Thursday, January 27, 2011

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I'm Gonna Do It....

Just call me crazy...but, come May 29th...I am going to be running my first Half-Marathon...

This one to be exact:

Our half marathon runs through 4 covered bridges.

All runs start and end at the Bridgeton Covered Bridge, a double span covered bridge sitting atop a dammed waterfall next to a Flour Grist Mill established in 1823.

This run is special. I have brought my children here to play, I have visited the wonderful covered bridges, canoed underneath them and went shopping at the festivals. Plus, my in-laws live just up the road, so they can come out and watch me run this race.

The 50k, marathon and half marathon are run on Sunday, May 29th, 2011

Most of the covered bridges on these runs are over 100 years old. Many are still in use today.

I am so excited!!!! My official training will begin on March 7th. I am following Hal Higdons Intermediate Half-Marathon training program...

I am nervous..but, I have a couple twelve milers under my belt, so I know I can do it.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Birthday My Son!

Wow, where has time gone? Seems just like yesterday, you were toddling around behind me, tugging on my leg, saying "up, up, Mommy"...wanting me to carry you everywhere you went. Now, I don't have to carry you are almost a grown man. 17 today! I am so proud of you...You have your head on are thoughtful, compassionate and loving. Carry these traits forward with you into your adulthood and you will find a much happier life will exist for you.

Happy Birthday my dear boy!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Slacker.....I should win an award in that category.

Wow, where the heck does time go? I know it has been over 2 weeks since my last post. Why? I don't really know...just haven't felt like it...same old same old story, huh? So much for trying to do better in the New Year.

I am so over winter...I think that has a lot to do with it. The doldrums/winter blues are seriously having an effect on me...I don't want to do anything. Still struggling on the exercise front...3 days a week..seems that is all I can muster. I really need to kick it into gear though...we are planning a family vacation for Spring Break and are going to S.C. and then to Florida. If I am going to pull off the bathing suit thing, without too much embarrassment, I have got to get back to the 25 miles a week I was running and the weight lifting...I have gotten soft and mushy...I was so ripped last summer and taking almost 2 plus months off from the weights, well you can tell...I feel like a limp noodle. LOL...

The family is all doing ok...well, except for the hubby. He was diagnosed a couple weeks ago with congestive heart failure. His lower extremities have become very swollen, especially his ankles and legs...I am very worried about him. He has got to lose some weight..change his eating habits and follow an exercise program. I am very frustrated and very worried...he says he can't work out, for one..because of the, we have got to get that under control. Along with changes to his diet...eventually, I am hoping we can turn this thing around.

As I stated, I am back to life once again is busy. I enjoyed my time off....I could so be a "kept" woman....alas, I will never have the joy of knowing what that is like...we have to have my, I will work until I am 80 years old...if I live that long. I am just thankful I have a, I can't complain too much.

My kids are all doing good. The oldest is still doing well in college, sophmore year and he is starting to get a little burned out...juggling 2 jobs, school work, social life, the stress of paying his own bills...well, it worries me. I wish I had more money to give him, to help is tough putting your own self through school and I feel like I have failed him and let him down by not having money put back for college. I wish I had planned more effectively for my kids, to ensure their college education, but 2 divorces, and screwing up financially...well, I was unable to do it. I just hope Tim hangs in there, keeps it up and graduates. I am so very proud of him. If he graduates, with his degree in Sports Medicine, he will be the first person in our family to graduate from College.

Justin, the 16 year old, who is turning 17 next Tuesday...well, that kid is amazing...he is also working a part-time job, still in football, and all that entails, makes the honor roll, etc...he is doing so well and I couldn't be more proud of him either. I can't believe he is going to be 17...I am getting freaking old!

The two younger kids, well...they are a hand full...always bickering, as younger siblings are prone to do....winter time and being cooped up indoors is wearing thin with them as well..the fights over the x-box are driving me mad...can't wait until Spring, to get them outside, riding their bikes and playing with their friends. They are doing well in school....given the fact they both have ADD (AAron) and ADHD (Max)...I don't know if they will make the honor roll every time, but as long as they maintain their a/b and one or two c's...I will be happy. It has been a long rough road the past few years with them and their schooling...and I am proud of the success they have achieved...just pray I can keep them focused and doing well. far as updates go...this is the best I can do. We are leaving for Sunday brunch...hope you all have a great rest of your weekend and a terrific week next week.


Monday, January 10, 2011

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Man, Am I A Slacker...First post of the New Year....

Sorry for being such a slacker....I just haven't felt like blogging. Life has been pretty busy for me since returning to work....No big news to, I have kind of pushed this blogging thing to the back burner.

How has everyone's New Year been so far? Mine has been good...hubby, the kids and I are all well...battling a few little health problems..but, nothing major...just minor colds, stomach bugs, pink eye and a sore throat....other than that..just peachy.

Winter doldrums have set in....for all of us. Hubby is chomping at the bit to get down visit my family and to go to the beaches of Florida. Just now in the second week of January and I am so ready for winter to be over....I am ready to feel the Spring breeze on my face, to run outside and kick up my fitness again.

I have gained 4 freaking pounds since November....the thoughts of dragging my butt to the gym makes me cringe...I have been going, just not as much as I used to. Compare 5-6 days a week to only 2-3 days a week and then I only give a half-assed effort while there. This is the week I plan on kicking it up a notch...try to go at least 4 times...

The weather has a lot to do with it...I am lacking motivation. It is dark when I leave for work, dark when I come is cold, dreary and gloomy...all I want to do is go home after work, put on my comfy warm robe, curl up on the couch with hubby and not move....

Hurry Spring....I miss you! LOL...

The other day, I configured how many miles I ran for 2010...if my math is correct, I ran a total of 800.10 miles. That is awesome! So, for 2011 my goal is to run several 5 ks, 10ks and at least one half marathon. Total over 900 miles for the year. I think I am going to hire a trainer, to come up with a strength training routine for me. One that incorporates all muscle groups with every set. I want to get as buff as I was last summer. More so..if I can.

Well, guess that's all I have...Hope everyone has a great start to 2011.