Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I just had my first Kashi frozen dinner for lunch..needless to say, I was not impressed. It was really bland, I didn't care for the texture too much.

Not going to say I will never try another..the calorie count was very good. 240 calories, but the sodium was way up there (like 640 mg) are most frozen dinners. But, I like the Lean Cuisines and Weight Watcher varieties more.

I also like the Ethnic Versions you can find in the health food isle. Walmart has them, Payless/Kroger has them. The Indian Chicken Tikki Masala is awesome!

I also had a cup of Progresso Chicken Noodle soup..only 70 calories per serving. The sodium was kind of high in that regard too....

I will have to watch my intake for the rest of the day. How much sodium is permissable for a person to consume in one day? I will have to do some research on that.

I went and worked out at lunchtime again. 3.5 miles on the treadmill.

Splits are:

Mile 1- 9 min 20 sec

Mile 2- 9 min 5 sec

Mile 3-9 min 22 sec

.5 4 min 20 sec

Pretty darn good. I was late getting back to work though, got railroaded. I hate that! Plus throw in a couple of incompetent drivers, I was seriously stressing. I am just waiting for the day someone (I.e...boss's) say something to me about working out on my lunch break, clocking back in and eating my lunch at my desk. I hope they don't. I enjoy going on my lunch break, getting the workout in for the day. I only do it a couple times a week, as my other workouts are usually in the evenings twice a week, then again on a weekend.
I will be so glad when this day is over. Work is rather slow today. They have me "cold calling" for potential new business. I hate that!!! Makes me feel so stupid to call people up, asking about their lawncare, when it is snowing outside/snow on the ground.

Tonight, after work, I am going to go get my first spray on tan...I have read so much about the dangers of tanning beds, I am afraid to do that anymore, so I thought I would give a spray on tan a whirl. But..there is so much prep you have to do before you go get one, I am a little nervous. I don't want to end up like this:

Poor girl! Yikes...I just want a little "light" non-orange tan, to cover up this pasty whiteness....Have any of you ever got a spray on tan? Please tell me if it turned out ok...

Happy Hump day everyone!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday already? Where the heck did Monday go?

Wow...the past four days flew by...the weekend....Monday...and's Tuesday....I feel like my life is slipping day tends to melt into the next....

How was the weekend? Mine was so busy.....Friday night, I took Max and his friend Spencer, Aaron and his friend Landon to Dairy Queen and then to play Lazer Tag...they had a great time....and begged to play "just one more game"...but, at $5 a game, for a 10 minute game, I had to firmly say no...and herd them all home to play Xbox....Spencer and Max ended up having an argument within 15 minutes of being at my house, Spencer then asked to be taken home. So, I had to drive him home, then come back and Landon wanted to spend the night with Aaron, so I had to load them up, drive to Landon's so he could get permission from his Mom...once home, I relaxed with a nice glass of wine, while the boys played happily and contentedly in their room.

We all stayed up rather late, but I was up and at em' at 9 a.m. Saturday morning....we all showered, dressed and went to Bob Evan's for a late breakfast....I love Bob Evan's..they have such great prices and they are willing to make any adjustments to your order to accomodate your dietary needs.

I had the Veggie Omelet (made with egg whites) and a side of fresh fruit with one piece of dry wheat was yummy!

Afterwards, hubby took me across to the street to the gym and dropped me off so I could get another work out in....while he ran Landon home to his parents, then proceeded to take the boys and get our car detailed/cleaned....

Here I am before the workout sesh...(I can not take a picture of myself in a flattering manner to save my ever loving life!)...

I had a tremendous work out week last week...I worked out (including Saturday) 5 days in a row, logged 21 miles running and lifted three times...

After my gym workout, (2 hrs later)...I should have taken an after picture...but, I looked like a sweaty pig...hubby picked me up, we went home, I showered and dressed and we headed to Terre Haute for my 16 year olds Hardcourt Homecoming....the drive takes two hours and hubby could not stay awake, so I had to take over with the driving....Max and Aaron argued and fought/picked on one another the entire way.
We finally arrived at the high school, met my 19 year old at the ticket window (so I could buy his ticket) and we went into the was son's school, The Patriots were playing against Notre Dames Irish Catholic High School ( I think)...and they ended up winning 61-62 after going into was tough sitting there through the entire game, especially trying to keep Max entertained...he got rather bored pretty quickly. He wanted me to take his picture..

Then..he wanted to take pictures..
Another not so flattering picture of moi....( face/head look freaking huge...I look like freakishly old..wth??? Reminder: Never, ever, ever let 7 year old take picture of yourself again!) :P

Then he took a picture of his really big brother can see the ex with his fancy smancy camera behind Tim and Aaron off to the side..

My son Justin was part of the homecoming court...he was escorting his former girlfriend Shelby..yes, I said former...they broke up a day or two before homecoming...he said she was too clingy or psycho...or something like that.....I thought she was a sweet girl....oh, well..young love..who can ever figure that out?
Before and during the game, we were able to take some pictures...

Here is my handsome young man...with "former" least until next week, when I am sure they will get back together...

Here they are being introduced to the crowd, as part of the court...

(I could not get my zoom to work on my all...I so need a new/better probably can't see a thing from the above photo..but, I tried...his Dad got way better pictures with his $1000 Nikon..I am sure.)

At Half time...his Dad and I were able to get better pictures of him and us together...

I have one of Tim and Justin together..but for some reason, blogger will not let me post it! frustrating. His Dad's pictures he took turned out so much better...once they get them up on Facebook, I will go in and take

After the game, hubby and I took all four boys to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner...we did not get home to Lafayette until 1:30 a.m...I did not get into bed until 3:30 a.m....

Sunday, I took the day off from the gym...we were all so tired..but, I did manage to get the bed linens on everyone's bed changed and the boy's dusted, hubby vacummed..we showered/dressed and went back to town with the intentions of going grocery shopping after we had some lunch...But, it was 2:30 pm at that point, we decided on Indian Food, but the Restaurant closed at 3 p.m..on a Sunday...who does that? So, we ended up at the Olive was very good, but after we were done eating, it was cold/raining outside...we all just wanted to go home...hubby laid down, I fell asleep on the couch for a brief period...actually I didn't budge until almost 8 pm Sunday night...I was exhausted....

All in all, it was a good weekend, just very busy...

This week is shaping up pretty good too!
I went to the gym at lunch time yesterday, ran 3.5 stats were:

Mile 1 9 min 35 seconds...
Mile 2 9 min 5 seconds....
Mile 3 9 min 40 seconds...
Mile .5 4 min 40 seconds...

Pretty darn good....

I am going to the gym after work tonight...I have a 4.5 miler planned with upper body/ab strength training...

My eats have been pretty good, even with all the eating out we have been doing lately. I did make chili for supper last night...I had one was very filling...and perfect for a cold winters night.

The rest of my week is pretty crazy/busy. Between work and gym time, the weekend will be here before I know it. I plan to run on my lunch break tomorrow, a full workout again Thursday night, a quick run Friday after work....helping kids with homework, trying to squeeze in some time for hubby and fitting in a nail appointment and a spray tan before Friday night.
Whew!!! I need a vacation!!!

Have a great week everyone!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Got My Mojo back.....

What's going on???? I have been super post in 3 days...that should indicate the level of my business....I have been tearing it up at the gym this week. Totally making up for my past couple of weeks....I have been running on that treadmill like I am being chased by a rabid pit bulldog... hence the cartoon
Seriously though..I have worked out the past four days!!! I have a ran a total of 17 miles so far! I still have the weekend to go. I have done strength training and abs twice this week as well..
Tuesday night, I ran 4 miles (plus strength training).
Wednesday (lunch time), I ran 3.5 miles.
Thursday night, I ran 6 miles (plus strength training).
Friday (lunch time), I ran 3. 5 miles....
I have been averaging around 9 min 15 sec per mile...sweeeettttt!
Work has been super duper busy as evenings at home...well, they have been kind of tough...most nights, especially gym nights, I am so exhausted I can hardly stand it...
Which leads to some gripes: What the hell is up with the school corporations and all this freaking homework they are sending home, every single f'd up night, for elementary school students....Do they not realize that is what we pay our taxes like, maybe pay for their salaries, so they can actually do something, like, say "Teach"!!!!
I mean, don't get me wrong...not bashing teachers here..honestly...just frustrated with the amount of homework, I have to help my kids with, after I have worked all day, came home (not to mention gym nights-god forbid I slot out time for you know, like stay healthy and crap, because after all of that-I have to help with home work for two hours-one hour per kid), then throw in the gathering of next day school clothes, book bags, breakfast supplies, etc...then reading too, talking too, loving on my kids, after losing ungodly amounts of patience with them, over the homework debacle...oops, look..time to brush teeth..oh, no..forgot the bedtime snack..ok, here's your snack, then back to brush teeth, tuck in bed....just get into the living room to sit down with the hubby, 30 minutes before he has to go to work, so maybe..just maybe, we can have some couple time for a little to keep him happy too...then of course, one of the kids (usually Max) calls out for just one more drink of water...and then like clockwork, Aaron usually remembers he forgot to do a paper for, we are right back to the homework debacle again!
It is a vicious circle...and it is killing me!!!! I need to be cloned...there seriously needs to be two of me....even with all the energy levels have felt depleted...hubby thinks I need more protein..the whole burning off more calories than I consume he went to GNC..bought me some protein seems to be, those shakes are filling. 280, on the nights I strength train and run, I have a protein shake immediately after getting home...and then like half a salad or something..that is all I can eat....I get so full from just the shake.
All that ranting brings to me how glad I am it is the weekend...once again, not a lot of relax time for house is filthy!!! I need to spend a good 8 hours on cleaning everything in site. When am I going to do that, you ask? Hell if I know....I need Merry Maids or something..although, my house is so bad, I am almost embarrassed to have anyone, even housekeepers see it. I suckkkkkkkkkk!!!!
I know it will not be tonight. Max (continuing his birthday extravaganza) is having a friend over tonight. We are going to play Lazer tag....I am so going to rock that ugly brown lazery vest, with m leopard print pumps I have on at the moment...don't you know it? Then, it is to Pizza King...for pizza for them (salad for me)....they like to go there...they can watch their own personal t.v. while they eat, and a miniature train brings them their drinks...then it's back to our house, for xbox games/movie..noshing on all kinds of unhealthy junk..(not that much, maybe some chip/dip, or popcorn with m&m's..what they usually like for game/movie/veg out nights)....
I rented a movie for hubby and I to watch...Couple's Retreat....have any of you seen it? Hopefully, by the time the boys are squared away in their rooms, I won't fall asleep on the hubby and leave him all aspects...sigh...seriously, that clone thing I mentioned? Sign me up....some body...please????
I can guaran-freaking-tee, copious amounts of wine will be consumed over this weekend..starting with a couple glasses tonight (after the kiddies are tucked away-I am not a slush....only when my kids aren't kidding)..seriously, don't go and call CPS on me....

The weekend, as they most are, is going to be fairly busy...I hope to go the gym first thing in the morning....My goal is a 5 miler/some leg and ab work....please send a prayer my way, that I can drag my tired ass out of bed, make that wonderful gym experience mine, once more....

Saturday afternoon, we have to make the 2 hour drive to Terre Haute, 16 year old is having his Hardcourt Homecoming...he is wearing a tux, escorting his girl, so I have to be there for that....I get to see my babbbiiiiesss!!!! Yay! Afterwards, we are taking them all out to dinner....then making the 2 hour drive back home...which puts us getting home, I estimate around midnight....

Whew! I am so tired thinking about it right now..oh, will totally be worth it. I haven't seen Justin in over a month and Tim..haven't seen him since Christmas. So, it's time for a visit.....

Sunday, hope to make it to the gym again...and then maybe, just maybe...I can squeeze in a little housework, before we die of an infection from my shower and all the dust molecules floating around in my house, that is if we are not carried off in our sleep by the spiders that have made huge spider webs in the corners of each room in my house...and the blinds/windows need cleaned..all hell, I will just by new blinds..easier then cleaning them. Pheshaw!

Then, maybe in the afternoon, I can take my boys to the movies....and hopefully squeeze an hour or so to myself, somewhere in that day...

Because will be here all too soon...then time to saddle up the horse and start that ride all over again!
Have a great, and hopefully less busy weekend then me, everyone!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Testing...testing..Is This Thing On????

Wow..once again, I go all M.I.A....reason for that is work had blogger blocked every single day last week!! I don't have time in the evenings to blog, post from me.

How was your Valentines day? Mine was so good...hubby was extra special to me. He bought me several sexy new dresses, lots of lingerie and he took me away for an over night stay at a hotel out of town. It was lovely....relaxing...and fun! It is always great to get away with the hubby and reconnect. Friday night we had dinner at Mountain Jacks....I had some lamb chops that were to die for...Saturday morning, I had a 7:30 a.m. appointment to get my hair cut....I have such a wonderful hair stylist, who now reads my blog..."Hey, Anna"...if you are reading had a pretty late night Friday night, so needless to say, girl here was dragging her ass Saturday morning. I came home from my hair appointment and promptly died for the next hour and a half...then, hubby and I packed up our bags and headed out for our overnight excursion. We got to our hotel around 3:30 and relaxed for a while, then headed to the indoor pool/hot tub...then we went out for dinner to Bandido's Mexican was awesome...we went to a club later that night and were back in our hotel by 1 a.m...I didn't sleep hardly any (hubby's snoring) and was up and on the hotel treadmill by 9:30 a.m....after a speedy six miles, we showered/dressed, packed up and checked out of the hotel. We went to the mall in the town we were staying at and hubby again splurged on me, buying me more lingerie and a pretty top....
We stopped at a local brewery, Granite City Brewery..the food was yummy and the drinks were even yummier....We finally got home around 6:30...hubby had to work, so we both kind of vegged out on the couch until it was time for him to get ready to leave.

All in all, it was a great weekend...ready for another mini little vacay already.

Now, last week, on the other hand, on the workout front/eating front..was not so good. I only worked out twice last week (includes the six mile run on the hotel treadmill) food choices were kind of high calorie and over the weekend, I imbibed in a lot of drinky drink...if you know what I, I am filling tired, sluggish, out of sorts....We ate out a lot last week. Most of my choices were not too bad...but, I did throw my healthy eating habits out the window on more than one occasion. One night, we ate at Applebee's....then the next night, hubby made a pork roast with mash potatoes...yep, I ate was good, but the potatoes I probably should not have ate...Then Max's birthday was last week..he turned 7...and we told him he could choose any restaurant he wanted to eat at for his birthday dinner. He chose Red Lobster (pictures to follow)...I had 2 chedder bay biscuits..those things are way too hard to resist and I had regular ranch dressing on my remaining choices were really good though, I had Salmon with Asparagus and when we got home, I only had one bite of his birthday cake..

So, I need to get back on the wagon....Here's hoping I have a good work out week, I plan on eating nothing but healthy clean foods for the rest of the week...I have to detox...Later..

Oh, here are Max's birthday pictures...he is growing up on me so fast!!!

He wanted Lobster and was so excited to try it for the first time. I have shell fish allergies, so I couldn't have any..but, it looked really yummy and he absolutely loved it! After I told him, you have to pull the meat out of the shell!

He ate more in that one sitting then I have ever seen that child eat...not one bite of Lobster was left! He kept telling me and his Dad, Thank you for taking me here, over and was so sweet.

Afterwards, we went home and had cake...what a fun family night it was!

We didn't have a big party this year...I don't think it is always good to have a big blow out every year..I want my children to understand that birthdays are special...sometimes big parties are fun, but it's all about the family, how much the family treasures and loves you on your weekend, we plan on letting Max have a sleep over with one of his little friends, I will take them to play laser tag, we will have another little cake/pizza to celebrate..also, when the Weather breaks, we are taking Max to pick out a "belated" birthday present...a new bike. On his birthday night, after Red Lobster, he got to go buy a new Xbox game, he got some new clothes. All in all, I think he was pretty satisfied, I didn't have to spend $200 or more on a birthday blow out party!

Here's hoping for a great week!!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kashi Go Lean Roll

Ok..I am currently eating 1/2 of one of these...

Not sure if I like this flavor or not...the texture is quite a bit different from my favorite Lara Bars...really chewy...I have never tried the kashi bars until now...the cereal I love...the bar...not so sure. Maybe it is just this flavor...very chewy...
The stats are good, full of fiber and protein..only 190 calories...hopefully, after eating this I will be able to power through a great run at the gym tonight.

Have any of you tried the Kashi products? If so, what kinds and which one did you like the best?

Updated pictures of me.....

Ok, I have some emails wanting to see updated photos of me....I don't like having my picture taken, as a rule...I hate it! So, I don't have a lot of professional or nice looking photos of me. I have a couple taken by hubby before a night out clubbing. Skirts are a little short, but I have worked hard for these legs..hubby likes for me to show them, here you go. Don't be too critical of me...with the short skirt I said, hubby likes to keep him happy!

Told you I was a girly girl.

Here is a photo of me and a good friend of mine and hubby's on New Year's Eve..
Sorry the quality is so bad..hubby couldn't get the flash to work properly.

Wish I had a photo of me and hubby, but he refuses to have his picture taken...


Thank goodness for my two spawns..I got a great tax refund back....picking up my check at lunch time today..bills can be caught up, money put in savings and things in my financial world can finally get back on track. I am so excited..because now I can go shopping for some new running/gym attire and accessories...

I am going to the running store to have an analysis done on my feet while running, then get fitted for proper shoes, new running clothes and a Garmin...oh, Garmin...How I have coveted thee....

But what kind, which one to get? Does anyone out there have any recommendations for me?

Also, I am a girly girl...I admit it without shame...because I so totally want one of these..

A running skirt....I have worked hard for this body, regardless of those other bloggers out there, that have slammed these...made fun of chicks who wear them...they can all go suck it...I can pound out the miles like the rest of them...I pound it hard when I run, but what is wrong with a woman wanting to look good while doing it? I find those that have bad things to say about them or not comfortable enough in their own skin to wear them, so they have to poke fun at those that do. each his own..I like them! What thoughts do any of you have on running skirts?

I am so excited to get to go to a real running store. Hopefully a trip to the big city will be arranged here shortly (Indianapolis)...oh, and a trip to Whole Foods...maybe Sunday. I can't wait...

Life is good!!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Up In The Gym...Just Working on My Fitness...Oh, Yeah!!!

But...I can admit...I did a little bit more than 15 minutes of weights...15 minutes of cardio...

I just thought the cartoon was cute.

So, I did get out of work early yesterday, to make up for my having to stay over and work 2 hours past my clock out time on Monday. Monday sucked, but it was nice getting to the gym last night at an early hour. I arrived around 3:15 and was there until 5:30 pm...

I started out with my cardio...I like to get that out of the way relatively quickly. Or at least first. I ran 6 interval speeds. Ranging from 5.5 miles per hour up to 8 miles an hour averaging a 9 min 10 sec per mile pace...I was done in 55 minutes...I felt like I could go for another 2 or 3..but, I knew I needed to fit in legs and abs, so I stopped. Stretched and cooled down.

Then I did abdominals...I hate, hate, hate abdominals. But, trying to fix what mother nature took from me with the birth of fourth children and massive consumption of wine, I have no, I buckled down and got em' done.

15 reps x 3 sets Weight 55 lbs

15 reps x 3 sets Weight 25 lbs

15 reps x 3 sets

3 at 30 seconds hold each

12 reps (each side) x 3 sets Weight 25 lb round weight in opposite hand

Then it was time for legs....

12 reps x 3 sets Weight 55 lbs

15 reps x 3 sets Weight 90 lbs

12 reps x 3 sets Weight 60 lbs

12 reps x 3 sets Weight 45 lbs

12 reps x 3 sets Weight 45 lbs

12 reps x 3 sets Weight 90 lbs

12 reps x 3 sets Weight 45 lbs

12 reps x 3 sets Weight 25 lbs

12 reps x 3 sets Weight 20 lbs (10 lb dumbbells in each hand)

If memory serves me correctly, I think that was it....I do know I was soaking wet and exhausted.

I stopped and got KFC for the family...and a salad with grilled chicken for me. By the time I got home, I was not hungry at all. I was seriously feeling ill and once again, was having stomach "issues"....I guess I am really going to have to go to the doctor and get it checked out. Hubby was furious with me, very concerned, for cancelling my last doctor's appointment. He thinks all of my intestinal/stomach issues are contrived from my "over-doing it" when I work out...expending too many calories, not taking enough in and it has my digestive system all out of whack.

I try to eat healthy most days. I lapse occasionally, after all..I am only human.

My eats yesterday:
For breakfast, I had a packet of oatmeal, pineapple and a yogurt.

Mid Morning Snack:
5 Whole Wheat Ritz Crackers
3 tiny slivers chedder cheese

Lunch: Lean Cusine Sandwich
1/2 serving pretzel sticks
1 serving of melon (cantelope/honeydew)

Afternoon snack:
1/2 cashew cookie Lara bar

Cups of coffee consumed throughout the day: 4
(with splenda/powdered creamer)

3/4 of a Chick-Fil-A Chargrilled Southwest Salad (30 cal pack of lite Italian dressing)

Water consumed:
5 regular sized bottles and 1 cup of tea.

That was it....
I know I burned at least 600 calories on my run, although the treadmill said 676 calories. Not sure how accurate that is.

Then I am sure there had to be at least 200 with all the strength training I did for an hour.

I guestimate my calories I took in yesterday around, I was probably deficient, thus why I felt so ill.

I am taking tonight off, per Hubby's request....he is making me a steak and potato for dinner. He thinks I am not getting enough protien/carbs...I beg to differ...but, I will eat it, and thank him accordingly.

Later my peeps!

Oh, do you like the new look? Leave me a comment and let me know.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Under Construction....Chhaaa Chhaaa Changes....

Ok, Folks...I hinted a while back, that I was going to change this blog up...make it more about fitness/health/my gym exploits, with family and work drama still thrown in..I wanted a new header, a new color...not sure how things are going to turn out. I think I may have to hire some professionals...I am no good at this html thing. I had a former blogger friend help me the first time around with my header..he has since disappeared from the blog world. I don't know what the hell I am doing.

So, bare with me...if anyone knows of a blog designer, send me a I can contact them. I know what I want, just don't know how to make it happen.


Blog Loser...Running Totals....Eat Clean Diet....

So much for trying to blog more huh? I have a million excuses..the main one being that work has had blogger blocked for the past week. Plus, Work has literally been kicking me in the booty..When at home, not something I feel like doing. Heck, I haven't even checked my face book in two weeks.

I am seriously so tired of this job, so tired of winter...all I do is complain anyway, not sure anyone wants to hear that. My time at the gym and working out has been sporadic, to say the least. I have really slipped on the resistance/weight training...getting my runs in 3-4 times a week has also been a struggle. For the month of January, I only ran 61 miles.

Was hoping to start February with a killer run of 8-10 miles, but work f'd me over yesterday. At one p.m., when I got back from lunch, they threw this project in my lap, a project that should have been done weekly for the entire month of January, they wanted it done before I left at the end of the day. My first thought was "You have got to be kidding me, you can seriously go to hell"...but, I wanted to eat for another week, and telling my boss that, well...I knew, I gritted my teeth, dived in and started the project...throw in about 20 different interruptions from all the other robotic minions around here...and I had to work until 7 pm last night. Ruined my chance to go to the, today, I am out of here at 3 pm...god forbid they pay me overtime....and I plan on a hardcore workout today.

I did find out where I can sign up to become a product sampler...myblogspark...check out the link here . I got a response email from them, a survey to fill out, and as of yet..I haven't heard a word...or seen a product. We shall see.

My food intake has been pretty much the same....I did splurge over the weekend, which is what I usually do. Didn't make it to the gym, but didn't eat so healthy either. Then I hate myself come Monday morning, not that there is a huge weight gain..I just feel gross, not myself. So, I detox, eat healthy all week, then on the weekend, my attitude is a couple treat meals and wine...lot's of wine. I totally need to stop doing that. I think I am going to buy Tosca Reno's new book, Eat Clean Diet...Has anyone else heard of this book? Is it any good? Easy to read and follow? I wish I could get blogger to upload a picture, but it is being anal as well. Tosca Reno's husband is editor of Oxygen Magazine...a magazine I subscribe to religiously...and a few months ago, there was an article with Tosca working out with a couple of female body competitors...the woman looks amazing....She is a little older than me, I see her amazing body and I know if she can do it, so can weight is low, I have just got to figure out how to eat more healthy by choosing foods that will help me "lean" up...the right ratio of carbs/fats/protiens....

I have got to come up with a plan, stick to it. I am never going to get as lean and muscly as I want to be with eating the way I do now.

On the other front...I have filed my income taxes and like lots of other people, I am waiting patiently on that refund check. I do get a nice refund, so I have been making plans on how to spend it. Hubby and I want to take some little romantic weekend get aways...a trip to SC in March to see my Mother, new living room set, some house redecorating and of course some new things for the boys. I hate waiting. I paid for the rapid, they guarantee it should be here in 8-15 days. Today is day 7. I have no patience....I want it now. I am so tired of being broke and stuck in the house.

Well, the groundhog apparently seen his shadow...which means 6 more weeks of winter. I am about to lose my mind. I am sick of the cold, the snow/ice, the coats, gloves/scarfs.....I am ready for strapless heels/wedges, sundresses, short skirts and shorts. I am ready to run outside. I want a treadmill so bad for this time of the that when snafus happen and I can't make it to the gym, I don't have to sacrifice my workout. I can work out while the kids are sleeping, I can get up early in the morning, knock out a quick 4 or 5 miles. But, it has not, nor will it be in my budget. I have been looking in the classifeds/craigs list...trying to find a nice cheap used one, but have had no luck. So, I am bummed about that....Spring has got to hurry up..just get above 50 degrees..I will run in that temp...But, anything below that, I am a wimp...I hate, hate, hate being cold.

Well, my lunch is almost over, so I am off of here. Hopefully I can post again sometime later in the week.