Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I just had my first Kashi frozen dinner for lunch..needless to say, I was not impressed. It was really bland, I didn't care for the texture too much.

Not going to say I will never try another..the calorie count was very good. 240 calories, but the sodium was way up there (like 640 mg) are most frozen dinners. But, I like the Lean Cuisines and Weight Watcher varieties more.

I also like the Ethnic Versions you can find in the health food isle. Walmart has them, Payless/Kroger has them. The Indian Chicken Tikki Masala is awesome!

I also had a cup of Progresso Chicken Noodle soup..only 70 calories per serving. The sodium was kind of high in that regard too....

I will have to watch my intake for the rest of the day. How much sodium is permissable for a person to consume in one day? I will have to do some research on that.

I went and worked out at lunchtime again. 3.5 miles on the treadmill.

Splits are:

Mile 1- 9 min 20 sec

Mile 2- 9 min 5 sec

Mile 3-9 min 22 sec

.5 4 min 20 sec

Pretty darn good. I was late getting back to work though, got railroaded. I hate that! Plus throw in a couple of incompetent drivers, I was seriously stressing. I am just waiting for the day someone (I.e...boss's) say something to me about working out on my lunch break, clocking back in and eating my lunch at my desk. I hope they don't. I enjoy going on my lunch break, getting the workout in for the day. I only do it a couple times a week, as my other workouts are usually in the evenings twice a week, then again on a weekend.
I will be so glad when this day is over. Work is rather slow today. They have me "cold calling" for potential new business. I hate that!!! Makes me feel so stupid to call people up, asking about their lawncare, when it is snowing outside/snow on the ground.

Tonight, after work, I am going to go get my first spray on tan...I have read so much about the dangers of tanning beds, I am afraid to do that anymore, so I thought I would give a spray on tan a whirl. But..there is so much prep you have to do before you go get one, I am a little nervous. I don't want to end up like this:

Poor girl! Yikes...I just want a little "light" non-orange tan, to cover up this pasty whiteness....Have any of you ever got a spray on tan? Please tell me if it turned out ok...

Happy Hump day everyone!

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