Thursday, February 24, 2011

English Cartoon: Lucky Draw

Lucky Draw

Funny Cartoon: Lucky Draw

funny cartoon
Funny English Cartoon: Lucky Draw

English Cartoon: Target


Funny Cartoon: Target

funny cartoon
Funny English Cartoon: This is the target!

How Rude...

I don't know if it is just me, but lately, no matter where I go, I run into or encounter a rude individual. At the gas station, at the stop lights, at the mall, at the grocery store, restaurants and most of the gym. I am so sick of people, and their sense of entitlement. No one thinks of other people, men are not nearly the gentlemen they were years ago and most women seem to be in "bitch mode" all the time.
For instance, I went to the gym last night, with a plan...get in/get out...I get there, change and decide to do a warm up run, then take a body pump class, then run another few miles before heading home. I ran one mile in 8 min 40 sec. Then took a body pump class, which by the way are totally awesome! After the class I came back out to run my last few miles and go home. But, before I got that 3 miles in, I almost had a "throwdown" with some old Santa Claus looking dude. I came out to the cardio area last night after the class, all the treadmills were in use, with the exception of a few that were broken....I stood there for a minute hoping someone would hurry up and finish and I could snag one. Within a couple minutes, a woman got off of one and I made a bee line for it. Just as I was about to reach it, within a second of putting my foot up on it, this old dude, big pot belly, long white hair, long white beard....maybe around 70'ish...lunged in front of me, threw his arm in front of my chest (blocking me) and grabbed the side rail of the treadmill, said "I'm taking this one"....let's just say my "claws" came out and I said a rather "not so nice" term, (guess my bitch mode was out too)....I was so pissed. Steaming mad! I have never had a man be so rude to me in my life.
I went to the back of the gym to watch for another treadmill, doing all I could to keep my anger in check. Within a few minutes, another treadmill opened up. Guess where it was at?
Yep, right next to Bad Santa....So, I was not going to let him intimidate me, so I jumped on next to him, threw my water bottle in the holder, flung my towel over the front...started adjusting my speed...that's when Bad Santa decided to mouth off again...He goes, "There is no reason to act so pissy"....and I said, "I have every right, you were rude"....He said, "life's to short, blah, blah, blah"...and I told him "Maybe for you, but not for me and I have no time for bullshit from dumb ass rude people like you"....Then he said something else, I was so mad, don't really remember, I just remember saying, "Don't have a heart attack-I would appreciate it if you would just shut the hell up"...and I started running, and totally smoked his ass. 3 more miles in 27 minutes.

I am so sick of this gym. Half the time the equipment is broke, people are rude and it is dirty. I am seriously thinking of switching to the gym on the other side of town. Newtones. They are doing a million dollar renovation and it is looking awesome. Cancelling at my current gym may be a problem though, because I have heard bad rumors about the owner ...that he is a shiester, he steals peoples money, and when you ask him to cancel your membership, he continues to withdraw funds from your checking. Some people have even had to threaten taking him to court to get there money back!

I can't afford two gym memberships. I am sure, there will be "rude" people wherever I I may go, but at least at this other gym, it is very nice/clean/ new equipment, etc... I have been there 3 times on a free pass and I really like where this owner is going with things.

Because last night, that was just the icing on the molded cake. LOL..

I am tired of going to an overcrowded dirty gym, where the workout areas make you feel like this:

Seriously, you can't even get over to the free weight area any longer. It so crowded with the social "meatheads" that lifting is out of the question.

What do you guys think? Should I switch gyms?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Hubby and I celebrated over the weekend. He took me for an overnight get-a-way to Ohio....we stayed at a lovely hotel and went to a fabulous club and then a great brunch on Sunday at Ruby Tuesday before driving back home. It was really nice to make a mini road trip with him.

This morning, he delivered these to my work.

I am very blessed to have such a wonderful husband. He makes me feel special and loved 365 days a year, just not on Valentines Day. I love you babe! Have a great Valentines day! If you don't have significant me a favor, don't dwell on it. Spend the day loving yourself! Treat yourself to whatever your heart desires!
You are all special and loved!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Max!

Wow, my baby is 8 years old today! I can't believe it. My kids are growing up and slipping away from me....I feel so old.

I love this little monkey to pieces! He is such a loving little guy..a handful, but I wouldn't trade him for the world. He is definitely a Mama's boy. We are celebrating with dinner at Red Lobster, birthday gifts and cake with the family. He is so excited. Seems like I just had him yesterday. I can't wait to see how his little life unfolds.

Happy birthday baby!


With Valentine's Day just around the corner, I thought I would post this little survey I found on another blog.


♥ What are your middle names?

♥ How long have you been together?
9 years this upcoming June

♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating?
We met online-chatted on a Saturday, met on a Sunday, were apart one day (Monday) and he visited on Tuesday and never left...we have never been apart one day since.

♥ Who asked whom out?
He contacted me via first. I ignored his first three emails, then on a whim, answered him back and the rest is history.

♥ How old are each of you?

♥ Whose siblings do/did you see the most?
His, My brother lives in S.C.

♥ Do you have any children together?
I have three from a previous marriage, we have one together...Max who is 8 years old today!

♥ What about pets?

♥ Did you go to the same school?
No, I grew up in S.C. and he grew up here in Indiana.

♥ Are you from the same home town?
No, see above

♥ Who is the smartest?
We both are, but I have blonde moments, or has he refers to them "pumpkin moments.a.k.a Kelly Bundy

♥ Who is more sensitive?
Definitely me

♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Applebee's, Buffalo Wild Wings, Spurlocks, Our Time and McGraws Steakhouse

♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

♥ Who has the craziest exes?
I have two ex-husbands, neither are really crazy, but the second definitely has some issues. He has one ex-wife and we never hear from her.

♥ Who has the worst temper?
Both of us! We butt heads terribly sometimes.

♥ Who does the cooking?
He does it on my gym nights, I do it on non-gym nights and weekends, unless we go out to eat, which we do a lot.

♥ Who is more social?
He is...he talks to everyone!

♥ Who is the neat-freak?
I am...Keith doesn't care what the house looks like.

♥ Who is more stubborn?
I am

♥ Who hogs the bed?
We don't sleep together-can't-due to severe snoring issues (him, not me)

♥ Who wakes up earlier?
I do because I go to work during the day, Keith works nights.

♥ Where was your first date?
Lunch at Applebee's, then back to my house.

♥ Who has the bigger family?
Neither. We both come from small families. He has one sister, I have one brother.

♥ Do you get flowers often?
Not really...They just die and cost too much money.

♥ How do you spend the holidays?
Just us, his parents and our four boys.

♥ Who is more jealous?
Definitely me!

♥ How long did it take to get serious?
Immediately. We wasted no time. Love at first sight!

♥ Who eats more?
Him. Most guys do dont' they?

♥ Who does/did the laundry?
He is the "Laundry Manager" in our house. From the day we met, he took over and will get extremely mad at me if I even touch it.

♥ Who’s better with the computer?
Both-He is better at weeding out viruses and doing system restore and I am better at everything

♥ Who drives when you are together?
Him 99% of the time

Well-that was fun! Feel free to use it on your blog. Leave me a comment if you do so I can stop by and see your answers.

Happy Valentines day if I don't post again before then.

So Cold....I can't stand it....

How cold is it outside? It’s so cold that …

… people are going to church just to hear about the fires of hell

… local pet stores are selling penguins

… you light a candle and the flame freezes

… you have to break the smoke off your chimney

… you have to open the fridge to heat the house

… after police told a robber to freeze – he did

… local lawyers had their hands in their own pockets

… people are looking forward to getting a fever

… mailmen are now watching out for polar bears

… you can bake a cake, set it out to cool and 5 minutes later it’s frosted

The only way to deal with it is to laugh about it I guess...It was -7 here this morning. I definitely have the winter much longer is this going to last? I pray for Spring....

One good thing's Thursday. One more day and the weekend is here. Hubby is taking me away for a romantic Valentines weekend....unfortunately, not somewhere warmer...but, still looking forward to it.

Have a great rest of the week!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Oh, yes....yes I did....

The above picture...well, that would be the number of miles I ran last was, without a doubt, awesome! I had planned on 4 miles, but at mile 4, I was really feeling it, so I thought, I can do one more, well t hat one more turned into 6 more. Needless to say, I did have to stop and walk a few times, for a minute or so....but, that's ok. I still did it and did it in one hour and 40 minutes, total calories burned 1186....Hell, yeah! I know without a doubt that I am going to ace that half marathon come May 29th.

As far as strength training goes...I still suck at that. I just can't get my groove back in that area. I went to Target Sunday to buy the 30 day shred and they were all out. Everyone was grumpy and tired Sunday and wanted to go home, so I didn't go anywhere else. I hope to pick it up today after work. I had planned on a 3 miler and some strength training to day, but my legs are really sore. So, I think I will rest..the hubby doesn't want me going to the gym after work anyway...tough on him to stay home with the kids while I do that. Another reason my workouts have been scarce. Maybe I just need to toughen up and pick up the outside runs again. But, is so hard...especially when the temps are like -8 with the windchill. I hate the cold!

So, my workouts will be Weds, Friday and hopefully again over the upcoming weekend.

Take care and have a good Tuesday everyone!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Friday Ya'll!

Thank goodness it's Friday...I know it hasn't been but a 3 day work week, but I am ready for a nice weekend. No snow, I pray. As I stated in my last post, I am soooo over it!

I just got back from my lunch break and thought I would let those of you that care know..I have now worked out for 2 days in a row. I ran 3 miles in 27 min and 10 sec at lunch....I was late getting back to work of course, but I am glad to have some form of exercise in the bag for the day. Now I can enjoy my evening with my family tonight.

I made it to the gym last night too. Yay for me! I ran 4 miles, did 6 different ab exercises and 30 minutes of various leg machines....I was smoking! I wanted to do some dead lifts, squats, etc..but the weight rack area was full of meatheads and I got sick of waiting around, so after 2 hours total, I called it quits and went home. All in all, it was a great workout. I hope to make it 3 for 3 and go tomorrow too.

On the exciting news front...we finally filed and got our income tax refund back. I have a huge list of things I want to buy....but, we are trying to be "frugal" with it and hopefully make it last for some time...that way we won't have to worry from week to week like we usually do.

I am going to buy a treat for myself tonight....I have decided, to boost my tone-up plan, to get rid of my "jigglies" I have acquired over the winter, I am going to pick this up and the appropriate little accessories to go with it:

I have read on other blogs that it really works if you stick with it, I have seen great results from the pictures they have, I am gonna give it a whirl...I may or may not post before and after photos. Don't get me wrong...I am not in terrible bag lady shape, I am still 110 lbs, but after a long winter thus far, 4 kids and copious amounts of wine consumption my tummy and my ass could use a little "tune-up", are welcome into my home and I do hope you kick my ass!

Let the games begin...

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow, Snow, Go Away....I want to break up with you!

O.M.G....I am so over this winter! Starting late Monday evening, snow and Ice started pelting Indiana. After work on Monday, I had plans to go to the gym, since I had not been since the previous Friday, but that was not meant to be. We were under a winter advisory, and I knew, with the amount of snow coming down as I left work, that if I went to the gym, it would be impossible for me to get home safely. I ended up cancelling out the gym, going home, getting the hubby and kids and headed back to the grocery, as most people decided to do, to stock up for the impending storm.

I am so glad we did, as we were snowed in Tuesday and Wednesday. Hubby did make it to work Tuesday night (they called me off Tuesday and Wednesday), but Wednesday, he couldn't get the car pulled off the side of the road in front of the house onto the road...solid ice. We were not able to go anywhere! I am so glad, believe it or not to be back to work today. Being stuck in a tiny house with the two kids and the hubby really begin to wear on all of our nerves. Bickering and fighting ensued last night, on all or our parts, so with a sigh of relief, I drove off to work today. The kids are still out of school, for the third day in a row, hopefully to return tomorrow.

The storm is over and the county is pretty much still trying to clean up the aftermath. A lot of people lost power, but fortunately, we were not one of those thousands that suffered from that. The in-laws were without for almost 36 hours. Luckily, they had a small generator, plenty of gas and could stay warm.

I have not worked out in five days and I am itching to get to the gym. I plan on a short run and some leg/ab work tonight. My fitness from last year is gone. I have got to get my ass in gear. Especially since I have a 1/2 marathon in a few months.

Spring...please get here soon. The groundhog didn't see his shadow, so hopefully that prediction will ring true.

I can't stand much more of this bitter cold and snow.