Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Temptation...The root of all evil...

Ahh....temptations...they are all around us....and for those of us that try to exercise, eat healthy and be fit...working in an office...that constantly brings in cookies, donuts, candy is tough...Even more so on days like today. Today, we are having a collect-a-thon...for Accounts, to motivate everyone..the Managers decided to have a cook-out..hamburgers, grilled chicken, BBQ...chips, cookies, brownies, name is in the back room and the smell is wafting in my office, especially the BBQ and it is driving me nuts!

I for one..did not know about the cookout, so I went to Panera bread for lunch...cup of veggie soup and half a tuna sandwich..healthy right? Yep, you betcha'...410 calories total. Very proud of myself...then, I walk in the office...needless to say, I would not have ate anything but the grilled chicken, but to have been told before lunch would have been nice. Oh, well....

I have mentioned before, I maintain a healthy weight, and have so for the past 2 plus years..some days, it fluctuates...(like this weekend, a 5 lb gain on Monday morning-of which I freaked the hell out and am proud to report after 2 days of healthy eating...and working out...those 5 lbs are "poof" gone), to stay on track...I am avoiding the back room like a plaque of locusts are back there...well, in lieu of the number of times I have seen repeats trips by various co workers to the back room, there probably is a plaque of, very hard to resist.

How many of you are faced with temptations regarding your food choices? How do you deal with it? Do you bite the bullet or do you cave..give in? Just one little bite? Well, as for me...I am standing firm..sitting here...drinking my water...avoiding the back room, avoiding temptation...Score one for me! Yay!

Taking a break....

Sorry for the no posts in almost a week...just been taking a little break...been kind of overwhelmed lately at work...worried about kids..arguments with the in-laws over youngest child, family and household responsibilities and still trying to keep up with the fitness and the running. I so need a vacation...from life.

Reading all of my favorite blogs when I can, but behind. Bare with me...Dixie will be back true to form soon.

Oh...are any of you watching Dancing With The Stars this season? I have...and I must say Jennifer Grey is my pick to least for now. I am thinking about restarting up with my Dancing With the Stars older readers, if they are still around may remember when I did that something any of you would be interested in?

Have a great week! Friday is almost here!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Son! I love You!!!!!

Yesterday was my 3rd son's Birthday! We had a party for him last Saturday....He had friends over, his family, his brothers and had a terrific time. We had a cook-out, then a bon fire afterwards and we were all up very late! But, he had a terrific time. He got a new bike, clothes, an XBox game and some large lego sets..he was estatic with his gifts!

(Wow..what a terrible picture. I was so exhausted from my weekend at the Hospital with the 16 year old, I unfortunately did not get a lot of good pictures.)

Anyway, Aaron turned 11 years old yesterday. Time has really flown by. I look at this child in wonder and amazement. We were so close when he was smaller and we still are to a point. Just those "pre-teen" attitudes are starting to creep in and we don't always see eye-to-eye...but he is a terrific kid! A lot like me in so many ways...and man, can this child draw! He is quite the little artist! I can see him taking this talent and going very far with it in his adult life...although he says he wants to be in the military...who knows what he will end up doing with his life. Every day with him is a joy and I love him so very much.

Happy 11th Birthday Aaron! You rock! I am so very proud of you! You give me more joy than you will ever know! I thank God for you every day!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

All Stressed Out....

And yes....I feel as if the rope is about to break from fraying. My weekend didn't quite turn out the way I left off with my last post...Friday I left work early, went and completed my shopping for Aaron's birthday party that I had planned for Saturday afternoon and then went to the gym. Then came home, spent some time with the hubby....and then went with the family back to town for dinner. Afterwards, I was at home cleaning when I got the call...

The call every Mother dreads...My son had been hurt...hit in the head and knocked out, while playing football. Justin, the 16 year old was in Indianapolis, playing a rival school when during opening kick off of the game, he was hit from behind by a huge player and hit his head, knocked him out! My son's Dad, who he lives with, was out of town and my 20 year old was left in charge. I guess when Justin got hit, the coach called his Dad, who was in N.C. and so his Dad called Tim, thinking the accident happened in Terre Haute, told him to get to the hospital. Well, Justin wasn't in Terre Haute, he was in Tim called me. At that point, he had no idea what hospital they were taking him to, how bad he was hurt, nothing! I was scared out of my mind. I immediately started calling all the hospitals in one had any record of him. My cell phone died, the house phone battery had went I was franctically looking for another phone...finally, got that problem taken care of and started calling Justin's cell phone. Finally the coach answered his phone and said they were en route to Methodist Hospital. Hubby was supposed to work over time Friday night, so he had to call off work, as we only have one car and I had to get to the hospital. I was totally freaking out, trying to gather up the kids, hubby, etc and get on the road, as the hospital is an hour away.
Once I arrived at the hospital, I ran inside to a full E.R. waiting area and I was furious that I had to "stand in line" to get any information. I wanted to see my son! Finally, a woman coming back from break, seen my distress and immediately took me back to find my son. Once Justin seen me he broke down crying, saying he didn't remember anything. I hugged him and reassured him he was going to be fine. They did a CAT scan, which came back fine..thank goodness. He ended up with a pretty serious concussion though. We were at the hospital until 2 a.m Saturday morning. They decided to keep him over night for observation. I couldn't stay with him, as I had to drive hubby and the two little guys back home. We were all exhausted and hubby, having not slept in two days, was in no condition to drive. Once home, I showered and slept for three hours, called the hospital to check on Justin (he was sleeping but ok) and dressed and drove back to the hospital. Finally at 2 in the afternoon, the truama doctor came down to see Justin. He was discharging him, but told him no football for at least 3 weeks. Justin is pretty upset about that. I don't want him to play anymore this season. What if he got hit in the head again? I could not bare for him to have another head injury, especially after this one, the next one could be worse. The truama doctor recommended he see his family doctor this week, then next week, follow with the sports truama center in Indianapolis. He very well may be out for the rest of the season.
After leaving the hospital, I got home around 3, got Justin settled, and then had to rush to the store to finish buying everything for the cookout for Aaron's party.
The party went well, but by the end of it, I was an exhausted mess. I didn't get in bed until 1 a.m on Sunday and was up early again Sunday morning. No rest for the weary.
I was pretty tired yesterday (still am today), but still managed to get a mini run in last night..when I say mini, well...My 7 year old wanted to "run" with Mama...and guess what, he did, we did a 2.3 mile loop (run/walk) and he kept up really well...after the first loop, we came home for some water and he said he wanted to do it again. I was like, "for real-are you sure" he said yes, he said he loved it and wanted to go again. So, we 7 year old and I ended up running (with a few walk breaks) for a total of 4.6 miles. I have never been more proud of that little guy! And let me tell you, he was so proud of himself, he was gushing! He is ready to go again tonight, but I told him tonight is a gym night for me, so we have a standing running date tomorrow evening. I think he has caught the bug! We will see how long it last. Who knows, maybe this will be his "niche", his "thing"....

Have a good week!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I did it! Sore legs are not, I ran a total of 5 miles last night. I am very proud of myself for not tucking tail and going to the gym and getting it done. I am still sore today and I slept like crap last night, but overall..I feel pretty good. Physically. Mentally, just a little burned out. Too much going on and not enough time or money to take care of the business at hand...which causes undue stress...hence, probably another reason sleep has been evading me.
Maybe a short run of 3 miles or so, outside this evening is just what the doctor ordered. We shall least Friday is almost here...that's something.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ow! Ow! Owie!

Hello, my I said I would Monday, I went to the gym Monday night and tore it up! I ran a nice little 4 mile run..then worked through 5 ab exercises:

Sit ups on stability ball-15 x 3
Planks-2 x 45 seconds
Stability ball leg to arm transfer over head(not sure of proper term) 15 x 3
Ab machine 15 x 3 at 50 lbs
Oblique side to side 25 lb weight 3 x 12 each side

Then I proceeded to work the heck out of my legs. You name it, I did it...

Dead Lifts 40 lbs 3 x 12
Plie' Squats 20 lbs 3 x 12
Step ups 20 lbs 3 x 12
Lunges 10 lbs each hand 3 x 12 each leg
Calf raises 50 lbs 3 x 12
Hip Adductor machine 90 lbs-3 x 12
Hip Abductor machine 60 lbs-3 x 12
Leg extension 45 lbs 3 x 12
Leg Curls 40 lbs 3 x 12
Leg Press 90 lbs 3 x 12

I was wiped..totally when I left the gym...but, felt really good overall.
Yesterday (Tuesday), I took the night off from the gym to cook for the family. After dinner, the boys and I, along with several of their friends went for an hour bike ride, leisurely pace, but it was exercise none the the less ( I estimate I probably burned off around 200 calories)...I felt great during the ride. It was fun! The boys loved having me along and it gave me the chance to chat and get to know their little friends better.

But, today??? I am paying for it....I am so sore in my legs I can hardly walk. Sitting in this office chair all day long, I am fine..the minute I stand up to move is an "Holy Crap" moment...seriously, I went to the restroom and had to use the handicap bar next to the toilet to pull myself up! LOL....Is this what exercise and 40 is going to feel like? If so, I am up shit creek! LOL...

I am going to the gym again tonight..but I am not sure if I am going to be able to run...I hate the eliptical..but, that may be my choice for cardio tonight. I will take it mile by mile...if I can't do it, so be it. I will do an upper body workout and call it a night.

My upcoming weekend is shaping up to be a very busy one. I am so busy, that I had to ask for a 1/2 day on Friday to get everything done. My 3rd son is turning 11 next week on Thursday, so we are having his birthday "celebration" this Saturday in the form of a cook out for friends and family. So, I have to shop, clean and prepare. I am pretty anal about things being perfect, so I hope I can get it all done.

Back to's hoping I get a minimum of a 4 mile run in.

Thursday-No gym, but hope to do a neighboorhood run. My son's 12 year old friend want's to run 2 miles with me....says he can do, so we shall see.
Friday, after 12 p.m., when I leave work, I hope to get some gym time in the afternoon and another run in Saturday morning.

I feel like a slacker if I run less than 18 miles in a week.

Happy Hump Day everyone!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Right back in the saddle!

Waaahhhhh! It is no secret around here how much I abhor Mondays....
Worst day of the week in my opinion...I live for the weekends and once here, I blink and it's Monday again.
What makes it even worse for me, is putting up with Burn's in the office all day...but, I am not going to whine about that today. I am not going to whine at all believe it or not.
How was your weekend? Mine in a nutshell was pretty darn good. Friday night, hubby and I went out for dinner and came home. He had to work Friday night, so I spent it by myself, with a bottle of Malbec and the Time Traveler's wife..which I never finished watching. One of my best buddies called me and I ended up chatting with them for quiet some time, until my phone battery died! I am famous for that, let me tell ya!
Saturday morning, I was very lazy. I honestly could not get myself up and going for anything. I managed to get some coffee in me and an egg sandwich along with some fresh fruit and headed out the door for a run. I only managed 4 miles, but that put me at 19.5 for the week (6.5 miler on Thursday), I felt pretty good about that. Not feeling so good about my lack of strength training though. Since getting sick back in June, I have sort of lost my mojo there and only half ass it when I am at the gym. I am going to try very hard to get back into a routine with that this week, starting tonight. I think I am going to back off the cardio and fit in more weight lifting; don't get me wrong, still going to run, can't give that up, but maybe not as much during the week.
Anway, after my run, I came home and showered and went to get my nails done, along with a pedicure. Picked up some sandwiches for the hubby and I, came home and relaxed for awhile while the hubby gave me a foot soak ( I only got a mini pedi-cheaper) and then we got dressed and headed to Indy for a night out. We met some new friends and overall had a great time! Didn't get home until almost 4 a.m. Sunday morning. I was dead Sunday, let me tell ya! Hubby's Grandmother was having her 96th birthday party and we were under direct orders from the Mother in law not to miss, at 2 pm, we headed out to go to that. Afterwards, we went to Pepe's for an early dinner and then home to drop off Hubby and Max...the boys got new bikes on Friday so Max was anxious to ride..I promised them a bike ride after I got back from my 2 hour round trip to meet the ex to pick up the 10 year old. Arriving home at 7 pm, I changed, gathered the boys up, plus a friend and we went on a 30 minute bike ride. Nothing strenuous...there were a few hills involved, but I can count that as a work out right? I ended my evening with a shower, a glass of wine and the VMA's....interesting to say the least. Did any of you watch? I love Eminem and Rhianna's new song the Way you Lie....Glad to see he won best Male Video..of course, Lady GaGA reigned supreme...was not surprised in the least by that or eccentric style of dress...even a dress made entirely of meat! That woman may have some awesome songs, but not so sure if her head is "screwed" on correctly.
Have a great week everyone!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wow...What a long Wednesday....

Work day is over in 20 minutes...and I am headed to the gym. For the first time in over a week. Don't get me wrong, I have been getting my cardio in with outside runs...but my strength training as kind of fell by the way side. And...unfortunately, it, I am headed to the gym for a 6 mile run and to whittle my middle....

Wish me luck! It is going to kick my ass!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to work...and It's My Birthday!!!!

Wow, hard to believe that today, I turned the big 40.....I don't really feel any different...Iam not happy, I am not sad..just kind of "meh"....oh, is what it is...can't turn back the hands of time...

I just got back from a wonderful 5 days off....not happy about having to return to work on my birthday..but, I came into a nice surprise this of the girls here at work remembered my birthday and decorated up my desk for me....she even bought me a gift....totally was unexpected. But very nice...Check out my desk today...

Very pink and very festive.

Anyway, my days off were fantastic....I truly enjoyed them and I can't wait to I can take time off again. It was nice to not have to worry about schedules, do things at my own pace, work out in the early morning and take naps in the afternoon. Lovely.

Now, back to the grindstone. No big celebrations..the family is taking me out for dinner tonight, but that is about it. Adult birthdays are pretty low key in my family. Just another day basically. Anyway, here's to a speedy work week.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy Wednesday!'s way over the hump for of 5 o'clock today, I have the next 5 glorious days off! I am super pumped about it. I have needed a mini vacay for quite sometime.

Sorry for the lack of posting over the past few days. I just haven't been feeling it. Hubby and I had a great weekend last weekend....and are planning another great one this weekend.

Highlights of the past five days:
Friday (last) got off of work and went had a lovely pedicure..but, not too happy with the color so that may need to be changed tomorrow. Anyway, after getting home...hubby and I ended up in a little spat, so I threw on some running clothes and out the door I went...just for a short 3 miler, but it made me feel 100% better. Hubby and I worked through our little disagreement, basically agreed to disagree and decided to go for a late dinner. We ended up at Our Time restaurant.
Love this place! We ate upstairs in the atrium area and I had a lovely glass of Pinot Noir, along with the lamp chops, steamed asparagus and baby red potatoes..oh, and a salad. IT was to die for!
Afterwards, we went to a sports bar here in town, but there were so many people, so crowded and smoky, we left after 5 minutes. Went to Walmart (what date night doesn't end at a walmart? ) and headed home. Once home, I had a couple more glasses of wine and we went to bed.

Saturday morning, I was awakened by my ex-husbands wife to tell me that my son Justin (16 year old) was in the newspaper. He plays High School football, and the night before, his team The Terre Haute North Patriots played their rival team, the Terre Haute South...and they were losing by the end of the last quarter, tied it, went into overtime and ended up winning the game by one point. Anyway, from what I was told, in the locker room, the team had a short meeting and my son stood up and gave a motivational speech to his team-mates...that left tears in some of the football teams eyes, and so motivated them, they got out there and kicked butt, brought it back and won the game. From what his Dad said (boo hoo, I didn't get to be there), it was Justin's true "Rudy" moment....(If you have never seen the movie Rudy-seriously check it out)...or another "Friday Night" lights type of game. Anyway, there is a rivalry bell that hangs in the balance of this game being won. Whoever wins the North South game, gets control of the bell for the school year....and the team player gets to ring the bell upon possession. Guess who got to ring the bell! My baby...Here is the photo! Can't you just see all the emotions going across his face?!

Justin is number 62, the one with his fist in the air! I swear, he eats breathes and sleeps football. I have never known a more dedicated and hardworking young man then him! I am so proud of him.
After getting over not being able to be there for this momentous game...I had some breakfast, relaxing on the porch with a magazine and some coffee for awhile, then I got dressed and hubby and I headed out for a late lunch. We went back to our favorite wine and cheese shop here in Lafayette. Had an awesome lunch and shared a bottle of wine with our favorite waitress there....she was off the clock and she is a riot. After lunch, we meandered downtown and ended up stopping by Lafayette Brewery and had another cocktail....I was feeling the buzz by then, so I only had one glass of was nice to get out sans kids and have such a wonderful afternoon date. After our cocktail, we decided to go see a movie..Here is what we saw.

Out of 5 stars...I would give it a 3...I liked it but the ending threw me for a loop and made you stand up and go, "Are you kidding me? That is the end?"...sort of like the way Paranormal Activity ended...disappointing.
After the movie, we went to the bookstore for awhile, stopped by the grocery store and finally made it home around 8 p.m....and crashed on the couch while watching Meet The that movie. Dustin Hoffman and Robert Deniro crack me up. Can't wait until the new 3rd movie of that series comes's called Little Fockers...if you have never seen Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers, seriously you should check it out.
Sunday morning, I got up around 9 a.m, after having some peanut butter toast and coffee, set out for a 6 mile run...I left the house around 10:30 and didn't get home until was hot as hell out and it was a terrible run for me...hubby followed me to certain check points and brought me water. Without his help, I would have melted into the asphalt or the corn field, whichever was closest to me at the moment. It was to date, one of the most miserable distance runs I have ever ran. At about mile 3 1/2 I took a gu gel and it was a little legs were killing me, but I didn't give up. My pace slowed down, but I ended up running at total of 6.4 miles. I was so glad to get it over with, but very glad I did it...made my weekly miles total to 26.4 for the week. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself. Alas, I didn't make it to the gym for any strength training..with our busy schedules on the weekends, so hard to do. After my run, I showered and dressed and hubby and I headed out for some brunch then afterwards to the lake (one hour away) to pick up the kids.
While there, Max (7 year old) was very excited that he had learned to water ski and would not let up until we all went out on the boat so he could show us. He was very excited and so was I, once I seen him do it! I couldn't believe my little 7 year old was water skiing.....too cute. I took a few pictures...I don't know if they show up very well..he is a tiny little thing.

He is not scared of anything! Love him to pieces!
After we were done with our boating/skiing expedition, we went back up the house and had dinner...while we waited on the ex to drop off Aaron. Then we headed home.

That was my weekend in a nut as far as this week goes, Well, I won't bore you with the pitiful details. Did not work out on Monday, ran 4.5 miles last night and did upper body training and abs...and tonight, I may go for a short 3 mile run, depends on the weather..storming here now. Tomorrow, I plan on a glorious 5 mile run outside in the morning, bright and early.

Not sure what this weekend entails. We once again have no kids, so we may go away for the weekend. It is my birthday weekend and I want to bring the big 4.0. in like I am turning

Have a great rest of the week everyone!