Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ajooja....where are you??

Ok...Ajooja has made his blog private, and I am sure he just overlooked inviting me..so, if you are on his private list, help me out here...send him a contact, tell him to email me, contact me, something...let me know how to reach him!


Updated one of me....Ignore the lopsided hair...bad camera angle...

Max's 6th Birthday party...in February....

Max posing with Grandma (a.k.a...mother in law)

Aaron at Max's birthday party, playing with Max's Nerf dart tag....

Belated Christmas pictures...

Aaron's eyes in this picture...evidence of his preteen expressions, the rolling of the eyes.

All the boys, just after dinner...getting ready to play Apples to Apples...fun game!

Santa came to Grandma and Grandpa's for the Maxter...now you see why he is so spoiled.

More Christmas at Grandma's!

That's it for now...I will try to be a better blogger and a better photo taker/uploader.


I Know we are officially in my most favorite season of all...Spring. But, somehow, the weather is still chilly...mornings are still coat weather, and by late afternoon, you are in limbo about the jacket thing...do I take it off, stay slightly chilled, or leave it on, stay hot! I hate Indiana weather...for gosh sakes, we had snow flurries just this past Sunday.

I want warmer temperatures...I want to be able to wear the strappy high heeled sandals, the sleeveless cute tops/skirts...and shorts....I hate bundling up and honestly, I don't like being teased by Mother Nature...let's get the temps to the mid sixties...keep them there.

Clothing during this kind of weather is annoying....you just don't know how to dress. I am sitting here right now in a short sleeved blouse, but I am cold. How many more weeks of these blase' temps do we have to endure?

Ok..rant over.

Let's cover some updates...

Dancing with the Stars...I am lost. I haven't watched it but once this season, and I am afraid, the season is too far in for me to pick up. For some reason, it just did not grab my attention this time around. Who is left, who went home? I don't have a clue.

My other favorite show, Lost? I have only seen the first two episodes this season. I am 2 seasons behind on Grey's Anatomy and 1 season, plus curtain season behind on Nip/Tuck....
T.V. used to be such a favorite past time of mine....now, forget about it! Since I went on this fitness kick, incorporating gym/workouts, my job, family in the evenings, it does not leave time for me to watch t.v. The most I watch anymore is TLC...Little People Big World, Jon and Kate plus 8 (are they getting a divorce?) and the new show, Table for 12....that's it. I have 3 netflix movies I have had for almost two months, haven't watched them..no time!

Every weekend, I say I am going to catch up on my t.v./movie viewing, but it never happens...I am always on the go from early morning until late in the evening...on kid free weekends, hell...honey and I have been rolling in at 3 or 4 a.m...I am exhausted...running myself ragged...but, at least I feel healthier...all be it a tired kind of healthy. So...T.V...and me, we are only acquaintences...nothing more.

How is everyone else out there in blog land? So many of you I miss reading. Everyone on my blog roll to be exact. I have not done a thorough reading of my blogroll buddies since before Christmas...no time! If you are reading this, just leave me a comment, update me on how you are doing, and I do apologize for not dropping in...Pissy, Flat, Monk, Ajooja....how are you guys? Drama Queen...you never did email me...Beati...I will be over as soon as I can...I miss all of you..and I am going to have to find a way to catch up on your lifes.

Ok...more updates...(geez...I am all over the place here aren't I?..what I get for not posting in so long I guess)...

My mom...she is doing much better. She has hired a new team of doctors..new lung specalist, new heart doctor, new GP.....they are afraid the pills she takes for her diabetes are no longer working to control it and are talking about switching her to insulin shots....they are still planning on replacing the two stints in her heart, but they have put that on hold until her health improves a little and she has the strength for the procedure.

My kids are all doing lovely...Max is doing much better in school...Aaron is pushing that pre-teen age, so his mouth is starting to over ride his little britches....not so nice to be around some times....his grades have slipped a little...reading and math have become his problem areas....lots of work to do there...c average, but he is capable of better, so he and I aren't very good friends right now, as I am pushing, pushing, pushing him too better.

Hubby and I are doing fantastic...we are closing in on our 7 year anniversary soon, and we find we are more in love today than ever...I think he loves me more now, then I ever thought possible...may have something to do with my weight loss...110 lbs now and he is like a horny teenager..lol..hell, we both are...so, that's all good.

I am getting ripped...I love going to the gym, I love the 2 hour workouts I put in....and I am loving the effects...I love running, I love cardio and I abhor the weight lifting, but I am doing it, a lot of it and I think I am ready to run my first 5 k.....just need to find one. My work out with the personal trainer went great...he really gave me a lot of good pointers and showed me some great free weight exercises..plus, I think I made a terrific new friend in him...he has hung out with hubby and I a couple times and we all had a blast.

So...life for the Dixie...is good! No complaints...still hate my job...there are up days, and there are down days...but, I am trying to roll with the flow. It's busy, super busy...hence my lack of posts on this little ol' blog....but, don't give up on me...

Easter is coming up....I plan to post about that....what do and your family do for Easter..if you celebrate it? Real Easter Baskets or store bought?

There will be updated pictures...I know I have been slack on that for a while...I have a ton on my camera...maybe if I get time this afternoon, since Mr. Burns has vacated the building, I will see if there are any worth posting.....


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I went to the gym last night, put myself through a 2 hour, 890 calorie burn workout...I am going back tonight...but tonight, I have an appointment with a personal trainer...

Pray for me....yikes!

Lazy..yep, that's me....

But, only when it comes to blogging.....sorry folks. I don't know what is wrong with me....guess my life is just too boring. Nothing to share. I don't want to get on here and keep rehashing the same b.s...work, kids, job, gym, etc....whine, whine, whine.

I do have some good news. My mom is out of the hospital...for now. Her pneumonia is better, she goes to the doctor for lung x-rays...I pray they don't find anything and they give her an all clear. She is going to have to have 2 stints replaced in her heart, but they are waiting to do that surgery when she has all of her strength back.

I have been so busy, just living life, that blogging has taken a back burner. Shoot, I haven't even watched Dancing with the Stars....I don't know what is going on. If I can get a break from running, constantly being on the go, then this weekend, maybe I can go to abc.com and pick up where I left off, which would be the first show. I did hear that Denise Richards got voted off last night. All I can say about that is good...I can't stand her. One episode of her reality show was enough to solidify my opinion on her....

Work is a little better. I have my good days, my bad days....I never heard anything back about that other job offer. So, I will just bide my time. With Spring here, I am scheduling Mr. Burns more appointments out of the office, so the less time he is in here the better for me.

Hubby is getting less hours at work.....he is used to working six days a week, with overtime optional...now, all overtime is cut and his days have been cut back...not good. It has really pinched our purse strings, but he says he refuses to take part in this recession...it worries me...as they have told him he faces lay offs this summer. I hope that is not the case.

The kids are on spring break this week, and I am stuck having to work. I have been informed no one, absolutely no one can take time off until after June....as this is our busiest time of the year. Funny, one of our managers has three days off this week...guess that rule applies to some but not all. I get so sick of double standards. Aaron is with his Dad this week, Max is with Grandpa and Grandma, down at the lake...I hope they enjoy themselves. Although Max has been sick the first two days of his Spring break....with fever. Thank goodness the mother in law called this morning and said it had finally broke and he was back to his old self. I have Spring fever...I would love to take a trip away some where..but, that entails money and the ablility to take time off work...I have neither of those. My oldest, the 18 year old, called me a couple nights ago...I guess his Dad has given him permission to go to Florida for his Spring break next week....he wanted me to give him some money. His Dad even emailed me and asked if I could contribute. I don't have it. Tim has a job, his Dad gave him permission, so they need to work it out. His dad makes the big bucks...he works for the government and his wife works as well. Tim is staying with a group of eight or more, so the condo will be split 8 ways....if he budgets his food/spending choices, he should be ok...we have to eat, take care of the other kids. I am afraid to ask hubby if I can send him a little money. Tim is almost 19, hubby feels he should be "making it on his own"....as he has no rent or other expenses but gas, car payment and insurance. I want to help him, but with hubby's hours cut back, we just do not have it. Once again, I am sure Tim will be upset with me. What else is new?

Well, I better get to work....lot's to do, so little time. Have a great hump day everyone!!!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


After I got home from the gym last night, I got a phone call from my cousin Katie in SC....my Mom, who has been ill and on disability, for some time, was having trouble breathing and they had called an ambulance for her. I could hear her in the background, gasping for air, crying...while I was on the phone with Katie...I felt so helpless. It is hard, as the older child, the daughter, to not be able to be there for your mother/parent, as they age, to help take care of them.

My mother is only 59 years old, has been a smoker, heavily for most of her life. I know she has cut back over the past couple years, but she has not given it up entirely, as she has liked to lead me to believe. She has diabetes, has had a heart attack (has stints? in her heart) and is on oxygen for her breathing. I have not seen her smoke over the past couple years, but my intuition and my brother have confirmed to me that she still does.

She should be in the prime of her life, but instead, at 59, she looks and carries herself in the way of a 70 something year old woman. It breaks my heart.
I have begged her to move up here and live with me and my family, but she doesn't want to impose. She would rather spend her days alone, in her tiny little apartment, away from her grandchildren, willing herself to die.
She has not been the same since my dad passed away 10 years ago. My husband's mom is 8 years older than her, and still runs around like a woman my age.

Anyway, she was taken to the hospital, via ambulance, admitted with pneumonia and heart problems. I have not heard anything else today. I feel so helpless, and I feel like, by moving so far away 20 years ago, starting my family, she thinks I have abandoned her. With my job, my kids, unless it is an emergency, plus lack of funds, I can't just jump on a plane, or spend an entire day in the car driving to her. If they were to call me and tell me it was life/death, then I would find a way to be on the next flight out. As it is, I am beside myself with worry and pray that she does not feel as if I have abandoned her. I haven't. If only she would just move up here with me and my family. I think I could pull her out of this....get her health back on the right track, give her a reason/will to live.

Right now, all I can do is pray that she will be ok....her health could turn out ok, but how do you give someone their will/desire to live back?
How do you do that?

Monday, March 16, 2009

It's only Monday?

Oh, my gosh....the weekend went by in a total blur...I don't think I slept very much at all over the weekend. Hubby and I stayed on the go constantly, but we had such fun. The kids were all gone, so Hubby and I met up with new friends both Friday night and Saturday night, not getting home until around 4 a.m. both mornings....

Hubby went golfing all day Sunday with our little guy Max and his dad and mom. Leaving me at home all day Sunday by myself. I didn't make it to the gym, but you know what, who cares! I needed a day for me, just to do nothing. It was great.

But, now I am back to the grindstone, toiling away in this flourescent lighted hell. Hopefully the day will go quickly. I am so tired I can hardly stand it.

Hope you all have a great week! I will be back when I have something of interest to say.

Monday, March 9, 2009

It's back.......

The complete cast list for eighth season of the smash ABC show includes: singer Belinda Carlisle, actor and comedian David Alan Grier, songstress Jewel, Olympic gymnast Shawn Johnson, hip-hop diva Lil' Kim, actor Gilles Marini, rodeo star Ty Murray, "Jackass" daredevil Stevo-O, Access Hollywood host Nancy O'Dell, actress Denise Richards, singer Chuck Wicks and Macintosh magnate Steve Wozniak.

Are you going to be watching? I know I am....I hope it is a little more exciting than last year....although, I think some "accidents" have already happened and we are already down to two replacements, before it even starts. Apparently Jewel and Nancy O'Dell are both being replaced....rumor has it Holly Madison, from The Girls Next Door, will be replacing one of the injured two ladies...don't know who the other replacement will be as of yet.

I hope to blog about it, as I have done in the past, but since my internet time is kind of short now, that remains to be seen.
I will be watching tonight, taking notes and hopefully post about it tomorrow.

Who's going to be watching with me?

Friday, March 6, 2009


I just had lunch with a friend of mine, I actually worked with him here at my current job...he left to work and become partner with a friend of his in a business his friend owns..that is doing quite well. He sort of made me a job offer. No details have been ironed out yet, like pay, hours and benefits...but, it's a start to the possibility of me getting the heck out of here!

I sure hope it pans out to be something good.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

This is just too cute for words....

You can not look at this adorable photo and not smile....


I had to delete my Quit or Die post, pertaining to my job....not sure if a co worker found out, but I didn't want to take any chances....

Bohemian Look...What is it, 1970 again?

Last night, Aaron went to visit his dad for the evening, so hubby, Max and I went out for dinner....Pepe's....MmMmmm....needless to say, after being sick last week, Mama here lost 7 more lbs...in 3 days people. I felt I deserved a little fattening up...I had chicken enchiladas and a yummy margarita.....

After Dinner, hubby wanted to take me over to the mall....I needed some shoes, and some new pants...so, began the arduous task of trying to find clothes. The point of my title to this post.
Everywhere I looked, Macy's, Charlotte Russe, Wet Seal....it was mostly hippie, bohemian looking crap...honestly, I had such a difficult time finding anything. Just not my style at all.

I did find a couple tops, and went to the Limited to buy a pair of pants. Honestly, all I can say, after spending an exorbitant amount of money, on one pair of pants, is it so difficult for the sales person, just to adequately do their job?
When I went to put the pants on this morning, they still had the store security tag on them, the little plastic thing, that's supposed to make the alarm in the store go off, if left on the article of clothing...did the alarm go off when we left the store?
No! Now, I have to make a special trip, back to the mall, to have the damned thing taken off. I don't ask for much, these little petty aggravations totally rub me the wrong way. This is not the first time this happened to me...like the third.

Same with drive through restaurants...lately, it seems they can never get an order right. There is always something wrong with it. Do we really have to check our purchases all the time now, because people are just not competent to do their jobs, or is it that they they just dont give a rats ass?

Questions....have any of you been expierienced this, lack of attention with retail and food industry? And women, how many of you are into this new hippie/bohemian look? I think it sucks!