Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 5.....

Well, it's day 5 and "Mr. Burns" is still went from "sinusitis" to some kind of inner ear thing.....he said he was too "dizzy" to drive and since he commutes from Indy every day, he has supposedly been "working from home".....yeah, right. If so, show me proof. I am so annoyed and ticked off, you would not believe. I can not get past the tongue lashing he gave me when I was sick last time, and actually still came into make sure his reports were done on time.
Last Saturday was a mandatory sales call day, he didn't show up for that. Said he was calling from home, yet I have received no sales, no correspondance from him what so ever....
If I had missed five days of work, due to an Inner ear problem, I would have done been fired!
I have no trust in this guy, I do not feel sorry for this guy and I think he is milking this little illness for all its worth. My Branch Manger, the Region Manager...they are all ticked off and it would not surprise me in the least, since not only has he played this illness a little too far, but his efforts in sales are horrible. He doesn't care! During our last conference call, the Region Manager had to yell at him several times, because he wasn't paying attention.
I do have a feeling, when and if he does come back, that he is going to be reprimanded if not terminated.
We will see...

This has been a long busy week. Thank Goodness Friday is almost here. Although, once again, I was told on Monday, that we have to work again for a mandatory sale day this Saturday morning. I am hoping they let me work from 8-noon....because after that, I have to drive to Terre Haute (2 hours from me) for my oldest is his Senior Prom and I have to be there to see him all dressed up, to take pictures of him and his new girlfriend...(yes, he broke up with the other one, thank goodness~I never really cared for her), I am excited to meet her.
I will make sure to post pictures on Sunday or Monday.....

I got a half day off yesterday, (God forbid they pay overtime for this Saturday nonsense) which was nice...I came home at noon and hubby and I went for lunch, sans was lovely....then he took me shopping. I have lost so much weight, all of my clothes from last summer do not fit...I am now in a size, finding clothes has become really challenging. We were able to find me a few new outfits at Body Central and Wet Seal....I love those stores! Hubby was quite generous and I am very lucky to have such a great guy! He takes such good care of me.
We came back home just in time to relax for a half hour before the kids got off the bus.
Then the youngest, Max and I, went to Walmart and to make a quick stop by the seamstress I have hired, who is making me a couple new skirts for summer, to try one of the completed ones on. She did a fabulous job on it...the only thing I didn't care for was when she measured my waist, she said it was bigger than what i thought. I measured it at the gym, it was 27 inches, she said it was 29...what the hell? I didn't argue, but I thought to myself, that can't be right. I just bought extra small clothes, my pants are size, I don't think she measured it right. the skirt was a little loose in the waist, but hubby paid for it anyway. It will work, it's just I don't think she was accurate in the waist measurement. It's 27 inches, and I will stand by

I think I am going to explore the possibility of becoming a personal fitness trainer...I have gotten so into working out, and have received a lot of compliments from people at the gym on my workout routine, endurance, etc...that I think it is something that I would like to do. But, I may be to old to start that kind of job, I don't know.....I also think I am going to take this blog to a different level, maybe incorporate some fitness stuff on here. Like my workouts, my food intake, etc...

Would any of you be interested in that?

Well, guess I better get off here and get my work day started...


Monday, April 27, 2009

Back to the Grindstone.....

Good Morning, blog world.....How was the weekend? Mine had its good moments, along with the bad. Am I ready for another week in this flourescent lighted hell? No! I am not.....It is going to be such a beautiful day today. The thoughts of being cooped up in here is just too much to endure! Sigh...but, what are you going to do....the bills have to be paid. What messed up the weekend for me was having to come in here and work for four hours on Saturday. From 1-5 p.m....which really didn't give me much of a morning....made for a long day.

Friday was great. Hubby took me to our favorite place for dinner..McGraw's Steakhouse....I had a salad and the most wonderful glass of Pinot Noir...yum, yum..then hubby and I split an order of Jack Daniels rib tips...they were so good. I do believe they are my new favorite. Afterwards, we went down to our favorite neighboorhood bar, The Knickerbocker, hung out with our friend Doc and Jeff, the owner....we all sat out on the patio, it was so nice out....very relaxing evening.

As I said, Saturday morning, I was just a wee bit tired, so I lazed around until time to get ready for work. I watched reruns of the show "The Cougar"! That is all I can say.....I think the chick is pretty, but not "all that"...I must admit, she had some very attractive younger guys to contend with....although the funniest moment was when this one wise ass guy, upon introducing himself, told her she looked way to "old" to be a was hilarious...he meant way too young...anyway, I watched that all morning, got ready, came into work for the "mandatory" sell a thon....funny thing, remember back in the first of March, when I got sick with the stomach flu and worked with it, asking to go home early one day, and I caught total hell for it...well, funny how it's ok when one of the managers gets sick...My Commercial Manager called in for our mandatory call day...said he went to the hospital, because he was not feeling good/dizzy...they diagnosed him with sinusitis....for real????? He missed a mandatory call day because of sinusitis...I had the stomach flu so bad I lost 5 lbs in 2 days.....and caught total hell for asking to leave work better believe I am going to remember this if anyone ever says a word to me again if I get sick or my kids get sick.

So, after 4 hours of very unproductive work on my part, I got off work and went to Hell mart, came home, hubby gave me a foot soak, and we got ready to go meet a new friend in Indy....the evening ended up being a bust....hubby and I had a spat, went to bed upset with each other....
Sunday Morning, for a while, we kept our distance...I made coffee, sat out on our porch drinking that and reading my fitness magazines....finally hubby came out, we talked things out and decided to shower/dress and go into town. We went downtown to Spurlocks and had a great late lunch/early supper. After that it was time to go pick up Max and get things ready to return to work/school today.

Puny Mr. Burns is not in yet...maybe he still has water on his brain....dizzy...can't drive and won't be in today. That would make for a pretty good

Only 4 more days until Friday!!!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Wow...I was able to log onto my blog today. From work! Imagine Not sure how long it will last, but I will take it while I can get it.
Thank Goodness it's almost Friday! I can not wait for the weekend to get here. I have been so busy, so stressed..I am ready for a break. Although, I have to work for 4 hours Saturday afternoon, which sucks. Right now at work is our busiest time.....and, unfortunately, our sells are still down, so Saturday is supposed to be a "Region sell-a-thon"....Every body has to work. No exceptions. Not that I see it's going to do any good. Who the heck is going to be home on a Saturday, especially businesses, whose decision makers/managers are usually off on Saturday?
I am sure there are going to be tons of people, waiting by the phone, just itching to buy some lawn care. Whoo Hoooo!!!!

So, yesterday was Administrative Assistant day....and our boss decided he was going to buy my lunch and a couple of the other "office staff" lunch. I have been having major computer issues with my PC here at work, so I was on the phone with our help desk, trying to run scans, remove viruses, etc....for 2 hours I was on the phone. It was lunch time, they were ready to order, so one of the girls stuck a menu in my face for O'Charley', I am not a big fan of O'Charley's....for one, I could not go online and see the nutritional values of their menu items, (as I was still on the phone trying to get my broken computer fixed), they were in a hurry, so I quickly scanned their menu. I knew their salads were very high in calorie, so I settled on a "Grilled Turkey Burger, no mayo and some baked sweet potato fries"...thinking, that surely has to be healthy.

The Office Manager ordered, went and picked it up, and brought it back to the office. At which, you guessed it, I was still on the phone, trying to get my computer fixed, back up and running. So, while on the phone, I wolfed that turkey burger down, a long with maybe half of the sweet potato fries....after lunch, my computer was finally fixed, so I logged onto O'Charley's website, so see just how many calories, fat grams, etc that wonderful little turkey burger had....brace yourself, because I almost died of cardiac arrest.....910 calories and 58 freaking grams of fat!!!!
I thought I was going to be sick.....seriously! How in the hell can they get away with serving food like that, masking it as nutritional and it being worse than eating 2 big mac's from McDonald's.....I wanted to go make myself throw up...I could just feel the fat clogging up my body.....yuck! I will never, ever, ever eat from that place again.

I had just went to the gym on Tuesday, but I gathered the family up and made all of them go back to the gym with me last night. Hubby actually worked out with me. I was so proud of him. It was a lot of fun to have him there with me. After the gym, we went to McCalisters Deli....where I had soup and half of a grilled chicken sandwich.....yum, I love McCalisters...but, I was good and drank only water, stayed away from their sweet tea...that shit is truly addicting.

Then we had to go to the laundromat...yikes! Yesterday, our washer finally gave up the ghost and now is residing on the side of the road by our drive way, with high hopes to catch a ride to that washer graveyard with Waste Management. I have a spare one that I had from my previous marriage, that we just stored out in our garage, but something happened to it, and it won't pump water, so we have to have Sears come out and take a look at it and see if we can get it up and going...if not, we have to buy a new one. I am so tired of crap breaking down on us. In the last two months, we have had to buy new tires for the car, repair the fan on the car ($250), buy a new dishwasher ($450) and now the washing machine.....I swear, when it rains it pours.....anyway, the old washer pooped out during the middle of a cycle, leaving the washer full of water and wet soggy clothes, so we had to take that load to a laundromat, of which I had not been in one in many, many years, and run through another cycle....thank God the husband is the laundry guru in our house....I don't like having to mess with crap like that.

So, it was a late night last night. We didn't get home until 9 p.m...had to rush the kids through a shower and brushing of the teeth....then my shower, so I was extremely late getting to bed last night. While at the gym, I got a kink in my neck, can barely turn my head to the left or to the right, so I took to Advil P.M.s and it was so difficult to get up and going this morning. Today is such a beautiful day, it is going to be warm, high 71...the sun is, it's days like this that makes me wish I were a kept would love to be out of this stinking office and be out their enjoying it. If I could, I would have slept in, went to breakfast with the hubby, and after wards went for a 3 mile run. I love to run outside, but just has not been warm enough yet to do that. Today would be perfect. Oh, well.....time to face reality....and this stack of paperwork on my desk. I hope you all have a great day before Friday! And a good weekend, if I don't post again before that. I know I intend to!

Monday, April 20, 2009

I am a slacker....

A while back, I was contacted by a fellow blogger, Jessie...sending me a link to her blog.

It’s called and it’s a place for women to take a breather from their daily lives and share stories about things that frustrate them and things that make being a woman worthwhile.

I did check it out and found it very enjoyable. Here is the link...

Check it out! You won't be disappointed.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


So, what else is new?

I swear..if I had a free moment in my life, it would be recorded in the Guiness World book of records....Free moment, what the hell is that?

Once again, the past week as flew by in a blur. Sorry for my lack of posting, but they have blocked blogger at work. I can no longer access my blog, or anyone else's, at is blocked, as a "social networking site" and I no longer have access.

Since blogging from work was my primary time to blog, "oh, the shame"...blogging has now definitely taken a back burner.

If it were not for hubby running 15 year old to meet his dad tonight, I wouldn't be on here now.

Work is busy, my life is busy. I give so much, well practically all of my time to everyone else, writing/blogging, just has not been a priority.

I mean Friday night hubby and I had a spat...the first one we have had in several was bound to happen though. We have been getting along so well as of late. He has been practically worshipful of me....adoring I guess you could say and I was feeling pretty good about things....and it is so funny how one ridiculous thing can throw everything off kilter. We had a huge fight Friday night...I only got 2 hours sleep for the entire night. And me, and no sleep? You might as well change my name from Dixie to the bitch from hell...literally. A lot of hateful words and I hate you's were exchanged.....all in the heat of the moment. None of which were true. So, I have spent the rest of the weekend, trying to "recover" things......I guess we are ok now...what we were fighting over was so ridiculous, it doesn't even make it worthwhile to blog about. Throw in the stress of dealing with high strung kids all weekend, and I am tired....I just want to go to bed and pull the covers over my head. I couldn't even get through my entire work out at the gym yesterday. After my 3 mile run, I thought I was going to pass out, so I had to stop, constantly and take mini breaks. I worked my upper body a little and half way through my work out, I had to call it quits. That makes me feel like crap!
I usually do a full hour of cardio and at least 30 minutes of resistance and another 20 minutes of ab work. I just could not go any further. Guess the two hours of sleep on Friday night, plus all the additional stress, my body pretty much made the decision for me. Stop! Anyway, tomorrow is another day, huh?

I will head back to work, pray for me that Mr. Burns gets off his ass and gets out of the office. Our sales are looking really, really bad....He needs to be out cold calling, trying to make new sales, instead of depending on me, his assistant to do it for him. I am so frustrated with him...the only reassurance I have is, if he doesn't get off the pot, he is going to be canned. I can't do his job for him.
When he spends his days in the office with me, he gets absolutely nothing done and we make no sales, which makes our bottom line look like crap. We are only 65% to budget for the year, and I don't see us making budget by November.

Oh, least my job is secure. If I were going to be fired, I know that I would have already been. Plus, I got a raise....a small one, but it helps.

Well, that's a wrap....I really don't have a lot more to talk about. Wishing what few readers I have left a wonderful week!


Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday again...Easter Weekend.....

Wow...this has been a tough long week for me. So glad today is Friday. Here's a little Easter humor for you.

We don't have any big plans this weekend. No Easter celebration, no egg hunts...My two older boys are still out of town..The oldest is still in Florida, the next one is in South Carolina and my two youngest will be away for the weekend as well. As usual, Max is going to Grandma and Grandpa's for Easter and Aaron is going to Terre Haute to visit with his Aunt and Uncles for Easter. Hubby and I did put together a pretty nice Easter basket for the two little ones, to be sent down with the relatives to give to them. The Mother in law wants us to come over for Easter dinner Sunday, but hubby doesn't want to go. So, we may do brunch together. Maybe...I don't know.
Things are kind of weird right now. Don't know why....Maybe it's the chilly rainy weather today. Maybe it's because I don't want to be here and things feel weird between the hubby and I today. I am sure we will be ok before the day is out. I don't know....I can't describe it. When I left for work this morning, I felt his mood change, he was upbeat then all of a sudden he was different towards me...I can't explain it..but, it has really bummed me out this morning. I am not feeling this work thing today either. I don't want to be here. I never want to be here. I feel gloomy, depressed and just plain old down and out...out of sorts that is. Like I said, it's weird....I don't like feeling this way. I honestly just wish that I could go home, crawl in bed and pull the covers up over my head and sleep the day away.
But, I can't do that....I am not going to give into this depressive state of mind.
Things have to brighten up today....maybe I will go tanning at lunch. A little warmth to the skin, even if it is fake sun, is better than nothing.....

Hope all of you have a great Easter Weekend...enjoy your families...don't eat too much chocolate!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Thank God! This week has been so slow...this day has been so slow. I can not get out of this office fast enough....2 1/2 more hours to go. Yay! I am looking forward to a nice weekend with my family. Hopefully a little housework will get done, a couple of gym visits, and a impromptu little trip to Indianapolis with the family tomorrow.

We are planning on taking the kids to the Indianapolis Childrens Museum...we only live 50 minutes away from Indy, but we have never taken the kids there. They are exicted, at least Max is...takes a lot to get Aaron excited. We will probably be in Indy all day tomorrow. Sure to be fun, but exhausting. That's why I would kind of like to go to the gym tonight. I have only been twice this I would like to squeeze in 2 more visits this week. My trainer friend texted me a little while ago, saying he could train me today...but, Mother Nature, the bitch...decided last night was a good time to hit me with the force of a Hurricane...not kidding. The first two days of her monthly visit are like a violent tornado....literally knocks me on my ass....and wearing tight little work out clothes, non anh....not happening. Why do some feminine products have to be so bulky? TMI...I know..but the first two days...I have to double things up, if you know what I mean, and an "accident" in front of a personal trainer, that would so suck. So, If I am going to work out, I don't want an embarrassing situation to happen in front of him.
Sunday...I plan on doing nothing...other than a work out. Possibly going for brunch with my family.

Hope all of you have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Ya'll...I know this may sound mushy/gushy, sappy and all of that...but, I must tell you what my lovely wonderful husband did for me last night...I came home form work, cooked dinner...totally awesome rocking spaghetti dinner, complete with salad and garlic bread...and after dinner, he insisted I relax, he did the whole kitchen clean up duty, in between doing, I sat and watched t.v., Everybody Loves Raymond...because that is one of my most favorite sitcoms, and sipped on a glass of Pinot Noir....after he was done with the kitchen clean up..he proceeded to give me one of these....

He put Lavender foot soak salts in it, let me soak until the very warm water was cool, then he scrubbed the bottoms/sides of my feet, dried them off and lotioned them up for very sweet.....

See, I have been wearing these shoes that have been pinching the sides of my feet, making little callous places on them...hurt, owie, very badly....he noticed this, he knew of this...

So, after the foot soak, he went online, said he was going to buy me a new pair of shoes...after looking online, he knew ordering a pair would take a week or so to, he decided to run into town, to the mall and buy me a new pair. He knows what I like, he knows my shoe, I was so pleasantly surprised when he came back home, with not one, but two pairs of shoes...He went to Macy's....and purchased me these lovelys..

These are from the Jessica Simpson line...and I loves 'em.....they are totally sexy...

What did I do to deserve this guy?
