Thursday, October 22, 2009

Happy Thursday.....

Hey, everyone....what's going on? I am so glad it is one more day closer to Friday.
Things have been pretty hectic for me here at work...ready for the weekend.
The kiddos go on Fall break tomorrow....through next Monday...wish I had it off as well. But, things here at work are not conducive to me taking any time off...sigh...maybe around Thanksgiving I can get an extra day or two off...Lord knows I truly need it.

I got my car looks great! Looks like it was never wrecked....the only thing that is wrecked now is my checking account, but...we won't get into that.
I am so not ready for the many of you have started/finished your Christmas shopping already? Not me....bah humbug! I hate this time of year. I have covered that topic on here before, so I won't beat a dead horse....but, it is not my favorite time of the year...I go out, see the crowds of jolly/happy people, spending, shopping, preparing....with the goofy grins on their faces, singing Christmas carols, I just want to slap them....sorry, if that is one of ill intent to you personally...just the "season".....

My oldest said he only wanted a coat for Christmas....that was it...A Northface brand coat....those can get pretty expensive....maybe I need to check Overstock or Ebay...that's an idea....
Second clue what to get him...clothes, money....something along those lines...
Third son wants a Nintendo DS....some games, some clothes.....
Little man...well, he is usually happy with anything....because he wants everything...
Hubby and I...we don't exchange no pressure there...Christmas is for the kids so we hold off until tax refund time then we usually buy each other something...although this time around, I think we will be paying off credit cards and maybe buying some new living room furniture..

Crap...Mr. Burns just walked in, so I better get off of here....I will try to post from home this weekend.....time allowing...I have lots of pictures to post...more things to talk about....


Friday, October 9, 2009

True Dat!!!! Happy Friday Funny!!!!

Happy Friday!

Wow...can't believe I actually was able to log on and make a post. So, before I get found out and the block is put back on, thought I would take a minute to say Hi to all my bloggie friends....all two of them! I know, I deserve not to have many readers anymore...I am so far behind on every single person on my blog roll, most I will have to go back an entire year to catch up on...I suck.

No, I always state on in general, and the business of it, have pretty much put my blogging on the back burner....
My life consists of work, gym, home, kids, homework, housework, lovey time with the hubby (when I am not too exhausted) and sleep, get up...wash, rinse, repeat...

The kids are doing well in school..Max is struggling, but he is holding his own, so every night is spent reviewing what he didn't' get that day in school, studying, etc....he is in Title seems to be helping. He is slowly learning to read...he still has a problem sitting still, focusing and not talking in class....
Aaron is doing exceptionally well....and the two older boys are doing fantastic!
Tim is loving the college life, but he is finding the work load to be a very heavy....Justin, as a sophomore in high school is doing very well, making excellent grades, except in Spanish...holding a C average there. Really having to encourage him to pick up the pace with that...these days, you have to know it is almost as common place as English...I wish I knew it, another language of any sort would be a plus. So, I keep encouraging him that it is very important...looks good on a resume to be bi lingual.

My car should be fixed from the wreckage of a couple weeks ago, come first of next week....look forward to getting it back hopefully like new. The rental car I am driving is cute, but the cost out of pocket to drive it, not so that American Family Insurance does not offer car rental for accident/car repair.
Plus throw in the $500 deductible, yikes! Sucks big time.

Can you believe it is already the second week of October...where the criminy has this year gone? I am so not ready to start this whole holiday fiasco over again. I hate the holidays! Why, you ask? all boils down to money. The stress it puts on me to buy the extra food, for the holiday parties/dinners, the presents, the decorations....I can't handle it. I spend the whole month of December in tears and a nervous, if any of you out there hit the lottery, between now and then..remember little Dixie here....share the love! LOL...just kidding..wouldn't that be grand though. To win the lottery? How many of you have ever day dreamed about that? What you would do with the money, where you would go....First thing I would do would be to quit this pain in the ass job I a new home (modestly-nothing too exorbitant), a new car, pay off all my debt, buy my boys new cars, pay for their college educations, and travel....and share it...I would donate to charities, give large amounts to my family members and friends...I do believe in sharing the love. LOL..

Yesterday, I had my yearly exam (of the female variety) and my doctor is this older funny...he made my day though. Was very complimentary to me regarding my health, new obsession with running/exercise. Could not believe how much weight I had lost between last year and now. He is a runner too and was trying to talk me into signing up for the Indianapolis mini marathon...he is going to be running it. Man, would I love to! But, I seriously have to get some new shoes. I have really had to cut back on my running over the past couple of weeks. I have been having problems with my right shin/ankle and my left hamstring. I pray some rest from running and some new shoes will fix it...then who knows..maybe I can. Anyway, the doc asked me my age...I told him..39....he chuckles, my goodness...I would not have put you a day over 30.....MADE MY DAY!!! I could tell he was sincere..and I told him he was a sweetheart..and laughed my ass off!

Well...guess I better get off of here...Lot's of work to do. Renewal time (of customer contracts) at the moment...and my work load has increased ten fold. I am going to try to start catching up on all of your blogs, and leaving comments again, and answering the few I get...(sorry Sicilian).....Love you guys! Don't give up on me....Dixie will be back...maybe even with some Dancing With the Stars post.....