Monday, March 29, 2010

Vacations over....Boo Hoo!

Well, I am back from was wonderful! I wish it could have been two weeks, instead of just one. I have a lot to catch up on here at work, so I will be posting a full vacation re-cap as soon as I get the chance. Plus, I have a review and giveaway planned from items I received from the lovely people at Myblogspark.....stay tuned!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hello..My lovely bloggies....

Hi, everyone! Sorry I have been has had blogger blocked for the past week and as usual, my weekend was pretty tight time wise, so no blogging for me.
Work as been seriously kicking my butt right now, so even if blogger had not been blocked, well..probably would not have had much time to blog anyway.

Ok, so here's the scoop...tomorrow, as of 5 p.m..I will offically be on vacation. I am headed to S.C. to visit my Mom and brother. I have not seen them in 2 years..and I can't wait. It's a long trip, about 16 hours to drive it, which is what we are two little my Saturn, yeah...cramped much? For real....we plan on driving as far as we can Friday night, then stopping for a room, continuing on Saturday morning, hoping to arrive at Mom's sometime late Saturday afternoon.

Mid week of next week, we plan on driving over to Myrtle Beach for a day or two, let the little ones see the ocean..although, surprisingly, the temps are not going to be much better there, then they are here in Indiana.

Wish us luck..and oh, oh...a little exciting news..the lovely people over at MyBlogspark, well..they sent me a little package in the mail, when I get back...I am having a little giveaway...there may be some bath stuff and a coupon for some free, check back in with me week after next, as I don't plan on blogging while I am away....for the giveaway and hopefully photos and fun stories of my vacation.

Later!! Happy Spring everyone!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cucumbers...I love them even more now!

Wow, check out these amazing different ways you can use a cucumber....beyond eating.

This information was in The New York Times several weeks ago as part
> of their "Spotlight on the Home" series that highlighted creative and
> fanciful ways to solve common problems.
> 1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one
> cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5,
> Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium,
> Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.
> 2. Feeling tired in the afternoon, put down the caffeinated soda and
> pick up a cucumber. Cucumbers are a good source of B Vitamins and
> Carbohydrates that can provide that quick pick-me-up that can last for
> hours.
> 3. Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after a shower? Try
> rubbing a cucumber slice along the mirror, it will eliminate the fog
> and provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance.
> 4. Are grubs and slugs ruining your planting beds? Place a few slices
> in a small pie tin and your garden will be free of pests all season
> long. The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give
> off a scent undetectable to humans but drive garden pests crazy and
> make them flee
> the area. (WOW)
> 5. Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going
> out or to the pool? Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along
> your problem area for a few minutes, the phytochemicals in the
> cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the
> outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite. Works great on
wrinkles too!!!
> 6. Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber
> slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache free.
> Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to
> replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in
> equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache!!
> 7. Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge?
> Cucumbers have been used for centuries and often used by European
> trappers, traders and explores for quick meals to thwart off
> 8. Have an important meeting or job interview and you realize that you
> don't have enough time to polish your shoes? Rub a freshly cut
> cucumber over the shoe, its chemicals will provide a quick and durable
> shine that not only looks great but also repels water.
> 9. Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge? Take a cucumber
> sliced rub it along the problematic hinge, and voila, the squeak is
> 10. Stressed out and don't have time for massage, facial or visit to
> the spa? Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of
> water, the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber with react with
> the boiling water and be released in the steam, creating a soothing,
> relaxing aroma that has been shown the reduce stress in new mothers
> and college students during final exams.
> 11. Just finish a business lunch and realize you don't have gum or
> mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your
> mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath, the
> phytochemcials will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for
> causing bad breath.
> 12. Looking for a 'green' way to clean your faucets, sinks or
> stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface
> you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring
> back the shine, but is won't leave streaks and won't harm you fingers
> or fingernails while you clean.
> 13. Using a pen and made a mistake? Take the outside of the cucumber
> and slowly use it to erase the pen writing, also works great on
> crayons and markers that the kids have used to decorate the walls!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dead Woman Running...

Went to the gym at lunch time..seriously, the above picture, so me...I really struggled...not my best time/not my best run. But lack of rest will do that to you.

3.2 miles 29 minutes 45 seconds..only walked the final .10 for a cool down.

First mile 9 min 30 sec
Second mile 9 min 15 sec
Third mile 9 min 10 sec
.2 mile 1 min 50 sec

Also, just about didn't I was changing and putting on my running/yoga pants..the short knee length kind, I tugged a little too hard, ripped a 3 inch hole right on my right thigh..right near my crotch...tried to safety pin it, but that wouldn't work, thought about not running but just said, Screw it..I didnt' rush out of the office, all the way to the gym to turn around and leave because of a hole in my, I ran anyway...even though you could totally see my underwear...What? It was extra don't even think anyone noticed, if so...who cares? I still got my workout in and torched 325 calories.

Now, all I have to do is get through this work day. I am off to play photographer..make some employee I.D. job sucks!

Bad Night...Insomnia bites.....

Oh, my gosh..I am so tired. Last night, I could not sleep....I dont' know why, don't understand why. I was tired when I went to bed, but for some reason, sleep evaded me. I laid down around 10:15 p.m., when hubby started getting ready for work. By 11:05, I knew I was having a problem drifting, I got up, took a generic Wal-Mart brand sleeping did absolutely nothing. I watched every hour pass on the 4 a.m., I was close to tears...finally, I think I dozed off for an hour or so around 5 alarm goes off at 6:30.

I don't know why I couldn't sleep...I had no caffiene after 5 p.m, I did work out last night..I wouldn't think that would make me have a sleepless night..

I ran 5 miles, did arms/abs/upper body for an hour as well. By the time I got home, ate my salad, helped with kids, tucked them in...I was primed for bed....I had one cup of caffiene free, there really is no excuse. Peri-menopause, maybe? Or, exercise endorphins...I am only 39..would not think it would be a pre menopause thing...

Do any of you have that problem? If you do, what do you do to get to sleep?

Today is going to be a really really long day. I doubt there will be a lunch time work-out for me.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Great Weekend....

I had an awesome weekend! Tiring as usual..but, overall good. We ate out a lot, didn't do too good on that front. Friday night, was good...Hubby ran to Waveland to meet the ex to pick up Justin..while I stayed home to get myself and the two younger kiddos ready for dinner. We had plans to go to Olive Garden, but once we got there, it was packed. People were lined up outside the door. So, we ended up at Logan's Roadhouse. I had ran 3 miles earlier in the day on my lunch break, only had soup for lunch, so I was starving. But, I was good. I resisted the baked potato and the red meat, opting for Grilled Salmon and seasonal veggies with lo-cal salad. It was very tasty...I also had a glass of Pinot favorite...
The boys were giving me fits though...I don't know what gets into them sometimes, but I had to take Max to the restroom and give him a good talking doesn't help that sometimes hubby instigates stuff with them, then they act out and I have to be the bad guy. Aaron got all weepy, put his head down on the table..crying....over what, I don't know...fine one minute, then the next...he was all upset. It is hard for me to understand him sometimes..I know part of it is the ADD and maybe his medication at times cause's mood swings. I just took him to the doctor for a check up earlier in the week, he is doing great. Then again, he is almost 11 years old, and the preteen era may have begun...the back talking and smart mouth is getting worse...Oh, Dear me if it has. I have a feeling it is going to be difficult.
But, by the time our food was delivered, the kids were laughing and Hubby was cracking jokes with them, the waitress, the bus boys, everyone...I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes.
After dinner, I wanted to go to Target..look for a running skirt...(pick up some wine)....we did get a few groceries and I did find a running skirt, actually two. I got a black/white one and a dark pink/light pink one...guess what? They were not to be found in the women's sport clothing section...I found them in the girls little girls...I weigh 108-110 lbs..(it fluctuates), I was able to find them in girls XL size..was a little big (1/2 inch or so) in the waist, but I figured I could make it work. The little girls Lg size was just a wee too short..and the best part of it...$12.99..hell yeah! Can't wait to run in them tonight at the gym.
We got home around 10 pm and once I got the little boys settled, Justin, Hubby and I watched the movie The was a little predictable, a little creepy, but overall, as thriller movies go...I liked it. Justin, my son...not so much. Of course, since Hubby is a step-father himself, he had to crack jokes all the way through it.

Saturday..the day was beautiful...the temps were warm enough that I could finally run outside. I was so excited...I don't really have appropriate running shirts for cool temps, but I made do. I did have a nice pair of running tights I picked up for $2 at, with those, a long sleeve tee and a sweat shirt, I hit the pavement...after mile 2 I started to get really sweaty, so I tied the sweatshirt around my waist, kept on trucking. I ended up running 8 miles and it was GLORIOUS!!!!
Bringing my total miles for the week to 25. That is the most I have ever run in a week...I was so excited.
After my run, I came home, refueled with a banana and a protien shake, then showered and hubby, Max and I ran to town for some groceries. We had plans to grill out, but hubby didn't feel like it and I was wiped out after my run (with all the intervals/hills I tackled, I assume I burned off around 900 or more calories), so...we decided to stop at the mall to look for me a new pair of running shoes...Applebee's is at the mall, hubby wanted to eat there...I called home, talked to Justin, he was agreeable for us to bring them home Chinese take out, so...we ate at Applebee's and that is where my eating for the weekend took a nose dive. I was feeling really weak...from lack of fuel I am sure, so I ordered the Cheeseburger sliders and fries..not a healthy choice at all, but I threw caution to the wind. Afer all, I had just ran 8 miles. I ended up only eating 1 1/2 of the sliders and half the was so good...I also had Applebee's version of a margarita..which came in a martini glass with an olive in it? Who the hell puts an olive in a Margarita...guess Applebee's does.
After dinner, we went to Dick's for shoes, could not make up my mind. I just need a pair temporarily, until I can make it to a real running store (closest one is an hour away in Indianpolis), but I could tell the tread was worn down on my current shoes when I ran my 8 miles, I know they have at least 300 miles on them, and need to be replaced asap. I have really liked ASICS in the past..but, I couldn't make up my mind. The ones I really liked were $129 and to me, that is just way too expensive. Plus, I really want a Garmin so bad. Even a Polar heart rate monitor would be nice. I was going to get one with my tax check, but we had some unexpected, that stuff had to be put on the back burner. I ended up leaving, not buying any shoes. I want to research and try and find the best pair for my money. I would like to keep the price under $75. Anybody have any recommendations?
We left Dicks, picked up Chinese food for the boys, then stopped by the grocery store.
Once we got home, I proceeded to crash. I was so tired, I could not go anymore. Fell asleep watching a movie with the boys. Hubby had to pretty much wake me up and carry me to bed. I promptly fell into the bed and I slept like the dead until 9:30 the next morning. That is when Max woke me up. I got up, did some household chores, then we all dressed and went for Indian food for lunch. Like I said, I ate poorly. I had Chicken Tikki Masala, rice, 3 pieces of Flan, some fried veggies curls(do not know what these are called, but they were yummy) and some kind of green mush stuff, looked like creamed spinach. I have no idea what the calorie count was...but, I was stuffed. I did stop once I felt full. I wanted to go to the bookstore after eating at The Bombay, but Hubby was dead on his feet, wanted to go home for a nap. So, we did...I was able to catch up on some of my magazine reading, before I knew was time to take Justin back to meet up with his Dad.
By that time, it was almost 7 pm, with no working stove (which is a whole other story)...I knew cooking, once again, was not going to happen. I still had homework to work on with Max, so I called hubby, had him call Arni's in Crawfordsville, and order them a pizza...I stopped and picked up a salad for myself...but, couldn't resist a small slice of the pizza.
I had a cup of peppermint/chamomile tea (had to begin the detox process from all the wine I consumed over the weekend) before bed and after prepping for our Monday morning school and work day, I woke Hubby up so he could get ready for work, and I crashed and was out by 10 pm.'s Monday again....I woke up at 6:30 and felt totally disoriented..honestly laid there for another 15 minutes trying to wake myself up. I really hate Mondays and I can't believe that the weekends go by so fast. I really wanted to make it to the gym for an extra session of strength training over the weekend, didn't happen. Wish I had morning weigh in showed I had gained a pound since the previous day...goes to show, you eat poorly, you definitely pay for it.
So, tonight, I plan on a 4 mile run and hitting the weights kind of hard. Sure hope Muscle man leaves me alone. I don't have time to waste "being chit chatty".....hopefully, with staying on track for the next few days, with my eating and exercise, I will drop that extra pound. In fact, I know I problem.

Here's to a good week everyone!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lazy Post....

Not much to say...Nothing new to talk life is boring....routine is the same, day out.
I have been shamelessly stalking new blogs...added new ones to my blog roll...haven't got up the nerve to comment on any of them yet...I feel very "unbloggy" that even a word? Maybe...sigh....

Glad it's Friday...this has been one extremely long work week....our busy time is just around the corner...Mr. Burns should be out of the office more..I hope...then maybe the sanity I have lost over these winter months will slowly start to return.

No big plans for the weekend...taking the kiddos out for dinner tonight..Justin is coming up to visit..first time in almost a month and a half...looking forward to spending some quality time with him. Maybe he will go to the gym with me.

I have been doing great with working far this year I have ran 140.4 miles....I just need to add in 2 more days per week for strength training....2 is just not enough, as I do upper body/abs/arms one day, then the next I do legs/butt/abs the next weight day at the gym. I need to being doing each twice per week.

On the laughable front..last Wenesday at the of the weight lifters, let's call him "Meat Head"...

approached me, struck up a conversation with me..( I have been going to this gym for a year and a half, he has never ever spoken to me before-usually his wife is lifting weights with him-but she was absent that night)..I had just finished my plie' squats, he sauntered/loped over to me and goes...(kind of like Rocky) "Yo, you ever take any of the classes they offer here" said no, but had thought about spin or body pump...then he asked if I had heard of P 90 X...I said son was doing it and one of the guys at the office...He asked me about the diet plan for it, I told him I have no idea...I suggested he research it on the internet....we chatted a little further, about diet...he said he wants to strengthen his core..I almost wanted to laugh in his face..his waist was small, he did not have a gut at was then I knew he was "flirting" with me....he asked about my routine, has he was getting bored with his..this is when I found out him and his wife used to be in muscle/weight lifting competitions...I told him I can only work out a few times a week in the evenings due to kids/home responsibilities...he asked how many kids...I told him four...his reply was "Damn girl, never would have thought you had one"....I thanked him, told him I needed to finish my workout and get I was leaving, he came back up to me, and said, "For four kids, honey, I have to tell have an amazing body" I guess when the wifes away, the meat head will play...Seriously? Did this guy think I was impressed? I went home and told my husband...and had another good laugh...but, then again...I was flattered...should I not be?

Have a good weekend!