Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last Day of 2009....

Wow, hard to believe how quickly this year has flown by. Just seems like yesterday, we were ringing in 2009. Now, the eve of many of you are celebrating big tonight?

Christmas was good....the boys told me that it was thier best Christmas ever....

Here are some pictures from our little family celebration....

Tim...opening up his "goodie bag"....

Aaron and Max diving into thier goodie bags.

Justin opening his goodie bag and Max excited over something he got...candy I think. He has a sweet tooth that knows no boundaries!

Max excited over a gift from Santa..he loves Nerf guns.....

All in all...we had a great Christmas...

As for now, I am stuck here at work..on New Year's, but I get out of here at 3 pm.

We have no kids and big plans for a hot and wild New Year's Eve..

From the Dixie clan to your clan....Here is wishing you the Happiest of a New Year...

In 2010...let's all make the resolution to:




Cherish every second of every day....

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Holidays Bloggy Land......

I will be celebrating Christmas with my family starting this evening...Wrapping up my last day of work for the week, with the Office Christmas Party here in a few...just wanted to take the time to say Happy Holidays to my blogging friends. Hope it is fulfilling, heartfelt and wonderful....From the Dixie Clan to yours....
Have a Happy and Wonderful Christmas!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Runners High...and Wildcat Creek Winery...

I went to the gym last night...(wishing I was brave enough to run outside like the chick in this photo)....3rd day in a row..Whoot Whoot...and blasted out six miles on the treadmill....I was running intervals....started out at 5.5 for one minute, then 6.0 for one minute, 6.5 for two minutes, 6.0 for one minute, 7.0 for one minute, 6.5 for one minute, 7.5 for one minute, 6.5 for one minute, 35 seconds..repeat around six times..with varying inclines, and toward the last couple miles, I even stopped and walked a few times...Total time...1 hr 1 minute. That averages out to 10 min 10 sec miles....It felt glorious!!!

Afterwards, I managed to do some strength training on my arms, shoulders, back and chest...then some ab work...Total time at the gym, 2 hrs 45 minutes.

I am taking the night off tonight. I have a nail appointment after work, then hubby and I are going out for a our date night.

Tomorrow morning, back to the gym for a 4 mile run and legs...then in the afternoon, we have to go to the in laws for Christmas....I still have one kid left to buy for..hope to get that done this weekend too.

Sunday, would like to visit the local winery with hubby, purchase a couple of bottles for the holidays....they have such great wine...the winery is called Wildcat Creek Winery and it is just a few miles from our house. I have lived here in Lafayette with hubby for going on six years and we just recently found this little gem of a winery.
If I have any local readers, and you haven't checked out this winery, please is the link

We love their blush wine...just sweet enough to enjoy as a dessert wine, but not too overpowering. I would like to try their Rock red and their Riesling....hubby prefers the sweeter ones though, so I don't know.

So, the weekend is shaping up to again be a busy one. I want to try to get some cookies baked at some point too. I always have to make peanut butter balls, the pretzels in white chocolate and some sugar cookies/choc chip cookies...the boys will all be together this upcoming Wednesday night and I want to make sure there are plenty of treats available for them.

If I don't log on any over the weekend, hope you all have a terrific one....

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Healthy Eating.....Oikos Greek Yogurt...Lara bars...Nom...Nom...Nom...

I know I have not been a very good blogger for awhile...lost most of my sad...but, I have also stopped reading a lot of my blogs on my blogroll...I am like..almost a year behind on all of them, except for a select few...Hi, Sicilian....loves ya girl! Lol....for a fact though..I am so loserville when it comes to blogging. Definitely going to be one of my New Years Resolution's....Two years resolution was too lose weight, exercise more...that mission..ACCOMPLISHED!!!! This upcoming year, blog more, catch up on all my bloggy loves on my blogroll and add all the new food blogs/exercise blogs I have found..and, um...start commenting more/replying to the few comments I do get....

I also think I am going to give this blog a total makeover...I am still Dixiechick...but, I would like to change things over to a more "health/fitness" type blog..I mean, I will still blog about my family, work exploits, etc..but, my main focus will be about health and fitness...along with healthy eating and exercise. I just don't know where to start...there are so many great healthy fitness/food bloggers out there...I am sure I will fall into the one in a million category....some of my most favorite fitness blogs are Caitlin..from healthytippingpoint.....she is awesome...I am secretly blog stalking her... here is her website link... check her out....she started this "operation beautiful" thing, it rocks...I totally posted my first note at the gym, because of her...if you don't know what Operation Beautiful is...go over to Caitlin's blog and check her out. One of these days, I will get brave enough to leave her a and Fitnessista.... posts such awesome pictures of her food choices/eats/recipes and her work outs...she is a fitness diva for sure...I also blog stalk to read her everyday, but not once have I got up the nerve to leave a due time....

I have never been healthier..minus the sinus infection I just got over....I love, love, love running/working out...I love lifting weights....and I am starting to get noticed as the "go to girl" at the gym, for newbies that have questions, or just random women that stop me and compliment me with "how good I am"....they all just about die when they find out I have four kids....Two years ago, I was at 146 lbs, flabby and just basically looked and felt like, I am around 108 lbs, give or take a couple and I have some serious muscle guns are kidding, my boss has actually stopped me and complimented me on how big my biceps motivation....I doubt I will ever be "competition ready"....nor, do I want to be....I just like how it looks and most important of all, how it makes me feel.

And I am trying to eat healthier as well....More Organic, more all natural...I will never ever in a trillion years be a vegetarian....I love meat too much....chicken breast is a huge staple in my life....once or twice a month..I will have a nice steak with hubby, when we go out to eat....but, that is about it.....

I find myself, more and more lately, going through the Health food section at our local Payless...sigh, wishing it were a Trader Joe's or Whole Foods...but, alas..we do not have those..they are an hours drive away in Indianapolis....I keep trying to convince hubby to take me up there on a that I can stock up....

Some of my favorite new finds in the health section is Oikos Greek Yogurt

...OMG...So very very creamy....I have never had the strawberry flavor, just vanilla and is kind of pricey, so I treat myself to one or two containers a week....I honestly could eat it every day....If you have never tried it and have the opportunity...please do. I like to get some organic granola, stir in a couple spoonfuls and eat that with some fruit and a boiled egg for breakfast...the breakfast of champions, I'm a telling' ya.....If you skip really, really shouldn't...It is truly the most important meal of the day.

Another find of mine..are lara bars...

I have seen them boasted about all over the health food, I bought my first one a while back, and I will never ever look back....I eat several a week...again they are a little expensive, a little more than the cost of a candy bar..but, totally worth it. They are totally organic/gluten fav's are the pecan pie and coconut ones...

I have also been eating Amy's Organic frozen meals...

These too are very tasty....I have not tried her breakfast burritos yet, but they are on the list....for when money is not so tight...

My lunches usually consist of some sort of salad, fruit for snacks/almonds, that sort of thing....

Now, don't get me wrong, I will occasionally throw caution to the wind on occasion...I work out hard, so I allow myself some and chocolate are always at the top of my list...would love to find some organic wines...guess that would be on my future trip to Trader Joes or Whole Foods, can't find that around here...but, it too, is on the

I will splurge, have a dessert or treat occasionally with my boys....for instance, last Saturday, I made them brownie/ice cream sundaes...fixed their portions, then fixed mine, which was less than half of what I gave them...just enough to satisfy that sweet tooth/carb loaded, bad for you craving, but not enough to totally screw up my eating plan. If I have a treat I just don't have one the next couple of days.

So, anyway...just wanted to share with you some yummy foods, that are healthy and don't taste that way.

Another goal I plan to aim for in 2010 is to run several 5 k's, a 10 k and even a half marathon....I now I can do p.r. (on the treadmill) for a a5 k is 28 min 40 sec...and I have ran 12 miles (the furthest I have run) on the tread mill in 2 hrs 4 min...not too shabby....
I remember when I first started...I couldn't run .25 of a mile without having to stop and, I can run for 3 + miles and not have to stop for a walk break...yes, I do stop and walk on occasion...but only for 30 or so seconds...just long enough to iron out any cramps, etc...take a drink of water and then I start back up again. During the summer, I was pumping out about 25 miles a week..then I got shin splints and had to take almost two months off...I hated that!!! So, I lost some of my endurance...and duration/mileage..before I injured myself...I was pumping out 8 1/2 min to 9 min, I am averaging about 10 min miles.....I will get it back...I ran 4 miles last night, and my splits were 9:40, 9:22, 10:10 and 10:40...yeah, I started out faster and ended up slowing down..but, there were a few walk breaks in there...including my cool down in the last, not too bad, after being sick and not running for an entire week.

Then after my run..I did five or so minutes of stretching and then some ab/leg work....another hour, all in all, last night was a two hour gym session....
I went back on my lunch break today, for a half hour of cross training on the elliptical.....then I will head back tomorrow night for hopefully a six mile run and another ab session with back/shoulders and arms.....

I am so looking forward to the weekend....Date night with hubby Friday night, Saturday is Christmas at the in-laws, Sunday..finishing up Christmas shopping with the hubby...I still have the littlest young un' to buy for...and then next week is only a three day work week. Yay!
Looking forward to that and looking forward to finally getting this Christmas nonsense over with...yeah, I am the Grinch...

I haven't always been...just seems like it puts way too much stress on me financially....and it makes me cry...but, I will solider the best I can for my kiddos, spend some quality and hopefully fun time with them...bake some cookies and hopefully make some special, non money oriented memories with them...

What are some of your holiday traditions?


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Feeling 100%, back to the gym!!!

I have not worked out in a week! A freaking week! Exactly how long I have been, I am sure that my work out tonight..will be that of a zombie...I have never went this long between workouts...always, without fail, I have worked out a minimum of 3 days a week for well over a year and a half....I am not feeling it. I have totally fell of the wagon. I plan to do a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio...not sure if it will be a 3 mile run, or 30 minutes on the eliptical...or both...I have not worked out my legs in two weeks....last week before I got sick..I only worked out one day...that was Tuesday...I ran 6 miles and did an hour of abs/shoulders/back/, I am going to totally get my ass kicked tonight..

Pray for me.....

Monday, December 14, 2009

On the road to recovery....

No matter how sick I get...I still have to look presentable....I ended up leaving work early Friday, feeling like I was at death's door...self medicated through out the evening and Saturday, drug myself out of bed, because I had a hair appointment....I think I scared the crap out of my hairdresser, because she was insistent I reschedule and go home and go back to bed..but, I toughed it out...can't go without the highlights...I did start to feel a little better Saturday, the hubby and I loaded up the kids and went out for dinner...but, through out the night Saturday night, I took a turn for the worse and Sunday morning, Hubby had me at the local Urgent Care clinic...diagnosis....Acute Bacterial Sinus Infection...prescription of Augmentin, 850 mg, only 3 pills taken and I am on the road to recovery...Thank Goodness!

I have never been so sick in my life! I don't want to get that sick again. Worse cold I have ever had, then it turns into a sinus infection....even though I was sick...I still managed to get the Christmas tree up....inside decorations outside this year, I am afraid...there is only 11 days left until Christmas, I will be glad when it is over. I still have some shopping to do, hope to have it all wrapped and under the tree by this weekend.

Have a great week everyone!!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


That is me...I am out of commission...sick...horribly, deathly sick.....I don't know if it is the flu, strep, or just a nasty nasty cold...but, I feel like I am dying...and, the worst part of all of it...I have to be at work...I am at work in body, but I am totally self medicated with all kinds of cold medicine and nothing is working. I need to be home....if I didn't need the money so bad, I would tell them to go to hell....and I would be at home. Then, I would be jobless too....I can't win.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Winter is officially here!!!!!

Well, I knew it was here in the Mid West....first full week of December...the snow was bound to come some time or other...and, we had a light dusting of the white crap this morning....roads were a solid sheet of ice....and according to hubby, when he got home this morning...the salt trucks had not been out. So...he demanded/dictated, however you want to look at it, that I was not driving myself to work today. Mr. Crash bandicoot himself....having to bring me to work...I do give him credit though... the roads were were off in ditches...just makes me nervous, regardless of who is driving. What bothers me, is no salt trucks out, school buses not delayed....We watched one school bus slide across the road...10 miles from us, the I-65 was closed down, due to a wreck with a semi and five other cars, resulting in a fatality.....why do people insist on driving so crazy.....they are over confident and someone ends up losing their life. Makes me sad..
Anyway...with the help of my wonderful Motherinlaw...I am now in the Christmas spirit...I have yet to buy the first gift, but my shopping will start this week. I had planned on going out on my lunch break...but, now..I have no car. I am stuck in this hell hole all day long...sigh...oh, least I am here safe and sound and the kids are safely at school...Oh, I loathe thee....

Have a great week everyone!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Day After Thanksgiving.....a.k.a...Black Friday!

How many of you have already been out this morning, braving the masses?

Not me....I was not one of the "lucky" ones that had that oppurtunity...I have to work...I am at work right now as a matter of fact...and, for the first time in two weeks...websense has not blocked my, I just wanted to throw up a quick post...check in with my peeps...LOL...yeah, right...ok...If I had of had the day off today, I still would not have been out shopping...I would be home, all warm and cozy in my bed, sleeping the morning away...

How was your Thanksgiving? Mine was great...although very tiring...I cooked the night before, didn't go to bed until 2 a.m. and was back up at 6 a.m. prepping and stuffing a 25 lb Turkey. I made a ton of desserts, a ton of sides and needless to say, by the time dinner was finally on the table..around 2 p.m..I was about ready to collapse. It was worth it though, every single moment...because I had all four of my boys, my wonderful husband and his family with me....they raved over the food, everyone ate until they were about to bust....all in all....a great Thanksgiving.

I am so thankful for my life, my kids, my husband and life would not be complete without them.

To all of you...Happy (belated) Thanksgiving, Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

On the road to recovery.....

Hey everyone...just a quick update....Hubby is doing much better. He is on the road to recovery. He has a sleep study to be done next week, as well as a test for his gall bladder....hoping we can get to the bottom of some his problems.

As far as me..well, I had a small bout of the flu (just the regular flu) over the weekend and into this week. I didn't work out for five entire days...that should tell you how bad I felt. Today, I am much better..tired....overly so, for some reason...but, that may be due to just being run down and the added stress here at work. We are working with a skeleton crew, as 12 people from my office got laid off...thank goodness I wasn't one of them. Although, to have a vacation and collect unemployment from this place, would have been nice..the cut in pay and the waiting on the unemployment, that would not have been so nice.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner...2 weeks from today...Wow, this year has totally flew by. I am planning on cooking a traditional dinner, and my two older boys are coming up...also, invited a close friend of ours over....I will have all four of my sons together for the entire 4 day weekend....I am so excited. I am going to cook all of their games (apples to apples), some card games, watch movies with them...although I do have to work on Black Friday...doesn't matter to me, other than I would like the time far as shopping goes...I don't even want to go there....need money for that, and I don't have, no point in going out with the masses on a shopping hunt for the best deals around. I will be scrambling to put any kind of Christmas under the tree as it is.....

I so look forward to next time....that is when our windfall comes in. When we can catch up on bills, put some money in savings and finally be able to breathe again.....

I would give anything to go back to it be for nursing, administration, business management or even to get certification as a personal trainer....something that would give me more motivation to get up and go into work every day....I used to be in Hospital Management...I was an Operations Manager for 8 years at a 330 bed hospital...I was over the Housekeeping/Laundry Depts....I loved that job....but circumstances and a new boss that couldn't stand me...i.e...was threatend by me, forced me to resign..and I moved with hubby to his hometown....when we first met..he was commuting 4 hours a day....was killing him..literally, he wrecked 2 cars falling asleep at the, in his best interest, I quit my job so we could move...but, I miss it. It was a very fulfilling job...and I would so love to find another one doing the same thing.

Well...I have rambled enough for one post....lot's of work to least Friday is one day away..yay! Look forward to kicking some butt at the gym, cooking for my family and relaxing with a nice bottle..or two of wine....

Love you all...


Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I know I am probably a little late getting some photos up of the two little guys prior to trick or treating Saturday night....Yes, I did take them. Keith went along, but stayed in the car....they had a great time. We were only out for about 45 minutes...that was enough. They got plenty of goodies, then we came home and Mom whipped up breakfast for supper...they loved it! I made them spinach/mushroom/cheese omelets, smoked sausage and cinnamon toast. Then we watched a scary movie. All in all, a perfect Halloween for them. For us too....

Aaron was a gangster, mafioso...a.k.a...Al Capone...or the Don, Don Corleone that is..From the God Father....

No..the cigar is not was a prop, bought at the local Halloween Store. I told him not to get any ideas...not to even think about trying to smoke for real. I didn't want to promote to him that smoking was ok, he said he knew that it was bad for you, but he couldn't be the "GodFather" without a stogie...LOL...that kid is too much.

Maxwell was an alien....(Grandma bought the costume)...Cute, but the mask was very bothersome for him. At one point, it broke, Dad had to rig it to get him through the remainder of his trick or treating....

Ok, Halloween down..only Thanksgiving and Christmas to go....then another new year, here we go...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Streak of Bad Luck.....

Only have a second...our family has been going through a lot as of late...Hubby had a heart attack...and contracted H1N1....he was in the hospital last week. He is home now...we have a lot of upcoming Doctor's appointments....he is seeing a Doctor regarding all issues this Friday...He is doing better and I will update more when I know more....
Keep us in your prayers.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Happy Thursday.....

Hey, everyone....what's going on? I am so glad it is one more day closer to Friday.
Things have been pretty hectic for me here at work...ready for the weekend.
The kiddos go on Fall break tomorrow....through next Monday...wish I had it off as well. But, things here at work are not conducive to me taking any time off...sigh...maybe around Thanksgiving I can get an extra day or two off...Lord knows I truly need it.

I got my car looks great! Looks like it was never wrecked....the only thing that is wrecked now is my checking account, but...we won't get into that.
I am so not ready for the many of you have started/finished your Christmas shopping already? Not me....bah humbug! I hate this time of year. I have covered that topic on here before, so I won't beat a dead horse....but, it is not my favorite time of the year...I go out, see the crowds of jolly/happy people, spending, shopping, preparing....with the goofy grins on their faces, singing Christmas carols, I just want to slap them....sorry, if that is one of ill intent to you personally...just the "season".....

My oldest said he only wanted a coat for Christmas....that was it...A Northface brand coat....those can get pretty expensive....maybe I need to check Overstock or Ebay...that's an idea....
Second clue what to get him...clothes, money....something along those lines...
Third son wants a Nintendo DS....some games, some clothes.....
Little man...well, he is usually happy with anything....because he wants everything...
Hubby and I...we don't exchange no pressure there...Christmas is for the kids so we hold off until tax refund time then we usually buy each other something...although this time around, I think we will be paying off credit cards and maybe buying some new living room furniture..

Crap...Mr. Burns just walked in, so I better get off of here....I will try to post from home this weekend.....time allowing...I have lots of pictures to post...more things to talk about....


Friday, October 9, 2009

True Dat!!!! Happy Friday Funny!!!!

Happy Friday!

Wow...can't believe I actually was able to log on and make a post. So, before I get found out and the block is put back on, thought I would take a minute to say Hi to all my bloggie friends....all two of them! I know, I deserve not to have many readers anymore...I am so far behind on every single person on my blog roll, most I will have to go back an entire year to catch up on...I suck.

No, I always state on in general, and the business of it, have pretty much put my blogging on the back burner....
My life consists of work, gym, home, kids, homework, housework, lovey time with the hubby (when I am not too exhausted) and sleep, get up...wash, rinse, repeat...

The kids are doing well in school..Max is struggling, but he is holding his own, so every night is spent reviewing what he didn't' get that day in school, studying, etc....he is in Title seems to be helping. He is slowly learning to read...he still has a problem sitting still, focusing and not talking in class....
Aaron is doing exceptionally well....and the two older boys are doing fantastic!
Tim is loving the college life, but he is finding the work load to be a very heavy....Justin, as a sophomore in high school is doing very well, making excellent grades, except in Spanish...holding a C average there. Really having to encourage him to pick up the pace with that...these days, you have to know it is almost as common place as English...I wish I knew it, another language of any sort would be a plus. So, I keep encouraging him that it is very important...looks good on a resume to be bi lingual.

My car should be fixed from the wreckage of a couple weeks ago, come first of next week....look forward to getting it back hopefully like new. The rental car I am driving is cute, but the cost out of pocket to drive it, not so that American Family Insurance does not offer car rental for accident/car repair.
Plus throw in the $500 deductible, yikes! Sucks big time.

Can you believe it is already the second week of October...where the criminy has this year gone? I am so not ready to start this whole holiday fiasco over again. I hate the holidays! Why, you ask? all boils down to money. The stress it puts on me to buy the extra food, for the holiday parties/dinners, the presents, the decorations....I can't handle it. I spend the whole month of December in tears and a nervous, if any of you out there hit the lottery, between now and then..remember little Dixie here....share the love! LOL...just kidding..wouldn't that be grand though. To win the lottery? How many of you have ever day dreamed about that? What you would do with the money, where you would go....First thing I would do would be to quit this pain in the ass job I a new home (modestly-nothing too exorbitant), a new car, pay off all my debt, buy my boys new cars, pay for their college educations, and travel....and share it...I would donate to charities, give large amounts to my family members and friends...I do believe in sharing the love. LOL..

Yesterday, I had my yearly exam (of the female variety) and my doctor is this older funny...he made my day though. Was very complimentary to me regarding my health, new obsession with running/exercise. Could not believe how much weight I had lost between last year and now. He is a runner too and was trying to talk me into signing up for the Indianapolis mini marathon...he is going to be running it. Man, would I love to! But, I seriously have to get some new shoes. I have really had to cut back on my running over the past couple of weeks. I have been having problems with my right shin/ankle and my left hamstring. I pray some rest from running and some new shoes will fix it...then who knows..maybe I can. Anyway, the doc asked me my age...I told him..39....he chuckles, my goodness...I would not have put you a day over 30.....MADE MY DAY!!! I could tell he was sincere..and I told him he was a sweetheart..and laughed my ass off!

Well...guess I better get off of here...Lot's of work to do. Renewal time (of customer contracts) at the moment...and my work load has increased ten fold. I am going to try to start catching up on all of your blogs, and leaving comments again, and answering the few I get...(sorry Sicilian).....Love you guys! Don't give up on me....Dixie will be back...maybe even with some Dancing With the Stars post.....

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blogging slump....

Without saying...I have found myself in quite a blogging slump. I am just not into it anymore. I have been thinking about shutting this blog down. Hanging up the blogging rite of passage. But...something is holding me back. I keep hoping, I guess...that I will find my groove again....then maybe I can write a book..."How Dixie got her groove back"....or something like that...haha.

So, what's been going on bloggies? I am so far behind on all of my blog favorites....since they blocked my access at work, I can admit that has been a deterrent. When I am not at work...I just don't have any time. Between work, kids/home, gym...trying to keep my hubby happy...make sure the kids are doing their homework, doing it the list just goes on and on....

It makes me tired just thinking about it.

We celebrated my 3rd son's birthday a week and a half a go.....he turned, hard to believe he is now a decade old. We had a cook out....with the ex (his dad) and his dad's brother, sister in law and nephews....nothing like entertaining your ex inlaws at your son's birthday party. It went ok....everyone was cordial....they gave Aaron a check for his birthday...we took that and with our birthday money for him, we went and bought him an XBOX 360....he has been stuck in the almost obsolete PlayStation 2 era for way too long. He was thrilled. It was a great cookout for him, helped him to see that his Mom/Dad could come together as friends, put forth a united front to make his birthday special. Hell, even hubby got along with everyone.
My oldest son, the college boy, drove himself and his brother (15 year old) up for the day as well. He doesn't get to see his little brothers as much, so that in itself was a present for Aaron. It was a nice day..although hectic.

Last weekend, hubby and I went away with a friend of ours for the weekend. Well, not the entire weekend. We left Saturday at noon and came back on Sunday around 1 pm...but, it was fun. For the past two weekends, I have done nothing but ran, ran, ran....exhausted is what I am. I am so looking forward to a weekend, where I have nothing to do...this weekend, will be more of the same.

My car was wrecked last Thursday night, so..I am dealing with insurance companies, claims, and body, Saturday I have do take my car in for the tune of $3700. Good thing I do have insurance..although, there is that deductible..yikes! Then I have to pick up a rental car. It will take them most of next week to get it fixed. 15 year old has a football game on Saturday morning, in Indianapolis, at Lawrence North High School...I am going to try and make that. Then he will come home with me afterwards, and Sunday, I will have to drive him back to Terre Haute...No rest for this weary soul.

On top of all of that..I am still kicking butt and taking names at the gym and with my running. Got some new shoes, just about have them broken in, so my hammy is not bothering me as much. I have achieved my new P.R. for my 5k time....27 minutes 40 seconds....I am loving this running thing. Hoping to get my weekly mile average to somewhere around 25 to 30 miles per week. Gradually, run further, increase my mileage. A few weeks ago, I ran my longest...12 miles! Haven't been able to replicate or exceed that...but, I am working on it. Don't know what happened that day....all the runners starts aligned correctly or something I guess. I do know that proper fuel, before a run is necessary....a pack of GU gel about half way through helps a lot as well.

Well, thanks for reading...those of you out there that still give a shit.

OH...wait....Dancing With the Stars is back....I am sure you all know that, as last night was the second vote off.....I am pulling for Kelly Osborne or Donny Osmond....those are my two top picks to win this season...What say you?


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wow...It's been a while....

Life has gotten the best of much has been going on..with work, at home...with my kids...Blogging as been put on the back burner...not that it matters much, no one comes around here anymore anyway..

So, what has been going on the past couple weeks? I had a great mini vacation..well, some hubby's grandmother past away...we buried her Tuesday 2 weeks ago today.

I pulled my hamstring 2 days before I was supposed to race my 5k, so I had to pull out of that.
Then, the following week, I went to the gym and ran 12 miles...on the treadmill...the next day, I walked like an old woman, I seriously felt I needed a cane.

We celebrated my 3rd sons 10th birthday on Sunday.

Then, I got sick....missed work yesterday.

Of course, the silent treatment is given to me today. It is the biggest sin of all to call off work from this freaking place!

Oh, well....the worse they can do at the moment is write me up. Which I expect. Would not be the least bit surprised if they don't. I am not perfect like some of the ass kissers that work here.

Hope you all have a great week!
I really have nothing more to say...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Busy Little Bee..Yep, That's Me....

Been swamped here at work today. Twice the normal amount of work to do, because I go on a mini vacation from this place starting tomorrow. Yay! I don't have any plans to go anywhere, but a break from here, is enough. I plan to hit the gym, get in a few runs, relax, just spend time with the family over this Labor Day weekend. Maybe throw a cookout and a family reunion with the hubby's dad's side of the family in on Sunday.

Went for a 4.50 mile run last night...Going for another 5 mile tonight, which will put my mileage thus far at 15 miles for the week. I am aiming for 25 total, so we will see.

Hope you all have a great remainder of the week and a terrific Labor Day weekend.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dang coffee bandits....

Seriously!!! I have made 2 dang pots of coffee here at work this morning, and I have only gotten one cup. Just a few minutes ago, I go back to get my 2nd cup of coffee and what? Gone! Again...I just started the pot 10 minutes ago. I caught one of the sales guys red handed. He knew I was peeved. I told him, you take the last of it, make another pot! I am not making another pot for you guys to come up here, drink it all and walk away, leaving the pot empty...I will be back in 10 minutes, and there better be another pot made, ready and waiting on me!!

The sales guy stood there with a stunned expression on his face, not sure weather to finish pouring the coffee or put it down and walk away...


Mama any runners out there have one?

I want one of these bad boys....or bad girls...however you choose to look at it...
Here are the specs on it:

Meet Forerunner 405. This GPS-enabled sport watch tracks your training, then wirelessly sends your data to your computer.

Forerunner 405 continuously monitors your time, distance, pace, calories and heart rate (when paired with heart rate monitor). Each run is stored in memory so you can review and analyze the data to see how you've improved. You can even download recorded courses to compete against previous workouts or race a Virtual Partner.

The only problem? They cost $300 smackaroos....

Sigh....a girl can dream, huh?

Are there any runners out there that has one? Are they hard to use? What opinions do you have about it if you do own one?

I am going to get some kind of heart rate monitor, but from my research and all that I have read, Garmins are top of the line. Regardless, I can't get one until next Spring, when we get our tax check...but, I figured I would start researching them now, that way when the time does get here, I will know exactly what I want and what to get.

So...I did go to the gym last night...injured, but still able to run. It wasn't my feet the skin came off of. I did 5.5 miles...

The first few miles, I kicked butt...

Mile 1- 9 minutes
Mile 2- 9 minutes 5 sec
Mile 3- 9 minutes 20 sec
Mile 4- 9 minutes 35 sec
Mile 5- 10 minutes 45 sec
Mile .5- 4 minutes 20 sec

Total time: 51 minutes 25 seconds.

Not too shabby...I kind of started to peter out in the last mile or so...slowing my pace down. My ankle was starting to smart and um....I had to go to the bathroom, like really bad. Hard to hold it and keep running, but I didn't want to stop. When I got to that half mile mark, I had to stop. My intention was to do a six miler, but, um...sometimes, your mind can not tell your body to keep going, or to hold the case may be.

Anyway, after going to the bathroom, sweet did my stretching, then did a series of abs and legs...

Tonight, no gym...but I may try to get a short run in, an easy 3 miler....hopefully, if I do, my feet will be the only thing hitting the pavement.

Later gators....

Monday, August 31, 2009

Another one bites the dust....My first wipeout.....

Holy hell am I sore and hurting this morning. I had such a crappy start to my weekend ,ending it with an even more "sore" note......Friday afternoon, about an hour before it was time for me to leave work, I get a phone call, from ex husband number one...usually we get along ok...but, lately, he has had major attitude....real sullen, not very talkative when I meet him to pick up/drop off Justin, our 15 year old...I felt like last week, something was up with him..but, didn't give it much thought. Until Friday afternoon....The ex and I are both originally from S.Carolina...I was going to college, in my freshman year, I met him through mutual friends of first, I really didn't like him, but I was going through a lot o f stuff, needed a friend, he was get the picture....anyway, he kind of grew on me...he was also 10 years older than me, and divorced with two younger kids. Everyone, myself included, told me to run the other way..listing all the reasons he was not the one for me...I didn't listen....six months, after our first date, he proposed and of course, I said yes....knowing, that after we got married, he had plans to take a government job,which would require us to move to Indiana....I had some problems with people in my life at the time, and I thought, it would be great to get away from everyone, have a brand new was only supposed to be a for a year or two, then we were going to move back to S. Carolina....20 years later, two husbands, four children, I am still here in Indiana....the ex is facing early retirement..soon being at his government job for 20 years. When he called me on Friday, it was with the news that he is retiring in April, putting his house up for sale, and moving back to S. Carolina....him moving, I could care less, but the problem is...My oldest, Tim (19) has just started his freshman year of college, and planned on living with his dad while he went to college, to save money. The 15 year old is a sophomore, having went to school every year (except for one) with the kids he grew up with, is center on the football team, well liked, makes awesome grades, and is very popular at school. Needless to say this news has devastated all of us.

The kids do not want to move...Justin especially. He wants to graduate with North High school and all of his friends. Tim, pretty much said he is staying, going to get an apartment with friends, and the heck with is dad. Justin on the other hand, is caught between a rock and a hard place. Either way, he will have to move, weather it is to SC or back to Lafayette to move back in with me. I can not stand the thoughts of him moving to SC with his dad...I feel like Mike, the ex is being an inconsiderate asshole about all of this. He got me so upset...crying and snotting all over the place at work, on Friday...I had to leave work early. I told him he was a selfish S.O.B...and I had nothing more to say to him, and I hung up on him. I don't know what to do....his reason for leaving is that he wants to be close to his parents again, they are both older and are in an assisted living retirement community, and they made an excellent offer to him to take their $250,000 house...I don't know what his current wife feels about it, don't really care...Mike has 2 sisters and a brother that live in the same town has his parents...he could fly down every month, would not be a uproot the boys, disrupt everyone is very selfish. I would never see my son, I don't make the money the ex has....I can't fly wherever I want, whenever I is not fair. I would love to see my mom, who by the way is in much worse health than his parents, more than I do....not possible. Because as a parent, I put the needs of my kids first....which Mike has never done. Anyway, nothing has happened as of yet....I can't talk to him right now, I am too pissed off. When we do talk, I don't know how I will be able to maintain my composure with him. Justin suggested we make Tim his legal guardian, let him live with him, finish school in Terre Haute...I don't think that is an option. A lot of decisions to face and I don't think I can make them. OR handle the ones that are made. So, I started my weekend off with a sob fest of the likes I have not done since I went through my last divorce.

Once I got home, Hubby got me calmed down, we talked about it, thought we should just wait and see what happens. That it is only in the "idea" stage at the day at a time, all that garbage. We got dressed and met a friend in Indianapolis, listened to a great band, had a couple drinks, and I tried to put things out of my mind.

Saturday, I went for a great 5.5 mile run, did a little (minimal) housework, then hubby and I dressed and went for an early dinner. After dinner, we stopped by our local watering hole, our favorite bar...had a glass of wine, talked with a couple friends, mentioning we would come back for the band later that evening.
We had to go to the grocery store, after we were done there, we decided to just rent a couple movies, stay home and relax. That is what we did...we watched Mobsters...
which was a great mob movie...I love anything to do with the mob, have all the movies, read as many books as I have been able to about the subject, and The Sopranos was my all time favorite t.v. show, until it ended. I still watch re-runs of it from time to time. Out of five stars, I give it 4 1/2....

Then we watched "I Love You Man"..

Hilarious...I enjoyed it very much. Out of five stars, I give it 3 1/2....not too bad, but not the best comedy I have seen, but it is worth a rent.

Sunday morning was spent relaxing, until early afternoon, I thought I would go for a run...I wanted to do another 5.5 miles, putting my grand total for the week at 25 miles...I had only gotten a half mile down the road, when it happened...the pavement jumped up and bit my ass...Literally....actually, two cars were coming, opposite directions, the one I was facing had no room to get over, so it was up to me to get off the shoulder of the road a little more, so when I did, I slipped on some loose gravel and I went down...sliding across the gravel and pavement on the palms of my hands....let's just say there is no skin left on my right palm, and a few scrapes on my left, down my right leg....and I thought I had twisted my ankle...several cars seen my fall, no one stopped...I am laying sprawled on the side of the road, trying to crawl up to a standing position, crying, trying to hobble home...when you are hurt, a half mile seems miles and miles away. Fortunately, a lady seen my distress, turned her car around and took me home. Hubby helped clean up my wounds, we debated for quite some time if I needed a tetanus shot ( I had one about 8 years ago when I worked at the hospital) so I had to convince him that they were good for about 10 years. We cleaned the wounds up very well, put peroxide/antibiotic ointment on them, then bandaged them up. My ankle smarts a little and my right arm around my elbow is very sore. Needless to say, I didn't make my 25 miles for the week. I was so mad at myself...I am determined to go to the gym tonight and work through my pain...we shall see.
The only good thing about this week is that I only work 3 1/2 days, then I have 4 1/2 glorious days off. I sure hope this week goes better than last weeks ended.


Friday, August 28, 2009


I am like a robotic running machine...

If you have been reading my blog over the past year, (if I still have any readers-since hardly anyone comments anymore) know I have been on a weight loss/exercise kick over the past year and a half. I went from walking (at a snails pace) just around 2 miles last summer, to running and running fast. I am so ready to run my first 5 k...and on Sept 12th, here in West Lafayette, that is exactly what I am going to do. I am so excited for the chance to do this. I have been reading some running blogs and I can't believe the mileage and the speed of some runners out there. Women just like me. As you read from my previous post, On Tuesday night, I ran 10 miles....for my long run of the week. Thursday night, I ran 4 miles...but for the first 3.1 miles, I timed pace was as follows.

Mile 1- 9 minutes
Mile 2 8 minutes, 50 seconds
Mile 3 9 minutes 25 seconds
Mile .10-1 minute

Total time...28 minutes 15 seconds....I kicked ass....
Then I ran an extra mile, Mile 4, 10 minutes...

So, that was 4 miles in 38 minutes. Tonight, I am just going to run 3.1, see if I can improve on that time. 2 weeks to go, and I am going to be ready!


The following joke/funny does include strong lanquage at the end. Read at your own risk.

5 yr old's first pay check!

Here's a truly heartwarming story about the bond formed between a little
5-year-old girl and some construction workers that will make you believe
that we all can make a difference when we give a child the gift of our time.

A young family moved into a house, next to a vacant lot. One day, a
construction crew turned up to start building a house on the empty lot.

The youn g family's 5-year-old daughter naturally took an interest in all
the activity going on next door and spent much of each day observing

the workers.

Eventually the construction crew, all of them "gems-in-the-rough," more

or less, adopted her as a kind of project mascot. They chatted with her,

let her sit with them while they had coffee and lunch breaks, and gave

her little jobs to do here and there to make her feel important.

At the end of the first week, they even presented her with a pay envelope
containing ten dollars. The little girl took this home to her mother who
suggested that she take her ten dollars "pay" she'd received to the bank
the next day to start a savings account.

When the girl and her mom got to the bank, the teller was equally

impressed and asked the little girl how she had come by her very own

pay check at such a young age. The little girl proudly replied,
"I worked last week with a real construction crew building the new house

next door to us."

"Oh my goodness gracious," said the teller, "and will you be working on

the house again this week, too?"

The little girl replied, "I will, if those
assholes at Home Depot ever deliver the fuckin' sheet rock..."

Kind of brings a tear to the eye - doesn't it?


Oh, thank goodness it is Friday. It has been a long long week. The exciting thing is, Next week, I only work 3 days, then I have 5 glorious days off. Yay! I have been so drained this week. Difficulites falling asleep every night, so I am popping sleeping pills to get to sleep, so the mornings are even more difficult, because I have such a hard time getting up and going. I can't figure out what my sleep problem is, except that maybe too much that possible? Tuesday night, I ran 10 miles....just to see if I good to do it. And I did, in 1 hr and 43 minutes...I was smoking...surprisingly, I was not the least bit sore the next day. But, getting to sleep, poses a problem. I usually work out late in the evening, finishing up my work out around 8, I guess the endorphins just don't want to stop and it won't let my brain shut down to go to sleep. Last night, I went to the gym, ran 4 miles, did upper body (shoulders, back, arms, abs) and needless to say, once again, I had to take a couple tylenol p.m.s to get to sleep, so I overslept this morning. It was such a rush to get to work on time.

5 o'clock can't get here soon enough. I have no kiddies this weekend, so I am planning on going for a run after work, then relaxing, cooking a simple dinner for the hubby and I, drinking some wine, reading and watching some movies/tv, maybe if I feel motivated enough, throw in a little housework.

Happy Friday everyone!

Friday, August 21, 2009


Hilarious and Very Funny Drunk Driver Test

Paul, an accomplished juggler was driving to his next performance in Baltimore when he is stopped by the Highway patrol.

'What are these matches and lighter fluid doing in your car?' enquires the cop.

'I'm a juggler and I juggle flaming torches in my act,' announces Paul amiably.

'Oh yeah?' says the doubtful cop. 'Let's see you do it then.'

Sighing, Paul the juggler climbs out of his motor and starts juggling the blazing torches masterfully.

A couple driving by slows down to watch. 'Wow,' says the driver to his wife. 'I'm glad I quit drinking. Look at the test they're giving now.'

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Currently...I am sitting here, at my desk....doing spreadsheets/reports, sneaking in reads on this new running blog I found and listening to ABBA....yes, you read correctly...ABBA...what the hell is wrong with me? There are no other music selections available to me. I don't know how this ended up in My Music library, nothing else is there but Bob and, I clicked play. Who ever liked this music? I mean, other than Dancing Queen...the rest of this stuff...seriously, you need to be stoned to appreciate it....Lord have Mercy...I am definitely bringing in some CDs from home....I am definitely not 19 anymore...39 and listening to ABBA...what the heck is next..depends, geritol?

On a happier less pyshcotic note....Tomorrow is Friday...yay!!!!!!!

Me Me.....

I haven't done one of these in a, I found this one surfing other blogs, thought I would give it a whirl...

Me Me
1. Name something you have in common with all your siblings:
Our have one brother. I had two, but one (baby brother Tommy) passed away when he was 18 months old. Let's brother, who I love dearly, don't really have a lot in common..unless you can count that we like to relax with a drink..his libation of choice..a 12 pack..mine, glass or two of wine. We like to cut up and laugh together...but, that's about it.

2. What is the greatest amount of physical pain you have ever endured?
Childbirth...4 times over. Wowza...hurt like hell...but, if I was younger, financially secure...I would have another one...still would like that little girl.

3. What number of drinks constitutes your limit?
Depends on what I'm drinking... Mixed drinks- 4: Wine-a bottle

4. Do you fold your underwear?
Yes, being that most of my underwear are thongs, just fold in half.

5. Have you fired a gun before?
NO and I don't want to.

6. What was your favorite childhood toy?
Barbies..hands down.

7. Name a sound that disturbs you?
My hubby's snoring....God love him.

8. Name something random that you would never do.
Skydive or bungee jump.

9. Name a person whose diary you would love to read.
Gosh..that is a tough one...Marilyn Monroe's....

10. Have you ever had the same dream more than once?
Yes...can't remember it at the moment, but I know I have..I am wierd.

11. Name a song that makes you happy.
Don't worry...Be happy.

12. List three people you could count on NO MATTER WHAT.
Keith, my wonderful Mom Ann...and my brother, Earl...(I have no close friends)

13. If you were in an emergency situation and you had to deliver a baby, could you do it?
Yes, most long as there were no major complications.

14. What do you like about being in a committed relationship?
Security...knowing someone is at home, waiting for you...

15. What do you dislike about being in a committed relationship?
There is nothing I dislike..I have the love of my life...

16. Name something you have to do tomorrow:
Get my nails done and a pedicure

17. Name a movie you are looking forward to watching:
The Hangover...once it comes out on DVD...don't have funds or time to go to movies..also, hubby can't stay awake.

18. Name something you've heard about women that tends to be true:
We never forget any thing!

19. Do you own an iPod?
I did...then like an idiot, I left it at the gym, someone took it. But, a dear internet friend of mine is sending me his extra one....Thanks Jerry!

20. What was the last movie you watched?
Austin Powers Goldmember...cracks me up everytime!!!!

21. Do any of your friends have children?

22. What CD is currently in your CD player?
I don't have a CD six year old does in his room, and he has an Elvis CD, does that count?

23. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
1% regular milk.

24. Has anyone told you a secret this week?
Regular...2%...I don't drink it hardly at all...Chocolate milk, maybe once a year.

25. When was the last time you had Starbucks?
It has been awhile...gosh, can't really least a couple months.

26. Can you whistle?

27. Do you have a trampoline in your back yard?
NO..but I wished..the kids would love it!

28. Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
Here at work..hell yeah they do. They can't stand me...the women especially. The guys, don't have too much of a problem with them.

29. What movie do you know every line to?
Chevy Chase Christmas

30. Where was your last vacation?
I have not had a really good vacation in a long time. Hubby and I drove to Florida for a weekend last year...does that count?

31. Where is your next vacation?
Maybe a weekend get away to Nashville TN in Sept...if we have the money.

32. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
Would not mind getting my belly button pierced...once those six pack abs appear..
So, never is my assumption.

33. Would you ever date anyone covered in tattoos?
I don't mind one or two...but covered, hell no.

34. What did you do before this?
Went to Walmart on my lunch break and bought a chicken wrap for lunch.

35. When was the last time you slept on the floor?
When I visited my Mom last November.

36. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
At least 7. Otherwise, I am a bitch.

37. Do you get along better with the same sex or the opposite?
I get along better with the opposite sex. Females hate me for some reason.

38. Do you sleep on your side, stomach or back?
Usually on my side with a pillow between my legs.

39. Do you watch the news?
Occasionally, most often read it online.

40. Do you feel alone?
Never....with a husband, 4 kids, and a full time job, I never have the chance.

Wow, that was, for those of you that know more about me.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ups and Downs......

Last night, after not having worked out at the gym since last Thursday (although I did run 3 times last week)....I made my trek back to the gym. I was so not feeling it...I was tired, cranky, and in general...I just didn't want to be there. I had that, "God, let's just get this over with" mindset...and guess what? Once I got on that treadmill...and found my pace...I ended up running 8 MILES!!!!!!!!! That is the longest I have ever run. It took me 82 minutes. I started out for the first few miles with 9 min 15 sec pace...for me, I start at stong and finish slow....but, I think my times wasn't too bad. I am going to work on that...hopefully, by next summer, I can do a half marathon. My first 5 K will be Saturday Sept 12...that will be easy peasy...currently, I can run a 5 k in 29 minutes...I am excited to do it. Then I will try my hand at a 10 k....I love running.

Anyway, after my run...I did 45 minutes of strength training, upper body, back, arms and abs....I was soaked through and through, I was elated, but very, I go to the locker room to get my things, to change and head home. I took off my i-pod...and laid it on the top shelf of the locker...and like an idiot, I left...and left my ipod...I realized once I got home and was unpacking my gym bag, that my ipod was not there.....I immediately called the gym, told them which locker I was using, would they please go check and call me back. Do you think they found it? Hell no....that locker room was empty when I left it at 8 pm last night, there was only a couple of old broads working out in the gym. Someone had to have taken it...I think they just lied to me. Oh, well....I am a fault. At least 9 year old has an ipod shuffle that I can use, for the time being. His music is better than no music..but dang it...I had a great playlist on mine.

The 8 mile run was my up and the loss of my Ipod was my down...also, this weekend, I was planning on running a 5 k on Saturday...but, we had a problem with our well....when I took my shower, the water pressure was almost nil and hubby checked the pump, was at zero pressure..we had no water. We thought maybe our well went dry, we had zero, being that it is a Saturday, do you think we were able to get a plumber/well person out to our spent all day calling around, dealing with hubbys parents, who came up to help us try and fix it...So, we borrowed water from the nieghbor to keep our toilet flushed...bought water to heat up and take mini baths with....and endured until Sunday afternoon, where we had to pay someone double time to come out and fix it...5 hours, a new pump for inside the well and $2100 later, we had water. But, because we had ran the hot water heater out....for Sunday through Tuesday, our water has been dingy...turning our white laundry grey, leaving residue on our skin and it smells funky. It was better today, so I am hoping that it eventually clears up...I hate well water.

Anyway...those are my ups and downs over the past week. Hope all of you are having a fantastic week...It's hump day, which means Friday is just around the corner...and if you know Dixie at know I live for the weekend....

OH, by the way...Dancing with the Stars is scheduled to start in a few weeks...whose going to be watching with me?

Later gators....

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Back to School....

Well, my little monkeys are headed back to school today. What a crazy morning. Getting back into the routine of getting 2 little guys up, showered, dressed, etc....after the entire summer of only having to get myself up and going...was a little exasperating. I set my alarm for six, didn't get up until 6:30..I have to be at work by 8 a.m....(with a 15 minute commute)....what a dumb ass I was for going back to sleep for another 30 minutes....The first outfit I had laid out for Max, the shorts were still a little too big, so outfit number 2, he goes to put the plaid navy shorts on (so cute) and the button popped off...drat! So, all he had left that were new were jeans, so..he had to wear a "Not new" pair of shorts to school on the first day..oh, the horror...six years old and already very conscious of his "style"...I mean, no way would he let me out the door before his hair was spiked just so.

Aaron, the almost 10 year old, had a nice pair of new chocolate brown shorts and a lighter blue with chocolate stripes polo shirt, that we had gotten at JC Penney..very nice...very coordinated....he gets out of the shower, goes into his room to dress, comes out with the shorts on and a white/red/black/grey shirt with skulls and crossbones on it that his dad got him....I was none too happy with him, told him he was not wearing that shirt...with jeans, yeah, maybe...but not with the shorts he had on...drama, drama, drama would think I had two girls the way they carried on about their clothes/hair this morning.

I couldn't stick around to see the finished product, I had to leave for work. I hope and pray hubby got them on the bus ok. In prior years, I have always talked with the bus driver a day or two before school starts. This year, I did not. I could only assume the pick up time would be similar to last year. They got on the bus last year around 8:25 with a start time of classes at 8:40...we live one mile from the school....this year the district moved the start time to 8:50, so I assume the bus would be around somewhere between 8:30 and 8:35....I pray hubby didn't fall asleep and let them miss the bus. He has not answered my emails and once again, he has unplugged the phone at, I can't reach him....I hate when he does that. So, I am sitting here, nervously waiting for a phone call, telling me I have to leave work, drive home and take them into school, late..on their first day.

Getting back into the school/homework/work routine is going to be a challenge. I am not too worried about nine year old...he did really well last year, and I don't expect 3rd grade to be too difficult for him. Max, the six year old, with him...I am a nervous wreck. Kindergarten is totally different than first grade. In kindergarten...we had a hard time with him...keeping his mouth shut, following directions, just learning in general...he thought it was all about fun/games..this year, first grade is going to be a lot different, the expectations are going to be a lot higher and the consequences for inappopriate behavior are going to be a lot more drastic. I mean, in the teachers manual for parents, that I got at Open House last night, detentions will be issued after several a 1st grader..seriously? Holy cow....needless to say, hubby and I had a serious talk with Max about what is expectations are this year, from his teacher and from us. I hope and pray he buckles down and listens.

Well, going to try and call the school..It is after 9 am...and I have not heard from hubby...he is so tired, he could have easily fell ease my mind..that's all. Seriously....I know my hubby...wouldn't surprise me if they missed the bus. Crap!

Update....hubby just emailed me...the bus came at 8:55 a.m...what the heck happened? What a way to start the first day...late for school..but no fault of our on? Maybe Mary, the bus driver, forgot to take her geritol..or something....why was she so late?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Over a week....sorry.

Man, this blogging thing has seriously taken a back burner. I don't know how much longer I will continue with this...I have lost a lot of readers....I understand, you don't post...people quit coming by...Well, life is seriously busy for me. I say I am going to do better.....but posting every day, even once a week, has become a challenge for me.

Work has been busy this past week. Plus, I took one day off last Friday, to drive down and visit my oldest son, get him situated for college. Yeah, I am going to have a freshman in college. He is going to Indiana State Terre Haute. He is majoring in Sports Medicine/Physical least that is what he says for now.

So, Monday was spent seriously playing catch up here at work. The other children start back to school this week. Can't say I am sorry. It has been a difficult summer. For hubby most of all. Working third shift, then having to stay up most of the day supervising the two younger kids..has been very tough on him. His health is suffering...I am constantly worried about him.

We have been having computer issues as well. At work, most of the time, blogger is blocked. Some mornings, if I check early enough, I can log on and make a quick post, before the Websense kicks in and puts a block up. At home, we have been locked out of our administrator password. I went to set up parental controls and when I did, it blocked us from accessing just about everything, and locked us out of the administrator side of things, because we don't remember our freaking password. How stupid we were to not write it down. Now, I have to come up with money to hire the Geek Squad, or some computer repair guru, to try to find the password, reset it for us, or we will have to reinstall windows and lose all of our saved files..yes, I am an idiot and have never backed anything up.

Good news is, I have still been working out religiously....last week, I ran a total of 20 miles. Last night, I went to the gym, and did my longest run yet...7 miles...that's right, this ol' woman ran 7 freaking miles!!! It took me an hour and 10 minutes...I am no where near running a half marathon, but I am ready for a 10 k...I am starting slow though, and I think I am going to run a 5 K in Indianapolis this weekend. It truly is a high....when I can't run, I get all agitated, annoyed with everyone...there is nothing like putting on those running shoes, cranking up that Ipod, and heating the pavement...feeling the wind in your face...being outside with nature...lately, runs have been on the treadmill at the gym. Too hot outside. We are finally having the July weather we usually have in August. It has been hot!!! I look forward to cooler temps so I can run more outside.

Well, guess I better sign off...lot's of work to do, just wanted to give my few loyal readers a quick update. Mr. Burn's will be in at any moment...lucky me!
Have a good week everyone!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Freaking Ex-husband....

Ok, as most of you that have been reading my blog for sometime knows...I have two ex-husbands....The first one was way older than me, I married him way too young, I asked him for a divorce when I was 25....he was a good provider, he is a good dad, but he wasn't much of a good husband..he chose his sports/friends over spending time with me..and we just drifted apart..

While going through my divorce with him, I met the second ex-husband...the biggest loser God ever put on this earth. I was with him for over five years...married only two of those years...we have nine year old together....we have been divorced for 7 years...the reason for our divorce are too many too lists...but, I was the one that filed. He was a drug addict/he abused me and he would not work. To this day, he still doesn't work...he lives with his 70 year old father and mooches off of him, living off of his social security. He has not paid me child support for nine year old since last husband Keith takes care of all of Aaron's needs, pays for his health insurance, everything....we have not pushed the issue of the non support because to put nine year olds dad in jail..would not be good for nine year old, as he would fine fault with me and resent me for it. The ex still gets visitation with the nine year old, and my son loves his dad to death. In his eyes, his dad can do no wrong....I don't want to rock the boat. But, I am getting so tired of not having any financial support.

For instance today, he is picking our son up at noon, keeping him until next Friday...I have posted before that Aaron has ADD...and he takes medication for this...he is out of his medicine, my husband had called in the refill prescription to CVS and asked loser ex to please go pick up the medicine. It is only $27....He can't...why? He has no money....go figure! I asked him if even had money for food, he goes, Yeah, that is why I don't have any other money...I had to buy groceries...

I have bent over backwards for this man...I have put up with more crap then any woman should ever have had to put up with since I have known him....he has not held a steady job in almost nine years. I have put together a resume'...given him job leads...he will not get a job! He says it is my fault..for pressing charges of spousal abuse against him...he now has a felony on his record...(oh, did I mention the drugs-yeah, he was busted for that to, plus add a couple dui's in there)...guess that is all my fault too, huh?

I know he is not on drugs any longer...I do know he loves our son...and our son loves him...but, I am getting really sick of having to go to work everyday, provide for my family..while he sits around on his pathetic ass....I pray my son, eventually...will get a real hard long look at his dad and not turn out like him.

I hope the ex realizes what a poor example of man hood he is setting for his son.

Rant over...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Treadmill...I want one!!!!

I really would like to have one of these...for my basement. I love running. I am planning on doing my first 5 k on August 15th in, I am working on my speed/time. Currently, I can run a mile in 9 minutes, 15 seconds. I would like to get it under 9 minutes. That would totally rock! Treadmills are good for helping you keep up on your data...running outside, not so much. I can't go to the gym every day. It puts too much stress on the hubby. I went last night, and ran 4.25 miles....after running 6 miles on Monday.
So, tonight is my "non gym" night. I plan on going for a run outside, when it cools down. But, having a treadmill in my basement would allow me to run when he is sleeping and not interfere with having to ask him to bring me water after 20 minutes....

Maybe I should check out Craigslist or something....can't afford a new one...hell, who am I kidding...can't afford one period. But sure would be nice.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


19 year old called me yesterday....seems he has developed this lump on the back of his head, and his hair is falling out around this lump. He said his step mom squeezed it and this stuff came out of it, but later on, he put his hand up to rub it and some more of his hair came out. I am very worried. When things are not right with my kids, things are not right with me. Of course, I did the thing any normal blogger mom would do, I googled it....I tend to think it may be a sebaceous cyst....He went to the doctor, they put him on an antibiotic...if that doesn't work to dissolve it, then I guess he goes back. Please, if I have any readers left, beside Sicilian and Jerry...pray for him that it really is nothing more than that.

On another front, 9 year old got bit by a dog last night. I am so pissed! He said he was playing one of the neighbors mutts....that is what it is..don't know what mixed breed it is, but anyway, I guess the dog got a little over exuberant, and clamped his jaw down on 9 year olds leg....left a bruise and scratch mark...didn't break through the skin..but, it still worried me. Hubby wouldn't let me take him to the doctor....he had a tetanus last long are those good for? I cleaned it, put neosporin on it. I want to call the pound on the dog, but the kids begged me not to. Said it wasn't a mean dog, they were just playing. I want to go confront the owners, tell them to keep the damn thing on a leash, before it gets too rough again, and hurts a child, my child, again. What would you do? I told them to stay away from the dog. It is not rabid, it is a family pet. But, still....I am concerned.

I went to the gym last night...ran 6 miles on the treadmill. For some reason it took me longer last night.....I just wasn't feeling it. I had to really push myself to get through it. But all this running is having an effect. I weighed myself this morning and I am down 2 more pounds....108 lbs. So, I think I will treat myself and have something decent for lunch today. Anything that does not have the word salad in it.

Hope all of you are having a great week!


Friday, July 24, 2009


I love Fridays! Not only because it is finally the end of a long long week, but it is the beginning of the weekend and I get to wear jeans to work. Hopefully the day will go by quickly.

We had a friend over for dinner last night and had such a great evening. A lot of wine was consumed and I am afraid to say, I am somewhat hung over this morning. That makes for a long work day, let me tell you. I don't think I will be partaking of the wine for quite some time.

I got the most wonderful surprise in the mail yesterday. I am so touched by this....a special friend I have made through this blog, sent me a wonderful card yesterday. He enclosed a gift card to favorite, favorite store.....Jerry, if you are reading made me cry dude! No one has ever done anything like that for me before. You blew my mind! From the bottom of my heart, thank you. It has been very tough on us financially for some time...and there are no words for the kindness you showed to me. You are awesome! Your act of kindness totally restored my faith in human beings. There are still some pretty amazing people in this world.

Have a great weekend everyone! I know I plan on it!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


You know what gripes my ass? How rude, stuck up and "my shit don't stink" the people I work with are....I am so seriously disliked here it is not even funny. I walk in the door, no one speaks a word, no good morning, no hello, no kiss my ass, nothing...anyone else walks in the door in the morning, everyone speaks...what the hell have I done to these people that they can't say a thing to me when I walk in the morning..I am like the office out cast....and I don't know why! I am so pissed at the silent treatment I continuously get I am seething.

Why do I let it bother me? I don't know...but it does. Just like high school....where you want to fit want to be part of the crowd, but you are not....but at least in high school, I had lots of friends, people spoke to, I just hate it.....the silent treatment is not fun. One bitch in particular, waddles her fat ass around here like she is Queen of the place...she is so perfect and such an ass kisser, I want to vomit....I have been here five years...busted my ass, used to be utilized to fill in when the office manager needed help or was gone....but once miss fat ass started, I for some reason was not utilized to "help" anymore....she is the branch managers favorite, the office managers favorite, and just a couple weeks ago, she won employee of the freaking month...for doing what? Her damned job? Like I said, there have been times, lots of times, in the past five years that I have jumped in, helped out, did the office managers crap, not once have I ever been recognized for my efforts.

Put all that together with the annoyance of Mr. Burns, some days, I honestly feel like crying when I have to come in here to work.

I need to win the's the only way out of this hell....

Monday, July 13, 2009

If I could get blood out of this.....

Then I could probably make money grow on trees.....

But, alas...neither are meant to it stands, the stress level I have regarding our finances is through the roof. Hubby keeps telling, not to worry..not to worry....but, that is really hard not to do....

I hate Mondays..that is no secret....this weekend was very uneventful...nothing of interest to even talk about...Friday night I worked out after work for almost three hours, while hubby ran down to meet his mom to pick up Max....afterwards, he came to the gym to pick me up and we went to the grocery and struggled through trying to buy enough groceries to get us from Friday to this Friday....we had less than $100 to do so, so I perused the Payless sales flyer online, made a list..bought only what was on sale and we managed to spend exactly what we had alloted. I had forgotten how tough that really is. Saturday, we had terrible rain showers in the afternoon....but once they stopped, the sun came out and I went for a 4.25 mile run...For the week, I have ran over 17 miles....I only made it to the gym twice for cardio/strength training, wanted to go back on Sunday for a full body circuit on the strength training part, but it didn't happen.

I was awakened early Sunday morning, somewhere around 7:30 the obnoxious rumble of car after car going by the front of our house. We live very close to the street and directly across the street from our house is a church with a beautiful church lawn, and every year at this time, they have an outdoor church service/gospel singing and antique car show. It goes on all day and they are very loud. I tossed and turned for half an hour and realized it was futile, so I got up, made some coffee and spent some time on the computer, that is until hubby got up..and Max.
(Aaron spent a week with his dad and then left Sunday afternoon to go back to Terre Haute to spend a week with his Aunt/Uncle and cousins.)

I did some light housework, then showered and dressed....we had to pack Aaron a suitcase with some clean clothes, take over to his dads, as he was goig to leave with his aunt/uncle who were up visiting Aaron's grandfather (dad's dad), due to it being his birthday. We ran that over...went to the mall and window shopped (no money, remember)...and I hate doing that...looking at the pretty clothes, wishing I had some, and knowing I cant...but, it killed a couple hours.

Came home and had to listen to Max whine and be defiant...I don't know what the hell is gotten into that boy, but he has become so argumentative...let's just say he popped off at the mouth to his Dad and I both and got sent to his room for a while...he thinks he can have the run of the neighboorhood, go to whatever playmates house he chooses, whenever he wants. I have to remind him, he is six and a half, not sixteen....driving me crazy! I really believe he is going to be a trial lawyer when he grows up. LOL.....

Well, guess I better get to work....wouldn't do for me to lose my job over blogging now would it...I need it to bad.

Have a great week everyone!