Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy Monday....Or is it?

Thank goodness! For without my coffee, I am definitely not human. I am working on my second cup, and I still can't shake the blah, it's Monday feeling.

The weekend went by in a whirlwind of activity...I would give anything to have one weekend, where I did not have to go somewhere, do something, clean house, or anything! After a tumultous work week, Friday night the hubby, kids and I went out for dinner. The Olive Garden..yum, I ate badly....cha ching..1 lb gained. Then Saturday, we went to the Indianapolis Sport, Boat and travel show..where we spent several hours, walking around, looking at toys my hubby would like to have, that we are in no way shape or form able to buy. Boats that cost more than my house and car combined, campers that we would need to buy a small semi to transport, and 4 wheelers my kids would have been in heaven to receive.....sigh.....long afternoon, I'm telling you. Afterwards, we went to Circle Centre Mall, shopped, had dinner out again, this time eating at the Alcatraz restaurant...cha ching....another lb gained.
We didn't get home until 10 p.m...the kids were wiped out, I put them to bed, then I had to go back into town to WalMart to get groceries...all in all, Saturday night, I didn't get to lie down until somewhere around 3 a.m....of course, Max was up at 7:20 Sunday morning, demanding pancakes and bacon. I spent my morning, into the early afternoon, cooking/cleaning. Then we dressed, went back into town to the mall and ending up having dinner at Don Pablo's.....cha ching...another lb gained.

Seriously, I have gained 3 lbs this weekend. What the hell? I swear, we are not eating out at all this week....salads and low fat for me, with minimum of three trips to the gym this week....I have worked too hard to start letting the weight come back. It depresses me. I have my work cut out for me this the gym, with my self restraint/food, and here at my real job.

Oh...and to top it off, the motor on our dishwasher burned, we had to order a new dishwasher today...there's $500 bucks, literally down the drain....doesn't that always seem to happen? Once you get a little money in your savings (thank you tax refund)...something, wether it be car repairs or home appliances, always breaks down, preventing you from having any money in your savings at all. It sucks!

So, here's to Monday everyone...get through it, then there are only four more days to the weekend again!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

KELLOG'S FIBER PLUS BARS....O.M.G....THESE ARE FANTASTIC!'s been a year for me, regarding my weight loss, I am still trying to make healthy choices, eat right, to maintain my weight loss. Currently, I am at 110 lbs....some days, it's 112/113..depending on when I weigh, etc..but, anyway, like I said..healthy choices...healthy food, totally a way of life for me now.

Yesterday, I found these at Marsh, 2 boxes for $, I grabbed a box. Only 130 calories and so yummy! So, instead of a candy bar, grab one of these for your chocolate fix..not only are they satisfying, but they are full of fiber/antioxidants and low in calories.

They are good for you! Guilt free and very chocolaty! Try them and let me know how you like them!

Friday, February 13, 2009


I hope you all have a Wonderful Valentines Day....

Hubby bought me some beautiful lingerie and is taking me away for the weekend. I have the next three days off from work....I am getting my nails/pedicure done tonight, going to the gym in the morning, then I have a makeover in the early afternoon...then we are headed out of town, for a romantic weekend.

I may complain about things on this here blog sometime....but truly, I am blessed. I am such a lucky girl to have a husband that loves me as much as my man loves and adores me....

I am grateful....



Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Valentines Day to Me......

Look what was just delivered to me at work.....I love my hubby!!!!!!

Thank you honey!!! I promise, you are going to love your Valentines Day gift as well....just can't give you yours at work.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gym Ettiquette......

I try and go to the gym at least 3 times a week....I go right after work, which puts me at the gym around 5:10 or so....Once I change and do my warm ups/stretches...I head to the treadmill. I do my 3 mile run, usually in 30 minutes or less....then I proceed over to the ab machine, sit up benches, etc...I do 20 reps of each ab exercise....a total of 5 different exercises for my core, then I move back to the eleptical for 10 minutes, back to the ab area for 20 more sets, to the Wave machine for 10, then 3 sets of 10 on each of the arm/upper body resistance machines, back to the eleptical for 10 minutes, then 3 sets of 10 on all the leg resistance machines.

Point being...I have a routine!!! I have limited time...the entire time I am working out, I am worrying about what is going on at home, how I need to get through my work out, which takes me 2 hours, so that I can get home, spend time with the boys, give hubby a break, and get my kids taken care of.

I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR EQUIPMENT HOGS!!!! Nothing pisses me off more to see people with a blatant disregard to other people wanting to use the equipment.

~Don't rest on the equipment...the gym is no place to take a nap...if you are that sedentery...then don't come to the gym.

~Don't leave your sweat dripping all over a piece of equipment...

~Don't leave your sweaty towel hanging over a piece of equipment, along with your CD player (I didn't think people actually used those anymore?), and your water bottle....then walk off to use another piece of equipment!

(The above happened to me last night...I went over to the abdominal resistance machine and someone had their towel draped over the back/head one was around, so I picked up the towel, draped it over the machine next to the one I needed to use...I did my 20 off the machine to move to the one next to mine, and some steroid popper came over, jerked his towel off the other machine, put it right back on the machine I had just used. I looked over and said "Sorry, didn't know who it belonged to"...he goes, "Next time, Why don't you just ask?" in a real crappy way...dude had major attitude...he probably weighed 230 lbs or more, but he raised my my little 112 lb body jumped in his face and said, next time, Don't hog the equipment...don't leave your sweaty towel on it, then walk off...take your crap with you....other people have routines too. Show some respect...I stomped off and got back on the eleptical!)

I don't know what it is has I get older...I just have no tolerance or patience with some people...lately, the gym has been my source of angst...

For instance....our gym has a swimming pool...a lot of members bring their kids in to swim....the womens locker room has signs posted, No children of the opposite sex, under 4 years of age, permitted in the women's locker room. The gym provides Family restrooms for parents to help their kids change.
I came into the gym from working out, and was in the process of changing my clothes and this woman brings her two boys into the gym to change out of their suits...thse boys were maybe 7 and 9....I was half naked, trying to change and these two boys were ripping off there suits, stark naked, staring at me....there are four locker areas, all seperated by tall lockers, to create "individual" changing areas...this womans locker was right next to mine, she proceeded to throw all of their stuff on the bench I was using...knocked my gym bag off in the floor....needless to say, I was very upset. I grabbed my stuff and walked around to the other side, with my pantied butt hanging out, while those two boys stood there stark naked staring at me...

I mean COME ON!!! This woman was hispanic and was speaking to me in Spanish....I don't speak Spanish so I don't know what she was saying, but her attitude suggested that somehow, although I was there first, and she should have used the family restroom, how dare I be there at that time, changing my clothes in front of her boys!

It wasn't that I was uncomfortable changing in front of people...I am proud of my body! But, in front of two little boys..well, not so little....they were too big to be in that locker room!

I finished changing and immediately reported the incident to the gym staff.

~Another problem I have is people invading your personal space...if you are in the locker room, there are four changing areas, each changing area has one one else is in the locker room, don't choose the changing area I am in, to change yourself...and furthermore, don't strike a conversation up with me while I am staning there topless, trying to wiggle myself into my sports bra...those things are a pain in the ass and I don't like anyone observing me, all the while asking me about the latest turbo kick class...Hello, Do I look like I work here? (This happened to me as well last night)....

~Last are people that stare at you....if you are at a gym, your primary reason is to work out...not be a dirty old man that wants to sit on a piece of equipment, not using it, right behind me, while I am on the eleptical, watching my ass move up and down for ten minutes...GET A LIFE!!!!

This concludes my pet peeves at the gym....what gym horror stories do you have?

Monday, February 9, 2009

My gmail was hacked....

My gmail was hacked everyone! If you received an email from me, stating that I was in Africa, had a sick aunt and needed money deposited into an account, it was not from me!!! I now have a new email, and the majority of you I have contacted with that new email address.
I need to figure out to reasign my new email to my blog, so if any of you have any suggestions on how I change my email on my blog sign in, please let me know.

Problems with Gmail

I am once again having problems with gmail...I don't know what is going on, but they deleted my account, I had them reinstate it, they deleted it again...if I don't come back, look for my blog elsewhere...still using dixiechick somehow. I am working on the problem.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Don't worry....Just taking a little break....

Work,kids, work, husband, work, gym, work, kids, work, husband, work, gym...Constant repeat....If you noticed, blogging did not fit into the above cycle....

I am taking a little break....I am on the verge of annihilating more thing to do and I think my head will explode!

Hubby has been sick, Max has been getting into trouble at school, fighting to get my tax refund check, Mr. Burns in the office EVERY SINGLE DAY, ALL DAY, ALL WEEK, , pushing, pushing, pushing myself, sleepless nights, the onset of peri-menopause (I think) and the lists goes on and on.

So, I need a break...something has to be put on, that is why this blog has been stagnant as of late.

Max turns six next Tuesday, so we are having a family birthday party for him this weekend. Cook out on Saturday, the temps are supposed to reach 50, but rain...oh, well, the grill cooks in the garage just as easily as out on the patio...then we are doing cake/ice cream/presents and taking him bowling.

I probably won't be around much again until next week. I hope all of you have a great weekend!