Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Early Memorial Day....

Hey, guys! Sorry for being so slack this week..I have been so super busy. My weekend with hubby last week was awesome and I have been on a huge work out kick this week. Worked out hard Monday and Tuesday, took Wednesday off, going to the gym tonight for a long run and weights sesh and then again tomorrow and at least once this weekend.

I am super excited because I have the next four days off....yippee....I am looking forward to one last day at home, the kids in school...I can go by my own schedule stress...well, maybe a little...I have a lot of errands to run, a run myself and another weight sesh at the gym, plus I need to clean my house, especially the basement...because...My two older boys are coming up to visit and stay with me for the weekend..the 20 year old is driving himself and his brother, the 16 year old, up for the weekend. I am so excited, as I have not seen the oldest in several months and the 16 year old in a month....

We are having a cook out Saturday afternoon, and have invited 10 year olds dad (yes, the ex-but he wants him there and we all get along, so it should be ok), one of hubby's friends and one of my friends and her fiance' and son...and I have told the two younger boys they can invite one each of their neighborhood friends. We hope to get some fireworks for the boys to shoot off at dark, and we plan on lighting a fire and sitting outside late into the evening..there may be some smore's involved and there will definitely be some wine...

Ahhhhh....right now, life is pretty good....

Remember to take time to show your appreciation for all the soldiers that have served our country and lost their lifes in the line of duty....Happy Memorial Day!

Friday, May 21, 2010

I have exactly 20 minutes left and I am out of this fluorescent lighted hell and home to my hubby. I am so looking forward to a nice weekend, since last weekend ended so terribly.

It has been a long crazy week here at work, and I am going to hit the door running.

Hubby and I have some errands to run after work, then I am going home to clean up and we are going for dinner and a couple of drinks. There is an old time bar in town that once used to be a favorite stomping ground of mine and hubbys, but eventually over the years, business begin to decline and the owner eventually sold it. The new owners favored a different race and type of music, so hubby and I didn't go back, because we were out of our element. Now, there is another new owner and they are having a up and coming country artist playing there, after dinner we are going to go check him out. Hopefully, it will be a fun time.

The kiddos are gone...Aaron to his Dad's and Max to Grandma and Grandpas. So, hubby and I should be able to reconnect with one another, which we are in desperate need of.

Tomorrow, I plan on another long run, some housework, a trip to the gym for a weight sesh..and then tomorrow night, hubby and I are going for a night out in Indianapolis. Sunday, I don't know...maybe another run....and the rest of the day trying to catch up on all of my magazine reading...seriously, I have such a magazine addiction and I have subscriptions to a lot...and they have begun to pile up on my nightstand. I should seriously take a picture and post it on is unreal.

So..that's it in a nutshell. Maybe I can remember to take my camera and take some pictures of the shenanigans hubby and I may or may not get

Have a great weekend everyone!

English Cartoon: Propose


English Cartoon: Propose

Funny English Cartoon: Propose

English Cartoon: Magic


English Cartoon: Magic

Funny English Cartoon: Magic

English cartoon movie "Tom and Jerry (Down Beat Bear)"

English Cartoon: Best Way To Log Off

Best Way To Log Off

English Cartoon: Best Way To Log Off

Best Way To Log Off
Funny English Cartoon: There are better ways to log off.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Working For The Weekend....

Without a doubt...all week long, I have been working for the weekend...and it's almost here...Yay! I am looking forward to a do-over with hubby..we have no kids and we are going to totally take advantage of that. We are in desperate need of some quality, one on one time.....

Things have lightened up for me...going in the right direction again. With my home and personal life and with my workout/exercise work...that record is continuously playing on "repeat" a negative way. Hubby emailed me yesterday, telling me to come striaght home after work, we would make a plan for dinner...I replied back, Yes, definitely, if I am not arrested before then for assault....meaning towards Mr. Burns....he is driving me up the damned wall! Things have not changed...the only days that are good for me at work, are the days he is not in the office. Seriously...he drives me to tears....not that I would ever give him the satisfaction of seeing that. The two of us, we are like oil and is a natural disaster....He should work for BP.....he spreads his nastiness around so well.

Oh, well...enough about that...

I have been really "on it" when it comes to my running lately..last week, I finally broke through the 20 mile per week barrier...running a total of 27 miles in one week (yay for my twelve miler last Saturday)....So far this month, I have run 51 miles..if I get my run in as planned tonight and over the weekend, that will put me around 65 miles so far this month, giving me a grand total for the year of: 336.6 miles...and I have a week left in this month...My goal was to run at least 700 miles this year..I think, if nothing happens to me healthwise, I will more than exceed that.

This week, I have only worked out one day..that was Tuesday. I ran 5 miles, then did abs and back/neck/shoulders.

Wednesday, on my lunch break, I went to the gym and lifted again...focusing on chest, biceps/triceps/shoulders. I am so sore, I know it was worth it. I was planning on a run last night, but we ended up going out for dinner. Then to the grocery, that plan was dropped like a hot potato...

Tonight, is at least a 2 1/2 hour gym session...I plan on another 5 mile run, then more abs and the focus is on legs. I hate squats and lunges, especially walking lunges, those "kill me"...but, I plan on at least 3 sets of each, followed by Plie' squats, step ups, dead lifts and all the leg machines..adductor/abductor, standing calf raises, leg presses, etc....

I will be dead tired...that is for sure. Anyways, I am looking forward to a healthy gym sesh....go home afterwards, have a salad and go to bed...

Tomorrow is Friday...Yay! Hope you all have a spectacular weekend!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

English Cartoon: Computer Cables

Computer Cables

English Cartoon: Computer Cables

Computer Cables
Funny English Cartoon: Now, if you can find the power switch, flip it on.

English Cartoon: Plastic Surgery Center

Plastic Surgery Center

English Cartoon: Plastic Surgery Center

Plastic Surgery Center
Funny English Cartoon: Plastic Surgery Center

English cartoon movie "Tom and Jerry (Puss Gets The Boot)"

English Cartoon: Delete Button

Delete Button

English Cartoon: Delete Button

Delete Button
Funny English Cartoon: All I did was hit the delete button.


Just for the few that are wondering...Hubby and I have worked through things. We are going to be fine...just one of those rough patches in a marriage that had to be talked out.

Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Gloomy Monday...I want a do-over...

I hate Mondays...My weekend wasn't very good. Well, actually it was, up until Saturday night. Hubby and I had a huge argument. It is all my fault. I am having a hard time dealing with things. We are working through it. Only time will tell....I do know one thing, I don't deserve him. I have some issues of my own, that I am not going to get into on here, that I need to work through. I love him, with all of my heart, I do know that. No one is perfect...I know I am not. I feel like a failure.

Friday night, things were great! We grilled out, watched movies....relaxed and got along fine. Saturday...I did the ultimate run. I ran 12 miles!! Yes, 12 miles...It took me 2 hrs and 15 minutes...I literally ran until my feet bled. I have a huge blister on my left heel....I think it is due to my new running shoes. They may be a half size too big. I am going to have to let it heal before I can run again. Which sucks. I really need to run. It is almost like a helps me heal, mentally.

I really need some "healing" right now. I feel "empty" inside. to speak. I said a lot of hurtful things to my husband. Things that I did not mean. How do I repair that. I can't take the words back. I wish I could. I wish they were never said. He says he forgives me, he says he still loves me. Now, I have to work on forgiving myself, work on repairing the damage and move on. I just don't know if I can.

I hate Mondays.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

English Cartoon: Computer Desk For Housewife

Computer Desk For Housewife

English Cartoon: Computer Desk For Housewife

Computer Desk For Housewife

Funny English Cartoon: Computer Desk For Housewife

English Cartoon: Same weight!!

Same weight

English Cartoon: Same weight!!

Same weight
Funny English Cartoon: Same weight!!

English Cartoon: Why does Tarzan shout?

Why does Tarzan shout

English Cartoon: Why does Tarzan shout?

Funny Cartoon
Funny English Cartoon: Why does Tarzan shout?

English Cartoon: Silicone Valley

Silicone Valley

English Cartoon: Silicone Valley

Funny Cartoon
Funny English Cartoon: We must be in silicone valley!

English Cartoon: Disadvantage of Using Air Doll

Disadvantage of Using Air Doll

English Cartoon: Disadvantage of Using Air Doll

Disadvantage of Using Air Doll
Funny English Cartoon: Disadvantage of Using Air Doll

Friday, May 14, 2010

Where Have I been??

Not that anyone really cares...seeing as how I only have a couple blogger friends that even stop by here anymore....but, I have been busy. Busy with work, busy with family, busy with working time for blogging.

Well, there probably was a minute or two here or there I could have slapped up a post, but..bleh...I just wasnt feelingit..still don't. This blogging thing and me...not so sure if we are working out. I don't know if I am going to shut Dixiechick down...or just take a hiatus...we will see. No one would probably miss this site if it was gone anyway. No, I am not on some pity party...No, I am not expecting to get a bunch of comments with "NO, Dixe..don't do it...don't leave us...arrgghhhh".....I just am not that interested in blogging anymore. Now, I love to read blogs, I read my favorites everyday..just lurking around other's sites...never leaving comments..because I don't even have the desire to do that...Just not feeling it.

I have never thought of myself as a writer..God knows, I wouldn't even fit into that category...I suck. I don't have anything to say but a bunch of useless drival. No one leaves me comments, (except for one faithful follower-She knows who she is) and we know, as bloggers, it is all about the comments...Don't know it is. You blog to reach out to people, to network, etc...I don't know when others lost interest in my site..don't know where I "went wrong", because of that I have also lost my mojo for blogging.
I blogged a while back about losing my mojo in my day to day life as well...Sicilian my friend, thought maybe I was depressed...I thought about that...and really, I don't have anything to be depressed about....I have my worries..but, nothing that would put me in the category of "depression"....Just the usual stuff..worried about my kids, worried about money, hating my job.....worried about hubby and his health..worried about my Mom....which pretty much leaves me no time to worry about me....I think I was just I am doing much better this week. I took a break last week, only working out twice, got in bed a little earlier each night and "re-charged"....

This week...I have jumped back onto the work out far I have ran 15 miles this week (3 different runs) and strength trained twice. My eats have been pretty much on track...healthy, lo cal and tons of water. Not to say I have not indulged occasionally...but nothing too extreme.

I plan on 2 more runs over the weekend, and one more strength training session. This is my weekend with my kids, at least my two youngest. Nothing planned but, housework, gym time, maybe a trip to the park...and watching some movies...maybe a little wine will be involved.

In the meantime...I am going to think about this little blog of mine, and how, if I do decide to keep it up and running, how I can change the dynamics of do I put myself back out there and obtain more readers and followers.

What can I blog about that would interest you? What would you like to know more about Dixie? Ask me questions, leave me comments. If you are lurking, de-lurk..say hi...I don't care if you googled a cartoon and landed on my site, or if you googled Nashville, TN..which, according to my hits, that is what leads a lot of people here...

Over the past 2 1/2 years..I have made a couple really good friends...Hi Sicilian and Jer...Jer in particular...a pen pal, that dropped me a comment and we have been communicating via email for quite some time...I have never met this person yet (soon-we are meeting in June)..but I consider them a very close friend..(Hi-Jer!)...they know who they are, because they just emailed me and called me on my "not blogging" seconds ago...coincidence? I think not...guess that is my sign not to totally throw in the towel on this whole blogging thing....

I just need to figure out how to be more interesting, change up the dynamics..but, I need a little help.....I don't know where to go with this anymore...would you like more pictures, of me, my kids, my life...should I blog more with pictures of what I eat, like some bloggers..or how about recipes? You..the reader, yeah YOU!!! Tell me what would keep you interested in me....and in reading my blog...

Otherwise... I got nothing..


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

English Cartoon: Suicide Prevention Squad

Suicide Prevention Squad

Funny Cartoon: Suicide Prevention Squad

Suicide Prevention Squad
Funny English Cartoon: Suicide Prevention Squad

English Cartoon: Prisoner’s Computer

Prisoner Computer

Funny Cartoon: Prisoner’s Computer

Prisoner Computer
Funny English Cartoon: Escape Escape Escape

English Cartoon: Don't Drop The Gun!!

Dont Drop The Gun

Funny Cartoon: Don't Drop The Gun!!

Funny Cartoon
Funny English Cartoon: Don't Drop The Gun!!

English Cartoon: Job Interview

Job Interview

Funny Cartoon: Job Interview

Job Interview
Funny English Cartoon: Please have a seat.

English Cartoon: Job Evaluation Day

Job Evaluation Day

Funny Cartoon: Job Evaluation Day

Job Evaluation Day
Funny English Cartoon: Job Evaluation Day

English Cartoon: Are they real?

Are they real

English Cartoon: Are they real?

Funny Cartoon
Funny English Cartoon: Oh, sure they're nice, but are they real?

English Cartoon: Disadvantage of Bald

Disadvantage of Bald

English Cartoon: Disadvantage of Bald

Funny Cartoon
Funny English Cartoon: Disadvantage of Bald