Friday, May 30, 2008

Top 10 Worst Cartoon Characters.......Friday Funny!

#10 - Tweety Bird -
You know there's a problem when every single kid roots for the "hero" to be devoured in each episode. No sense of humor. No personality. Annoying voice. Plus he was always tattling. I knew kids like this growing up. Most of them ate paste, sat in the front of the bus, and got me in trouble.

#9 - Grape Ape

A real moron. All he knows how to say is his name. And he does so non-stop for a half an hour. I'd rather watch "Davey and Goliath covet their neighbors model airplane."

#8 - Olive Oyl
Am I the only one out there who thought this was one lady NOT worth fighting over? And that's what they did every episode! She talks like Edith Bunker and looks like a pipe cleaner with a cheap hat. Hey, Popeye, you're a sailor... you can do better! Plus Olive can never decide if she wants to date that jerk Bluto or not. The girl is just bad news.

#7 - Petunia Pig
Remember her? Porky's girlfriend? She was a real zero. What was the point of her anyway? To make Porky look good? Come on, who did they think they're fooling. We all know Porky is gay.

#6 - Pebbles & Bam-Bam, as teenagers

What were they thinking? Were they trying to cash in on the "Joanie loves Chachi" thing? And how come every cartoon teenager plays in crumby rock band? An awful -and thankfully shortlived- idea.

#5 - Pepe LePew
Hello, Warner Brothers, ever heard of sexual harassment? Let's take a good look at this character; a horny, rapist skunk who's attracted to other species! NOT good for the kids.

#4 - Alan, from Josie and the Pussy Cats
How weak was this "Fred" clone? They even gave him an ascot, for crying out loud. Well, I knew Fred. I grew up with Fred. Fred was like a friend of mine. Let me tell you're no Fred.

#3 - Zan and Jayna, the Wondertwins
How many times do we have to say it? Leave the crimefighting to the professionals! "Form of... an idiot!" They should have been voted out of the Hall of Justice a long time ago. There's no room for dead weight in this game.

#2 - Kazoo, from the Flintstones
It's like "Hmmm, a miniature, green spaceman who appears only to Fred Flintstone isn't enough of a stretch. I know! Let's give him a snotty London accent!" Um, could I get a drug test from Hanna Barbara, please?

#1 - Scrappy Doo
And, really, who else COULD it be? This guy ruined Scooby Doo! Just came in and ruined it! Scrappy is the Yoko Ono of Saturday morning cartoons. I can't even talk about it anymore. It's too upsetting.

There you have it....the Top 10 Worst Cartoon Characters.....

What were your favorite/worst cartoons when you were a kid?

Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Anniversary Coming up.....

Our Six year Anniversary is coming up, June 2nd as a matter of fact....and I am at a total loss as to what I should get hubster for this glorious occasion..I need some help people....what do you get for the sixth anniversary?

Leave me a comment...with your Dixie out....please??????

I want it to be special...something unforgettable....I thought about having some tasteful semi-nude, sexy pictures done of me...but, I think I will save that for our ten year or something....if I am not too old and saggy by

But for now...I just don't, I will be so grateful with any ideas you may be able to give me....

Patiently waiting...Dixie.....

Thursday 13.....

It's been awhile since I have done a Thursday here goes....

13 of the Worlds Worse Album Covers.....

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm With George.....


Life Could Be Worse....

Life could be worse.

We all have bad days at times, and we are ready to quit our jobs. Well, next time you have a day like that remember this.......

WHEN you have a 'I Hate My Job' day, try this:

your way home from work, stop at your pharmacy and go to the
thermometer section and purchase a rectal thermometer made by Johson
& Johson. Be very sure you get this brand.

you get home, lock your doors, draw the curtains and disconnect the
phone so you will not be disturbed. Change into very comfortable
clothing and sit in your favorite chair. Open the package and remove
the thermometer. Now, carefully place it on a table or a surface so
that it will not become chipped or broken...

the fun part begins. Take out the literature from the box and read it
carefully. You will notice that in small print there is a statement:

'Every Rectal Thermometer made by Johson & Johson is personally tested and then sanitized '.

Now, close your eyes and repeat out loud five times,

'I am so glad I do not work in thermometer quality control at Johson & Johson.'

How Did You Celebrate?

Wow...What a glorious four day weekend I just had....Sorry for not being around...but hubster and I stayed on the go constantly for the past four days. All of the kiddos were gone for the entire Memorial Day, the hubster and I enjoyed the time alone....

Friday we traveled about two hours away from where we live in Lafayette, up to Merriville Indiana to the casino boats with a friend of ours. It was so much fun. Luckily, we didn't lose any money...our friend gave me $50 to play the slots, of course...I lost it. He put $50 in....he lost his too. But, just being there..hanging out, drinking..was loads of fun. Sad part about it was watching some of those people gamble, which I am sure, were there entire weeks paycheck away on those machines. The pure looks of rejection, bewilderment and just sadness on some of their faces was so unbelievable to me.....I know gambling, for some, is just as bad of an addiction as drugs and alcohol can be for people. Sad..really sad...Some of them continued to sit there at the slots, long after there money was gone....hoping by some miracle, the machine would just "give" them their money back. Another thing that bothered me about our visit while there, was there was a seven/eight year old little girl at the casino, sitting on the floor with a gameboy, no parent in sight and it was eleven thirty at night. An hour later, we passed by her again...still no parent.....what the hell is a parent thinking by bringing a child to a casino, then leaving them unattended like really pissed me off. Some people so do not deserve to have children.

Saturday, on our drive back from Merriville...we drove through Monticello..home to Indiana Beach....the tourists were out in full force, as that was their opening weekend....we didn't go to the beach...but we did stop by the Sportsman Inn for lunch....where I had one of the best Mimosa's ever!!! It was so relaxing to eat lunch there, look out over the lake.....
Once we got home that afternoon, hubby went fishing and I got to take a glorious two hour nap....bliss, I tell you...pure bliss.

Saturday evening...we went for dinner...where many of these were enjoyed and savored....

After dinner and drinks, we walked across the street to the theater and saw this movie....

I only have one word to describe it....

Awesome!!! If you haven't seen it, let me tell you it is well worth it....I think it is the best Indiana Jones movie yet.....

Sunday was spent sleeping in and resting, lots of book reading and tv watching.
We really, really wanted to go see the Indy 500 race...but, we both woke up late, if we had went...we would have been late and we would have had to sit in the infield...on the ground...yuck! Not for me...
From what I seen on t.v...traffic was absolutely horrible..I don't do well with big crowds like that, so we stayed home and watched it on t.v...I so wanted Helio Castraneves to win or Danika Patrick..but, unfortunately...that didn't happen. Hubster went fishing again...then we went out for dinner. Monday was more of the same, with a quick trip to meet the mother in law to pick up Max...

Now, today??? Back to work...back to the grindstone...back from heaven and straight into hell....

Oh, least I only have four days of purgatory this week.....then the weekend will be here again...Yay!

Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

And the Winner is.....

David Cook beat David Archuletta in the finals last night....

He is now the "Next American Idol"....

The 25-year-old rocker beat the smiley 17-year-old crooner with 12 million more votes.

It was a great show, and I enjoyed watching the finale more than any other this season. There were a lot of great performances but I think my most favorite was when David Cook rocked out with ZZ Top....that was way cool.

He is on his way to great success and I can't wait to see what he has in store for us.

Until Next Janaury...Dixiechick..blogging American out!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Maybe I Should Have Approached It This Way.....

Update....Hubby was just messing with me....he likes to see exactly how gullible I am...once I got home...everything was fine...and yes, he did know what freaky meant and we had a very nice evening together.

I am ticked off at the hubster at the moment....I was feeling a little amorous..thought I would send him some fun, suggestive know, kind of keep the "fire" burning....I emailed him and asked if he wanted to "get freaky" with me tonight....let's just say his reply was not what I wanted or expected. He said what is freaky? that he doesn't speak "hip hop", but it wasn't hip hop he wasn't very nice....said he was tired of referreing the two youngest spawn with their fighting, he wasn't in the mood this evening.

Max is going to Grandma's...Aaron will be in bed by eight thirty/nine pm...I figured we could have some time together...why is it only ok when he is in the mood? I can't tell you how often I am not in the mood, but never do I say no...I forgo any time to myself on a frequent basis, to make sure he is "taken care of"....maybe this is a little TMI...I don't know.... I just know, when I sent those emails to him, I didn't expect to get "slapped in the face" so to speak.

What the hell????? Most often, he can't keep his hands off of me.....I was looking forward to going Not so much....if this indicative of what his mood is going to be. I have worked very hard to slim down..I am now down to 124 lbs. I am always dressed up, made up, ready to go....I feel like I am very sexy......Hell, the principal at my son's school the other day, told me I was hot....I get "looks" all the time...I have often been referred to as a MILF....I take that as a compliment, because I work hard to look good and I feel the best I have about myself in a long time....damn it, he should be, my question is, what the hell did I say wrong? Guys, if your woman emailed or texted you, said "Do you want to get freaky with me tonight?" would have said, "I'm not in the mood"? Would you have known what freaky meant?

Happy freaking hump day! At least for everyone but there definitely won't be any humping going on!

Thanks...I needed to vent! Vent over.

Is it just me.....

Or are these two starting to morph into one another?


Dancing With The Stars.....The Winner is......

Kristi Yamaguchi came into the "Dancing With the Stars" finale with a perfect score and left with the mirrorball trophy. The first woman in four years to win the coveted trophy.

"This is just the icing on the cake," Kristi said after her victory Tuesday night. "I honestly thank all the fans out there ... everyone who's made this a dream experience."

"Obviously the fans are the deciding factor here," Yamaguchi said, "and I can't say enough to thank them."

She also had plenty of fans among her fellow competitors, who said she deserved the title.

Taylor, the massive but graceful pro football star, called Yamaguchi "just perfect," adding that he "grew up watching her compete for our country." De la Fuente, who was eliminated early in the two-hour season finale, said "it was impossible to beat her."

No truer words could have been spoken. I knew from the very first dance, Kristi was going to be tough to be beat. I predicted from the beginning she was going to be the winner.

The new cast of the next season will be revealed this September.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Julianne has her album out!!!!

Well, she did it...our little Dancing Queen has went to Nashville, and put out her very first CD....its a little pop/country..kind of along the Shania and Faith genre...I like it.

Go to her website and check it out.

Good luck to you Julianne!


I can admit, Dancing With the Stars has not been on my priority list this season..especially the last month or so. I don't think I have sat down and actually watched a full episode in the past four or five weeks. The demands on my time are too consuming for me to allow myself that little luxury of actually being "allowed" time for myself to enjoy that square little box, that sits in several rooms of my house, that which is called "t.v."...

I didn't get to catch hardly any of Dancing last night. Hubby and I are anticipating a 4 day child free weekend coming up this Memorial Day weekend, after dinner/bath duty last night, right when Dancing came on tv, hubby wanted me to spend time with him on the computer, to "explore" our options for weekend entertainment. That took quite some time, in between also trying to referee the constant fighting between my two youngest spawns....Then after kids were tucked into bed, hubby has this unexplainable need for "time with me", it wouldn't be fair for me to post a Dancing Post, when I actually didn't get to watch very much of it at all.

My sources tell me Kristi had two perfect scores from her dances last night. Why doesn't that surprise me?

I really wanted Jason to win...but, I think this season, it's going to be a woman. My prediction for tonights winner is Kristi Yamuguchi will be carrying the mirror ball trophy home.

If you want to see a complete recap of last nights show, head over to buddytv for their take on last nights final performance.

I must say, compared to last season, with Helio...this season was a disappointment to me. I just wasn't feeling it.

Also tonight, American Idol will be down to the last performance, between both Davids....I think I will watch that, if given the oppurtunity...then catch the last hour of Dancing...if the T.V. gods smile down on me and allow me time to actually sit down and watch....

For now...Dixiechick....out.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday Funny!

A woman was helping her husband set up his computer,
and at the appropriate point in the process, the computer
advised him that he would now need to enter a password. Something he will use
to log on.

The husband was in a rather amorous mood and figured he would try for the shock effect to bring this to his wife's attention.

So, when the computer asked him to enter his
password, he made it plainly obvious what he was entering by stating each letter out loud as he typed......






His wife fell off her chair laughing when the computer replied:



Thursday, May 15, 2008


It's morning in America and McDonald's is pretty sure you want to eat fried chicken on a biscuit.

The Chicago Tribune is reporting that McDonald's has seen so much cash from their chicken menu items that they're adding some to the breakfast menu. Get ready to sink your teeth into the Southern Style Chicken Biscuit and the Southern Style Chicken Sandwhich. Chicken sandwich experts (or whatever) accuse McDonald's of copying Chic-Fil-A which apparently has been offering a chicken breakfast biscuit since 1986.

McDonald's Southern-style items are simple affairs. The sandwich, which has a suggested retail price of $2.89, comes on plain steamed bun, with butter and two pickles its sole condiments. The biscuit, which goes for $1.89, comes adorned only with butter.

Both arrived in stores nationwide within the past two weeks, and a national ad campaign began last week. On Thursday, customers who buy any medium or large drink at McDonald's 14,000 U.S. restaurants can receive a free Southern-style sandwich or breakfast biscuit.Customers can try the Southern Style Chicken Biscuit from 7:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m., or a Southern Style Chicken Sandwich beginning after breakfast hours until 7:00 p.m., with the purchase of any medium or large beverage at participating restaurants (while supplies last).

Now, I am still dieting, so this doesn't fit in with my meal plan, but I thought I would share it with my bloggy friends....go get your free biscuit or sandwich today~

American Idol...Now there are two....The journey approaches its finale.

Last night, we said our good-byes to Syesha Mercado....

I must say, over the past few weeks, Syesha had improved greatly. She should be very proud of her Number 3 spot. I am sure we won't be hearing the last of it be singing or acting. Someone will stand up and take notice of her, if they haven't already. She is a beautiful girl and very talented.

Now, we are down to the two David's...

I have been saying this for quite some time. It is going to be interesting to watch them sing it out, to say the least. At this point and time, it is anybody's guess who, between the two, will be the next American Idol. David vs. David is going to be very exciting. I see David Cook coming out, guns blazing....and I am sure he is going to blow us away....Archuletta will undoubtedly sing another power ballad, he has become so well known for doing, he has to keep hold of that teenage fan base he has acquired. I honestly do think that David Cook is going to win this.

One more week, we will find out...after that, whatever will I blog about?


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I've Got Nothing People....

I have to Scream Now

I don't know what is wrong with me lately...I feel anxious, irritable....annoyed with everyone and everything. I am just not feeling this blogging thing. I feel like I don't measure up with all of the great wonderful blogs out there. Why blog, if hardly anyone reads you. I do appreciate my regular readers though, don't get me wrong...I love all of ya'll. I just feel like I am letting people down, that do stop by here. My posts are boring, mundane and monotonous...and until I have something really great to say, I don't feel like posting. I haven't even been into watching Dancing With The Stars or American interests, this season, in these two shows has definitely waned. I am going through a bunch of crap here at work...very very busy...I haven't read any of your blogs in almost a week. By the time I get out of work, all I want to do is go home, do what needs to be done, then go to bed.

In a way, I feel kind of depressed...but, not really. Does that make sense? Maybe it can best be explained as "blah"....maybe the weather has something to do with it. It is rainy, cool and gloomy. I think I have the "summer blues"...I want sunshine and 70 degree temperatures....Seeing my oldest this past weekend, was great...but, it just reminded me of how old I am getting, how I am no longer as important in his life as I once was. I know I have complained on here a lot, about my job, about my tired I am, woe is me, woe is me....I am honestly not trying to do that. Just wanted to explain my lack of posts, I guess...I don't have anything interesting to, I don't want to bore all of you with a detailed, minute by minute replay of my boring life.

On a lighter note, a happier brother called me last night. He won a lottery the tune of $180, 000.....I am very happy for him. If anyone deserves it he does.....he has a really hard time, and struggles weekly to pay his, I am thrilled for him. I hope he uses it wisely, pays of his debt and invests some of it. It may seem like a large amount, but spent unwisely, it won't go far for him.

Now, I did catch the end of Dancing With the Stars last night, and I seen that Marissa went home. I figured that would be the case. Next week, my prediction is that it will be Christian leaving Dancing with the Stars and on Idol..I see Syesha going home tonight.

Well, that's all I've got..tomorrow is another day...maybe the sun will come out...yada yada yada...blah...blah..blah....and I will be the happy bubbly Dixie again..the one you have all grown to, yeah...right...maybe, just maybe...I will actually have something interesting to say.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Better Late Than Never.....

Very busy Monday, first chance I have had to post anything....

So, how was everyone's Mothers Day? Mine was fantastic.....hubby spoiled me (for the kids)..I got a new watch, some new clothes....pedicure/manicure, etc....Saturday, we traveled, together, with Max to Terre Haute to visit my oldest son. Saturday was his junior prom....he looked fantastic....I was so proud of him...I am proud of him.

Here are some pictures....

Of course, Max had to get in the picture with Tim and his friend.

Tim and Danielle's friends...the other couple they doubled to the prom with.

Each time I look at these pictures...I am in awe of what a wonderful young man he has become.