Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blogging slump....

Without saying...I have found myself in quite a blogging slump. I am just not into it anymore. I have been thinking about shutting this blog down. Hanging up the blogging rite of passage. But...something is holding me back. I keep hoping, I guess...that I will find my groove again....then maybe I can write a book..."How Dixie got her groove back"....or something like that...haha.

So, what's been going on bloggies? I am so far behind on all of my blog favorites....since they blocked my access at work, I can admit that has been a deterrent. When I am not at work...I just don't have any time. Between work, kids/home, gym...trying to keep my hubby happy...make sure the kids are doing their homework, doing it the list just goes on and on....

It makes me tired just thinking about it.

We celebrated my 3rd son's birthday a week and a half a go.....he turned, hard to believe he is now a decade old. We had a cook out....with the ex (his dad) and his dad's brother, sister in law and nephews....nothing like entertaining your ex inlaws at your son's birthday party. It went ok....everyone was cordial....they gave Aaron a check for his birthday...we took that and with our birthday money for him, we went and bought him an XBOX 360....he has been stuck in the almost obsolete PlayStation 2 era for way too long. He was thrilled. It was a great cookout for him, helped him to see that his Mom/Dad could come together as friends, put forth a united front to make his birthday special. Hell, even hubby got along with everyone.
My oldest son, the college boy, drove himself and his brother (15 year old) up for the day as well. He doesn't get to see his little brothers as much, so that in itself was a present for Aaron. It was a nice day..although hectic.

Last weekend, hubby and I went away with a friend of ours for the weekend. Well, not the entire weekend. We left Saturday at noon and came back on Sunday around 1 pm...but, it was fun. For the past two weekends, I have done nothing but ran, ran, ran....exhausted is what I am. I am so looking forward to a weekend, where I have nothing to do...this weekend, will be more of the same.

My car was wrecked last Thursday night, so..I am dealing with insurance companies, claims, and body, Saturday I have do take my car in for the tune of $3700. Good thing I do have insurance..although, there is that deductible..yikes! Then I have to pick up a rental car. It will take them most of next week to get it fixed. 15 year old has a football game on Saturday morning, in Indianapolis, at Lawrence North High School...I am going to try and make that. Then he will come home with me afterwards, and Sunday, I will have to drive him back to Terre Haute...No rest for this weary soul.

On top of all of that..I am still kicking butt and taking names at the gym and with my running. Got some new shoes, just about have them broken in, so my hammy is not bothering me as much. I have achieved my new P.R. for my 5k time....27 minutes 40 seconds....I am loving this running thing. Hoping to get my weekly mile average to somewhere around 25 to 30 miles per week. Gradually, run further, increase my mileage. A few weeks ago, I ran my longest...12 miles! Haven't been able to replicate or exceed that...but, I am working on it. Don't know what happened that day....all the runners starts aligned correctly or something I guess. I do know that proper fuel, before a run is necessary....a pack of GU gel about half way through helps a lot as well.

Well, thanks for reading...those of you out there that still give a shit.

OH...wait....Dancing With the Stars is back....I am sure you all know that, as last night was the second vote off.....I am pulling for Kelly Osborne or Donny Osmond....those are my two top picks to win this season...What say you?


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wow...It's been a while....

Life has gotten the best of much has been going on..with work, at home...with my kids...Blogging as been put on the back burner...not that it matters much, no one comes around here anymore anyway..

So, what has been going on the past couple weeks? I had a great mini vacation..well, some hubby's grandmother past away...we buried her Tuesday 2 weeks ago today.

I pulled my hamstring 2 days before I was supposed to race my 5k, so I had to pull out of that.
Then, the following week, I went to the gym and ran 12 miles...on the treadmill...the next day, I walked like an old woman, I seriously felt I needed a cane.

We celebrated my 3rd sons 10th birthday on Sunday.

Then, I got sick....missed work yesterday.

Of course, the silent treatment is given to me today. It is the biggest sin of all to call off work from this freaking place!

Oh, well....the worse they can do at the moment is write me up. Which I expect. Would not be the least bit surprised if they don't. I am not perfect like some of the ass kissers that work here.

Hope you all have a great week!
I really have nothing more to say...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Busy Little Bee..Yep, That's Me....

Been swamped here at work today. Twice the normal amount of work to do, because I go on a mini vacation from this place starting tomorrow. Yay! I don't have any plans to go anywhere, but a break from here, is enough. I plan to hit the gym, get in a few runs, relax, just spend time with the family over this Labor Day weekend. Maybe throw a cookout and a family reunion with the hubby's dad's side of the family in on Sunday.

Went for a 4.50 mile run last night...Going for another 5 mile tonight, which will put my mileage thus far at 15 miles for the week. I am aiming for 25 total, so we will see.

Hope you all have a great remainder of the week and a terrific Labor Day weekend.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dang coffee bandits....

Seriously!!! I have made 2 dang pots of coffee here at work this morning, and I have only gotten one cup. Just a few minutes ago, I go back to get my 2nd cup of coffee and what? Gone! Again...I just started the pot 10 minutes ago. I caught one of the sales guys red handed. He knew I was peeved. I told him, you take the last of it, make another pot! I am not making another pot for you guys to come up here, drink it all and walk away, leaving the pot empty...I will be back in 10 minutes, and there better be another pot made, ready and waiting on me!!

The sales guy stood there with a stunned expression on his face, not sure weather to finish pouring the coffee or put it down and walk away...


Mama any runners out there have one?

I want one of these bad boys....or bad girls...however you choose to look at it...
Here are the specs on it:

Meet Forerunner 405. This GPS-enabled sport watch tracks your training, then wirelessly sends your data to your computer.

Forerunner 405 continuously monitors your time, distance, pace, calories and heart rate (when paired with heart rate monitor). Each run is stored in memory so you can review and analyze the data to see how you've improved. You can even download recorded courses to compete against previous workouts or race a Virtual Partner.

The only problem? They cost $300 smackaroos....

Sigh....a girl can dream, huh?

Are there any runners out there that has one? Are they hard to use? What opinions do you have about it if you do own one?

I am going to get some kind of heart rate monitor, but from my research and all that I have read, Garmins are top of the line. Regardless, I can't get one until next Spring, when we get our tax check...but, I figured I would start researching them now, that way when the time does get here, I will know exactly what I want and what to get.

So...I did go to the gym last night...injured, but still able to run. It wasn't my feet the skin came off of. I did 5.5 miles...

The first few miles, I kicked butt...

Mile 1- 9 minutes
Mile 2- 9 minutes 5 sec
Mile 3- 9 minutes 20 sec
Mile 4- 9 minutes 35 sec
Mile 5- 10 minutes 45 sec
Mile .5- 4 minutes 20 sec

Total time: 51 minutes 25 seconds.

Not too shabby...I kind of started to peter out in the last mile or so...slowing my pace down. My ankle was starting to smart and um....I had to go to the bathroom, like really bad. Hard to hold it and keep running, but I didn't want to stop. When I got to that half mile mark, I had to stop. My intention was to do a six miler, but, um...sometimes, your mind can not tell your body to keep going, or to hold the case may be.

Anyway, after going to the bathroom, sweet did my stretching, then did a series of abs and legs...

Tonight, no gym...but I may try to get a short run in, an easy 3 miler....hopefully, if I do, my feet will be the only thing hitting the pavement.

Later gators....