SC to Indiana 2 days after we were married.
41.) I don't care for sports~at least, watching them on t.v...I can only tolerate going to a football game if it is one where my boys are playing.
42.) I only went to my junior prom-I went with a guy named Brian, he was a twin-skinny, red hair-it sucked! I looked like a typical southern dress was long and a had a crinoline underneath it...I wore long white gloves.
43.) Because of my last divorce, I was forced to file bankruptcy....thanks to his numerous credit cards he maxed out, without my knowledge...I am just now getting my credit score back up.
44.) I drove with my hubby to Pensacola Beach, in June of this year, over 1 weekend...left on Friday, came back on Sunday...16 hour drive one way...that was a really stupid idea.
45.) States I have visited: NC, SC, TN, KY, GA, IL, Fl
46.) I love chocolate..any's all good.
47.) I secretly love to watch Family Guy...Peter cracks me up!
48.) I love movies, I rent a lot, but I don't watch half of what I rent...always have late fees.
49.) I don't have a best friend, aside from my husband...What is wrong with me? I just can not make close girl-friends.
50.) Before I met hubby, I did have a best friend-Carol-we were best friends for eleven years-then I moved two hours away, we have lost touch. I miss her.
51.) I have been told my best feature is my legs..and I have a pretty face. I disagree...but aren't all women, at least the majority, unhappy with their appearance?
52.) I was a blond for 13 years...just now went back to my natural color~brunette.
I hate it! I liked being blond better.
53.) As a blond-everyone I met told me I looked like Marilyn Monroe...strangers would even tell me that.
54.) I can't wear pierced earrings...when my 14 year old was a baby, I was wearing hoop earrings, he was playing with them, he pulled on one, ripped it right through my ear lobe...I never got it fixed, because it was considered cosmetic surgery, at the time my husbands insurance would not cover it...I have very small ears anyway, so my right lobe has a small tear in it..can't get an earring in.
55.) I don't have any tattoos...I would like a small one, some where in a discreet place..hubby would kill me if I got one, so I don't have one.
56.) I love to shop, for clothes, house, etc...just hate food shopping.
57.) I love to read...I am a voracious reader..fiction, mystery, all kinds...I used to read around 2 books a week, now I am lucky to read one a month.
58.) I only get to see my Mom and brother twice a year, If I am lucky.
59.) I hate beer.
60.) I love Martini's-lemon drop, green apple, cosmos, etc..
61.) I need to lose 15-20 least I think I do...I hate dieting.
62.) I went to church all the time growing up-I don't go now.
63.) I was born a southern baptist....yet my granny took me to a Pentecostal church throughout my childhood....
64.) I don't have a cell phone...I know I need to get with the program...get one...just have not.
65.) I get my feelings hurt very easily.
66.) I cry at the drop of a hat...I hate that about myself...I blame my last ex for making me so sensitive...he was a real jerk!
67.) My favorite t.v. sitcom is Every Body loves reminds me of my family and my husbands mom and dad.
68.) Halloween is my favorite holiday.
69.) I used to love Christmas, but with each kid, the money that is expected to be spent..all the commercialization of it, I just abhor it now...I would be happy to skip it entirely.
70.) My birthday is September 7th.
71.) I am a Virgo.
72.) I am a moody person....downright mean, my husband says, if I don't get enough sleep...I have to have at least six hours to function properly...Most nights a I can get that...but sometimes, insomnia kicks in, I may get three...then watch out.
73.) I would love to own my own nightclub...for people my age....classy, elegant, dress to impress, which woud mean everyone must dress up, with a cover band every would be awesome.
74.) I learned to read when I was five.
75.) Before I die I want to travel...I want to visit Scotland, Ireland, England, Italy, France and Greece.
76.) I am very fair skinned-it takes me a long time to get a tan-I burn easily.
77.) I have blue eyes.
78.) I am very obsessive compulsive when it comes to the neatness/cleanliness of my house.
79.) I have to vacuum my house every single night before I go to bed.
80.) I am afraid of dying...I try not to think about it.
81.) I am more afraid of one of my kids dying before me.
82.) I took piano lessons as a teen-ager...can't play crap now.
83.) I lost my virginity when I was 15...not by choice.
84.) I am not a very good swimmer...I also don't like to get my hair wet-so I don't go swimming very often.
85.) I am a very girly-girl...I love make-up and getting my hair done. I won't leave the house without both being perfect.
86.) I buy myself something new each week-just a little something-the kids too!
87.) I miss my Mom a lot...we were not very close when I was a teenager..I have regrets over that-I cry over that every week it seems.
88.) I wish my husband was more romantic...he does take me out, don't get me wrong....but I don't get flowers, cards, none of those types of things...just wished he would once in a while.
89.) I love giving cards...I keep some on hand for just about every occasion..I could spend a lot of money on that hobby.
90.) I write poetry...not so much anymore, but when I was in my abusive marriage..I filled several journals full of poetry I husband says it is good enough to be published...but I never will, they are too personal.
91.) I wish I had more girl friends...some girlfriends...even one would do.
92.) I am extremely critical of myself...I try to please everyone but myself.
93.) I sleep on the left side of the bed, three pillows behind my head, one between my knees...I don't like to be cuddled while I sleep...I need my space.
94.) I hit the snooze button at least 3 times before I get up in the morning..a bad habit I need to break...since I often run 5-10 minutes late for work most mornings...I can't help it..I am just not a morning person.
95.) I had an affair on my last husband...the abusive one...I don't justify what I was wrong, but so was his abuse...I just needed someone, to help me handle the abuse I was dealing with...
96.) I tried smoking once...for 2 weeks...that was 10 years ago....I decided I didn't like it, threw out the entire pack of cigarettes and I have never picked them up again...just wasn't for me. I am glad I did that.
97.) I have only broken my toe-no other bones.
98.) I have been in the hospital five times in my life, for the birth of each of my children, for 1 car accident when I was 17...almost killed me..the car accident that is.
99.) I pre-fer diet coke.
100.) I love my boys more than my life, I would give my life for them.....

Well....there you have it...100 boring, inane things about me....If you read them all, then I am amazed.....

That was tougher than I thought it would be....but I guess I am not as mundane and boring as I thought....


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 more thing....

Why are these invading my house

....there are probably a half dozen on my ceiling/wall right now, two inside of my desk lamp.....

There have been the same over the last few days....where are they coming do I get rid of them...I have heard a lot of people say they are having the same problem...what is up with that? Are any of you under attack by these pesky little "lady bugs?" Or is just us in the Mid West?


I am just now sitting down to watch Dancing with the stars.....Avril Lavigne is know what...I just don't dig me, it is not music...just a lot of shouting, no harmony...maybe it's just the song...or maybe, I am just getting old...I sure feel old.
I am only 37, but sometimes....I feel soooooo much older. This working Mom thing is hard....but, like I have said life may be's my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything....

Not only did I work from 8-5 today..I went grocery shopping....Payless, our grocery, was took me 45 minutes to get what I needed, get checked out.... and another 20 minutes to get I was bringing in the groceries, one of the stupid bags broke, because the pin heads that bag the groceries, think it is just a.o.k to put lots of glass jars in one flimsy plastic bag...the bag broke, the spaghetti sauce I was going to use for dinner, broke...shattered over the steps at my back door... and all over my kitchen floor, down my slacks, all inside of my heels....
talk about ticked off! See...I was planning on using that jar of spaghetti sauce to make our dinner...fortunately, my neighbor had a spare jar....

So, I unloaded the car, all $100 worth of groceries, put them were going wild..hubster did help me clean up the broken glass from the broken jar...and the sauce mess....anyway...even with all the chaos that is my house and family in the evening...I still managed to put this awesome meal on the table..

Feast your eyes....MMMmmmmm Chicken was awesome!

After dinner, I had to clean up, run the sweeper and make sure eight year old had gotten his bath....then I baked this....

It has to stay refrigerated for two to three days, to help lock in the flavor...I made it for Thanksgiving...I have stressed to everyone to keep their hands and fingers out of it...

Finally, everything is done...the kids are in bed..and I sit here at the of wine in hand...

This is a typical day in my,let's live blog...Dancing with the Stars...Just watched Marie and Jonathan be voted safe....Unbelievable...but, I told you guys....she would stay, just because of her fan base...I can't believe it is because of her dancing....don't get me wrong...she is good...just not as good as the rest of them that are left.

If I had to bet, Jennie will be going home...if and I say If....they send Helio home...I AM DONE!! I will not watch anymore...but surely they won't do that....

Wow, that Dude from Lord of the Dance is awesome...their performance was just mind blowing....loved it! Lots of sexy, good looking men in that dance and dance well...I love men that can dance...unfortuanately...hubster can't....he takes me out dancing, but he lets me dance with others....because he just is not a dancer and he knows how much I love it.

Now..Avril is singing again....I kind of like this song..better than her first one.
Sabrina Bryan and Mark are us a wonderful dance...she is so great.....she should still be in this competition...Wow..girl has got some moves!
Even has a kid...I don't think I could ever flip or split or move like that...holy cow'...they do make a handsome couple.

Now...they are listening to the stars talk about who deserves to be in the finals, who doesn't....Jennie and Helio are the most improved...for sure. Derek Hough could not have said it better..the definition of Dancing with the Stars is making a non dancer into a dancing star....not someone that has it in their background like Marie and Mel B....

Marie just said she sees the finish know, she may be this point, who the heck knows.....

Ok....the second couple dancing in next weeks finals is...Mel and Max...go figure! I mean, she is a good dancer, but no better than the others....what is keeping her in ahead of everyone else...personally, I can't stand her....I just don't like how she carries herself, talks, acts, everything...'s down to Helio and Jennie....dum..dum..dumm.......Jennie is going home! Wow...did I call it or's tough to see any of them go home I guess....they are all good dancers....

So....who is going to win that coveted trophy???? At this point...your guess is as good as mine. that I can breathe....I am going to bed....Have a good night my friends....


104 posts!

Wow...I just noticed I have posted 104 posts....I really did not know how well I would do at this whole blog thing...but I am loving it! It is such a great outlet...and to top it off, I am making some great new friends! Thanks to all of you that come back to read me, day after day.....your comments truly brighten my day!

I have noticed throughout the blogosphere...that once a blogger reaches 100 posts...they are supposed to post "100 things about me", look for that later today...or tomorrow. Not sure how interesting that will be for you....I don't know if I can come up with 100 things, but I will try!

Hugs to you all!


The Semi-Final Round......Recap!

Wow!! It was a night of sheer perfection on Dancing with the Stars last night! The judges were handing out 30's like candy! I was totally glued to my t.v. set the entire time. Another highlight for the dancers, was they each got one on one time, a master class, so to speak...from Len. That was entertaining to watch the old goat dancing and gyrating his hips...Ummm, yeah.
The dancers were allowed to pick one ballroom dance and one Latin dance
O.K........let's do this!

First up were Marie and Jonathan....

They opened the show with a bang! Their first dance was the Quickstep...Marie was dressed beautifully in a baby blue dress that was extremely flattering....she was all bubbly and almost Snow White, dancing to the song "Good Morning"....I was surprised she didn't have birds flying around and bunny rabbits and deer standing around watching her in awe....Oh...wait a minute, where was I? Lost in fairy tale land there for a, their Quickstep was very good...not as good as previously, but good. They got a standing ovation, of course and were well praised by the judges. At the end, Marie did a cool spin thing on her stomach.
Len told her she brings a lot of joy and entertainment to the show, Carrie Ann thought they were wonderful, classic performance; felt all the steps were there.
Bruno stated, "Has Marie gone Hollywood"...Apparently her strategy was to follow Jonathan's strategy...for their Quickstep..they scored 29.

Their second dance was the Mambo....their costumes reminded me of something Donny and Marie would wear back in the day...very ruffled, very loud....although, they did end up ripping off parts of each others costumes..revealing sleeker outfits underneath..
Their Mambo was sassy, vibrant, ending with Marie flying into the laps of all of her brothers in the silly!
Len said it was frenetic, yet entertaining...although she did lose her footing like five different times throughout. Carrie Ann said the Hot cougar was back...she said it was fantastic. Len said her hips were working, highly energetic..enough to hook up to the national grid, light up Hollywood.
For their Mambo, they received them a total score for the night of 56.

Mel and Maks are next to perform, beginning with their ballroom dance choice...the Viennese Waltz...

They too got a standing ovation. I must say, it was awesome. There were a lot of spins, and Mel does this unbelievable dance/walk where with each step, she goes down into the splits...made me hurt just to see it. Wow! They danced to a Queen song, Somebody to love..I just love Queen. Awesome costume, awesome dance, awesome choice in song. Bruno stated it was fast, precise, sexy and incredible. Carrie Ann stated that it gave her "chills"..they totally moved as one, it was gorgeous, expressive...all that, then some. Len said she was the Queen was fabulous!
They scored another perfect 30!

For their second dance, they chose the Paso was very, how should I say, Dominatrix??? They are wearing this ridiculous velvety costume....Mel comes out twirling and smacking this whip...I thought it was over the top, in a not so good way! I mean, the dance itself was good, just the whole dominatrix/whip combo threw me off. Anyway, once again...the judges liked it. Carrie Ann felt it was a dynamic performance, topped perfection. Len totally liked the whip thing....he commented, "You can whip me if I misbehave"....he felt it was Fantastic!
Bruno said Mel B was satisfaction guaranteed....said it was precise...fantastic. Told her she was a star! They again scored a perfect them a total for the night of 60.

Third couple up...Jennie and Derek....dancing the Tango.

Jennie is so took her a while to get into the groove of things....It was boring, did nothing for me at all. I mean, the Tango is supposed to be a hot dance...for Jennie and was not smoking.
Carrie Ann felt it was missing Chemistry...just OK. Len disagrees...he thinks it was very good...vibrant and passionate.
Bruno called Jenny a Red Menace (her dress was red)...he thought the choreography was intricate and the steps were perfect...they score a 28.

For their Latin dance, they choose to Cha Cha Cha...and they do a great job, to Mustang that song! They look great....hard to believe Jennie has three kids...her body is amazing. Len felt Jennie has developed tremendously, the dance was fantastic. Bruno said it was yummy, that she finally has her "star power".
Carrie Ann felt she had worked it out and come together...fantastic.
They scored their first 30 ever....bringing their total score to a 58 for the evening.

Up last, we have my man, Helio and Julianne...he is really such a sweet and thoughtful guy. Last week, they scored a perfect 30 and to thank Julianne, Helio fills their dance studio with balloons and flowers for her, and introduces her to her favorite band, Rascal Flats...what a romantic guy!

I know there is a little age difference there, but they have both cancelled their engagements to other people....I totally think they should be a couple, at of the dance studio....

OK...where was I....their first dance, they danced the Foxtrot...they both start out waving canes around...I loved worked so much better for them than Mel B and her ridiculous whip! Helio has improved the most, I believe, in this entire competition...with no dancing skills what so ever when he started, he totally deserves to win. Len calls Helio a gherkin tonight...because of his green suit...Yumm...I would totally eat him up! Lol...Len said it was a beautiful performance...just fantastic! Bruno stated that Helio must be a wizard, because it is impossible to believe that he has never danced....Carrie Ann said Helio looked like a dancing leprechaun, very charismatic...totally mind blowing! I have to agree...they scored a perfect 30 and they deserved it!

For their final dance, Helio and Julianne also dance the Cha Cha Cha....they start out on the staircase....Helio is totally at home with his disco type moves..the dance is fun and energetic...Bruno said it was "eye popping"...full of "raz matazz"...he also said watching them dance was a "great ride"....Len said they were the stand out couple of the night...he tells Helio it will be a tragedy if he doesn't win it...and oh, I so have to agree. Carrie Ann told Helio that he was a star....totally mind boggling, fantastic.
Yippee...they get another perfect score....30. Giving them a grand total for the evening of 60. He totally had the pedal to the medal all night! Way to go Helio!

So...Mel B and Helio are tied...both with perfect scores...
Jennie is in second and Marie, again brings up the rear....

I'm not sure how this is going to play out.....I do believe Mel B and Helio will be dancing it out next week for that coveted win...has far as fans go, I feel Mel B beats up into submission with her whole Scary Spice thing, while Helio infects us with his love for life and that wonderful smile.

Do you think Marie or Jennie have a fan base strong enough to put them in the finals with Mel B and Helio?

Who do you think should go home tonight?

Tune in tonight at 9 p.m...CBS...let's find out together. I say Jennie will go home tonight. Only because Marie has a much stronger fan base...although Jennie is a better dancer.

Avril Lavigne will be performing two songs....the Cheetah girl Sabrina Bryan will be back to Dance again and Lord of the Dance Choreographer Michael Flatley will be performing.


Monday, November 19, 2007


Here is my recipe for Chicken Tortilla Soup:

4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
1/2 tsp olive oil
1 cup chopped onion
juice from 1/2 lime
1/2 tsp crushed garlic
1/2 tsp chili powder (I used more~Maybe a Tbsp)
1/4 tsp cumin
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
2 14.5 oz cans chicken broth
1 cup chunky salsa
1 small can corn
1 4.5 oz can green chile's
Mexican Blend shredded cheese
Tortilla chips

Cut chicken up into bite size pieces, cook chicken in olive oil in large saucepan on high, stirring occasionally until chicken is done, about 20 minutes. Add onions, lime juice, garlic, chili powder and cumin. Cook, stirring occasionally for 5-7 minutes. Transfer chicken over to a stock pot, or larger pan than the one you cooked the chicken in (do not drain); Stir in broth, salsa, chile's, corn and beans. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium high and boil 8-10 minutes. Let simmer until thickened. Place chips in individual bowls. Ladle soup over chips and sprinkle with cheese.

Serves 6

(I doubled the recipe)..we like left overs.

It also freezes well.

Here is my corn bread recipe:

1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
4 eggs
1 can chili peppers
4 tbsp baking powder
1 can cream corn
1/2 cup Monterey Jack cheese
1 cup sharp Cheddar cheese
1 cup flour
1 cup corn meal
1/4 tsp salt

Cream butter and sugar, add 4 eggs, mix well; set aside. Combine flour, corn meal, baking powder and salt. Combine flour mixture with egg mixture. Grease 9 x 13 pan. Bake at 325 degrees, for 20-25 minutes.

All I have to say is this meal was fabulous, believe it or not, even the little ones ate it all up.

Bon Appetite!

Don't forget.....

There are four couples is definitely a race to the finish and the coveted trophy....Who is going to take the lead tonight? I, of course, am pulling for my man Helio....I am excited to see how well he performs tonight.

Who is going to take the lead?

Tonight....8 P.M...CBS....I'll be watching, won't you join me?

Weekends over...busy week ahead....

Wow...Monday again, back to the to speak. Not feeling too well today, is my weekend in bullets...

***Friday...drove down to pick up Justin....took the two little ones with me....the drive was a nightmare, there and back. Why? The two little ones fight/argue the entire really wears on the nerves after a while. Plus, I am constantly yelling at my four year old, Max, to stay in his booster seat, leave his seat belt on...I totally wanted to paddle his bottom...after the third time of having to pull over to buckle him back up! We stopped at the Chinese Buffet for about nasty. I don't know why I let the kids talk me into going there...the food is always terrible....they enjoy it it seems, but just not very tasty to me. Did the grocery shopping, stopped and rented several movies. We watched Shrek III when we got was a cute movie....just not as captivating as the first two...I think they need to stop with this one.

***Saturday....I spent the entire morning/afternoon cleaning my house. Which is really hard to do when the two little ones are dragging out/messing up quicker than you can clean up. I cleaned out my closet and dresser drawers...I finally bucked up and admitted to myself that there was no longer a point in me hanging on to all the size 2 clothes in my closet...I am a size 6 knew it was time to say goodbye to all those cute tiny little clothes...sigh....hated every moment of it. I filled up three large bags to take to the Goodwill....very painful to let those go, let me tell ya!

While I was doing that, the hubster was outside, after working all night, raking and burning leaves....I finished up the housework...showered and dressed....loaded up the kids and took them to see Bee Movie...

We went to what they call the twilight showing, cheaper that way. It was very cute movie, I highly recommend it to all of you parents out there with younger two little ones enjoyed it immensely...14 yr old wasn't too impressed...but, can't please everyone.
We then went to Fazoli's...14 year old got sick while we thinks he ingested a little too much buttery popcorn at the, we had to pack up our food and leave....I went back to Hell-Mart...did our shopping for Thanksgiving....came home...put the little ones to bed, saw hubby off to work.
Tried to watch Ocean's 13..but fell asleep, so another rental movie that has to go back, unwatched.
***Sunday was spent in the car...delivering 14 year old back to his Dad's....
I did manage to cook dinner...I made a fabulous Chicken Tortilla Soup and cornbread...out of this world, I will post the recipe for all of you, if you want.....I watched Reign Over Me, with Adam Sandler....since Desperate Housewives wasn't on.....excellent movie....a little sad, I cried....but, I highly recommend it.

Well...that's my, I am stuck here at work....feeling pretty craptastic myself....may go home here in a little while....things are slow, not much work to be done....I could use a nap.


Friday, November 16, 2007

Happy Friday everyone!

I hope everyone has an amazing Weekend....have fun, enjoy your families...I plan to enjoy mine...
I have the three youngest of my boys this fact, I am getting ready to leave work right now, to drive the 45 miles to meet his dad to pick him up.
I will have Aaron and Max with me as well....poor hubby has to work third shift tonight, so he is going to stay home and rest.

My weekend routine with kids is pretty much the same...I will take them for dinner, by Blockbuster and we have to always go to HellMart for groceries...what an exciting life I lead...but, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I am borrowing my works digital, hopefully I will have some updated photos of my boys and our weekend activities to post on Monday....

Have a good one...don't do nothing that I wouldn't do...hee hee.
