What's going on???? I have been super busy...no post in 3 days...that should indicate the level of my business....I have been tearing it up at the gym this week. Totally making up for my past couple of weeks....I have been running on that treadmill like I am being chased by a rabid pit bulldog... hence the cartoon above...lol..
Seriously though..I have worked out the past four days!!! I have a ran a total of 17 miles so far! I still have the weekend to go. I have done strength training and abs twice this week as well..
Tuesday night, I ran 4 miles (plus strength training).
Wednesday (lunch time), I ran 3.5 miles.
Thursday night, I ran 6 miles (plus strength training).
Friday (lunch time), I ran 3. 5 miles....
I have been averaging around 9 min 15 sec per mile...sweeeettttt!
Work has been super duper busy as well....my evenings at home...well, they have been kind of tough...most nights, especially gym nights, I am so exhausted I can hardly stand it...
Which leads to some gripes: What the hell is up with the school corporations and all this freaking homework they are sending home, every single f'd up night, for elementary school students....Do they not realize that is what we pay our taxes for...to like, maybe pay for their salaries, so they can actually do something, like, say "Teach"!!!!
I mean, don't get me wrong...not bashing teachers here..honestly...just frustrated with the amount of homework, I have to help my kids with, after I have worked all day, came home (not to mention gym nights-god forbid I slot out time for myself..to you know, like stay healthy and crap, because after all of that-I have to help with home work for two hours-one hour per kid), then throw in the gathering of next day school clothes, book bags, breakfast supplies, etc...then reading too, talking too, loving on my kids, after losing ungodly amounts of patience with them, over the homework debacle...oops, look..time to brush teeth..oh, no..forgot the bedtime snack..ok, here's your snack, then back to brush teeth, tuck in bed....just get into the living room to sit down with the hubby, 30 minutes before he has to go to work, so maybe..just maybe, we can have some couple time for a little bit...got to keep him happy too...then of course, one of the kids (usually Max) calls out for just one more drink of water...and then like clockwork, Aaron usually remembers he forgot to do a paper for school..so, we are right back to the homework debacle again!
It is a vicious circle...and it is killing me!!!! I need to be cloned...there seriously needs to be two of me....even with all the exercise..my energy levels have felt depleted...hubby thinks I need more protein..the whole burning off more calories than I consume thing..so he went to GNC..bought me some protein powder....it seems to be helping..man, those shakes are filling. 280 calories...so, on the nights I strength train and run, I have a protein shake immediately after getting home...and then like half a salad or something..that is all I can eat....I get so full from just the shake.
All that ranting brings to me how glad I am it is the weekend...once again, not a lot of relax time for me...my house is filthy!!! I need to spend a good 8 hours on cleaning everything in site. When am I going to do that, you ask? Hell if I know....I need Merry Maids or something..although, my house is so bad, I am almost embarrassed to have anyone, even housekeepers see it. I suckkkkkkkkkk!!!!
I know it will not be tonight. Max (continuing his birthday extravaganza) is having a friend over tonight. We are going to play Lazer tag....I am so going to rock that ugly brown lazery vest, with m leopard print pumps I have on at the moment...don't you know it? Then, it is to Pizza King...for pizza for them (salad for me)....they like to go there...they can watch their own personal t.v. while they eat, and a miniature train brings them their drinks...then it's back to our house, for xbox games/movie..noshing on all kinds of unhealthy junk..(not that much, maybe some chip/dip, or popcorn with m&m's..what they usually like for game/movie/veg out nights)....
I rented a movie for hubby and I to watch...Couple's Retreat....have any of you seen it? Hopefully, by the time the boys are squared away in their rooms, I won't fall asleep on the hubby and leave him hanging...in all aspects...sigh...seriously, that clone thing I mentioned? Sign me up....some body...please????
I can guaran-freaking-tee, copious amounts of wine will be consumed over this weekend..starting with a couple glasses tonight (after the kiddies are tucked away-I am not a slush....only when my kids aren't home...lol..just kidding)..seriously, don't go and call CPS on me....The weekend, as they most are, is going to be fairly busy...I hope to go the gym first thing in the morning....My goal is a 5 miler/some leg and ab work....please send a prayer my way, that I can drag my tired ass out of bed, make that wonderful gym experience mine, once more....
Saturday afternoon, we have to make the 2 hour drive to Terre Haute, 16 year old is having his Hardcourt Homecoming...he is wearing a tux, escorting his girl, so I have to be there for that....I get to see my babbbiiiiesss!!!! Yay! Afterwards, we are taking them all out to dinner....then making the 2 hour drive back home...which puts us getting home, I estimate around midnight....
Whew! I am so tired thinking about it right now..oh, well...it will totally be worth it. I haven't seen Justin in over a month and Tim..haven't seen him since Christmas. So, it's time for a visit.....
Sunday, hope to make it to the gym again...and then maybe, just maybe...I can squeeze in a little housework, before we die of an infection from my shower and all the dust molecules floating around in my house, that is if we are not carried off in our sleep by the spiders that have made huge spider webs in the corners of each room in my house...and the blinds/windows need cleaned..all hell, I will just by new blinds..easier then cleaning them. Pheshaw!
Then, maybe in the afternoon, I can take my boys to the movies....and hopefully squeeze an hour or so to myself, somewhere in that day...
Because Monday..it will be here all too soon...then time to saddle up the horse and start that ride all over again!
Have a great, and hopefully less busy weekend then me, everyone!
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