Monday, March 31, 2008
Monday...Definitely not a fun day!
It's just another manic Monday
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
My I don't have to runday
It's just another manic Monday
Do ya'll remember that song? Manic Monday, by the Bangles??? Well, it definitely describes how I am feeling today. Now, for any of you that have been reading me any time at all, it is no secret that I loathe Monday's....I am not a morning person for one thing, and getting up in the always hard for me. Just a little more so on Mondays...
We spend all week, Working for the weekend....and once it gets's gone..poof! In a flash and it's back to Monday again. Last week, I got my ass handed to me on a silver platter here at work....My commercial Manager turned in his notice a few weeks ago, Friday was his last day. Now, I am just an assistant...but, since they have not replaced him....let me repeat...THEY HAVE NOT REPLACED HIM....I must not only do my job, but handle his work load as well....not totally by myself..the branch manager, the Operations Manager, the tech and myself, will all be handling different parts of his job, until they find a replacement.'s enough additional work, on top of my own, that I start this work week out with a fair amount of stress...and the desire to already have a stiff drink this morning.
I am already, "Working for the Weekend"....
How was the weekend for everyone? Mine was rather uneventful....Hubby was sick Friday night, so we stayed in...I got caught up on Lost...all I can say about that is What the Hell??? So many questions....a blog post in and of itself, that is for sure...
Saturday, was beautification day for me. I went and got copper highlights in my cute....short/stacked in the back, longer on the sides in the front...I actually went in and told her to "make me hip"....she did at that...I have gotten so many compliments on it....also got my bi weekly mani/pedi..hubby bought me a new party dress, so he was feeling better and we dressed up and went to Indianapolis Saturday night....had lot's of fun...but, I spent all day Saturday preparing to go out, which only made the time out fly by quicker...before I knew it was Sunday...we slept the day away, to only shower/dress and run to pick up kids....'s I am....
I need more coffee.....
Oh...also, weighed myself last night...I am down 15 Nutri-system food is gone, I am not reordering it....the food is not that great...I plan on sticking to the same general plan...still have the last five pounds to lose...I know I will have to maintain do so, instead of the Nutri System entree's...I am going to do the same thing, but substitute Special K, Weight Watchers and Lean Cuisine entrees for the Nutri-System, continue to add in my dairy, fruits/vegetables salads, etc...
I think it will work the same. I have changed my whole mind set as far as eating goes. You will lose weight...eating healthy, less calories does work...I have learned as well, you can treat yourself, once a week...but in moderation. I enjoyed dinner out, and some least once a week, since I started this, still lost weight...
You do have to sacrifice...but, you don't have to give it all up...ok, maybe cheeseburgers/fries....and wings...and margaritas...and Mexican food....crap...I better stop...or I will totally fall of the wagon....I'm going to eat my special K bar now....
Have a great Monday everyone!
Friday, March 28, 2008
A new supermarket opened in Topeka , Ks. It has an automatic
water mister to keep the produce fresh. Just before it goes on,
you hear the sound of distant thunder and the smell of fresh rain.
When you pass the milk cases, you hear cows mooing and you
Experience the scent of fresh mown hay.
In the meat department there is the aroma of charcoal grilled
Steaks with onions.
When you approach the egg case, you hear hens cluck and cackle,
And the air is filled with the pleasing aroma of bacon and eggs frying.
The bread department features the tantalizing smell of fresh
Baked bread & cookies.
I don't buy toilet paper there any more.
That's all I've got people. It has been a week from hell..I am beat....I hope you all have a terrific weekend!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
American Idol...Vote off!
Official bottom 3 was Syesha, Chikezie and Jason.
I was totally surprised by this choice...Kind of expected it to be Ramiele, Syesha and Kristy Lee Cook....for some reason though....(I wonder what boobs that could be???)...Kristy keeps hanging in there.
Anyway, much to my chagrin...Chikezie was voted off of Idol last night. I would have liked to have seen him stick around just a little longer....but, I didn't vote for vote was/has been for David Cook....
So...long, Chikeze...I am sure the buck doesn't stop here for you....
In my opinion, David Cook or David Archuletta will win this competition.
Who is your favorite, who did you want to see go home last night? Did America get it right?
Tune in next week, for country week...Backwoods Barbie herself will be performing, Dolly Pardon for those of you that aren't familiar with that term....
I just love her....yeah, go ahead and laugh, but I was raised listening to Dolly, Porter Wagner, Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn...all the country greats...I am a fan of country music...not all, but, it will be interesting to see exactly what song choices will be chosen for next week.
Until then...DixieChick...out.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
American Idol...whose going home???
After listening to last nights performances over at Slims blog....
My guess for tonights vote off....Ramiele Malubay...
I have finally decided who I want to win this thing...
David Cook
His performance and rendition of Billie Jean last night...Awesome. The guy sounds like a recording artist already. Love him, love his look....He definitely has a good shot at winning.
Who is your favorite? Who do you think will be voted off tonight?
Dancing With The Stars...Who was voted off????
Did I call it or what???? These two stars were sent home...
Penn Juliette
I loved Penn's comment at the end, when he was voted off, that he wasn't leaving he was going on...that they would be out dancing in the parking lot for those people that couldn't get into the show...too funny!
Monica Seles
This did not surprise me at all. I think I, along with everyone else, knew she was a goner...she had no grace, no personality and her nose was as big as Penn's feet....she is such a putting your brother in a dress and twirling it around the floor.
Yeah, Yeah...I know that was mean...but, seriously....although she said she liked all the girly fu fu could tell she was to let sleeping dogs lye....
As far as Amercian Idol goes....I did not watch that last night. Kind of hard to do both at once, and hubby agreed to watch one with me, not the, to avoid an argument, I only watched Dancing With the Stars.....
For your American Idol fix, please visit Slim , he blogs about Idol just as good, if not better than I, head over to his site, check out what he has to say about last nights performance....and, if you missed it like I did, then he has all 10 performances on video, you can watch them on line through his site.
Hope you all have a wonderful hump day....I have another busy day ahead of me....tonight, hubby and I are taking the Maxter to Chuck-E-Hell's....he has begged, he has pleaded to go, and he has an entire cup of tokens left from his birthday party he is just itching to use, so, we are going to endure all parent's nightmares..that which is Chuck-E-Hell's, tonight after work.
Then, I absolutely have to make some nookie time for hubby....he is getting seriously pissed at me for my lack of attentiveness in that area....we had a huge email argument over that's all good now...I just need to figure out how to duplicate myself, so that there is enough of me to go around, still give me 15 minutes to myself...
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Dancing With The Stars...Elimination Predictions....
Today is another busy day in the boss and I have a $160, 000 landscaping bid to put together and finish by this afternoon...I don't have time to blog Dancing With the Stars...sorry to all of you that come here today looking for that.
If we finish, then this afternoon, I will try and get a post the meantime..please go here,,20186131,00.html for the latest recap on Dancing With the Stars....sorry to let you down....but there is just not enough time in my day today.
Please tune in tonight, for both American Idol/and or Dancing With the will be another challenging night for me to try and fit both of those in and blog about them tomorrow.
That is if I can manage to "indulge" myself and actually be able to sit down at home and watch any seems that it "takes away" from my family to actually alot myself two hours of tv viewing time in the evening....God forbid I take any time for myself....Last night was filled with interruptions and a "neglected" spouse....just like my days, my evenings are short on hours as well....and I am apparently a neglectful wife and mother when I express any interest in television in the evenings....last night, I was able to watch part of Dancing With the Stars, but I totally missed Kristy Yamuguchi and Marios, I can't gaurantee I will be able to watch anything tonight..."I must take care of my family" first and, with that being said....I have to get back to work.....
I hate days like this.....
If we finish, then this afternoon, I will try and get a post the meantime..please go here,,20186131,00.html for the latest recap on Dancing With the Stars....sorry to let you down....but there is just not enough time in my day today.
Please tune in tonight, for both American Idol/and or Dancing With the will be another challenging night for me to try and fit both of those in and blog about them tomorrow.
That is if I can manage to "indulge" myself and actually be able to sit down at home and watch any seems that it "takes away" from my family to actually alot myself two hours of tv viewing time in the evening....God forbid I take any time for myself....Last night was filled with interruptions and a "neglected" spouse....just like my days, my evenings are short on hours as well....and I am apparently a neglectful wife and mother when I express any interest in television in the evenings....last night, I was able to watch part of Dancing With the Stars, but I totally missed Kristy Yamuguchi and Marios, I can't gaurantee I will be able to watch anything tonight..."I must take care of my family" first and, with that being said....I have to get back to work.....
I hate days like this.....
Monday, March 24, 2008
On my lunch break today...I went to the mall...I need some new dress pants for work..since the ones that I have been wearing are getting mighty baggy and loose in the waste...
I went into Maurices , a junior/miss clothing store....guess what??! Holy hell...I fit into a size 5/6...and I tried on a pair of jeans....a size 3/4..they fit..were too long, just a little tight in the ass..but they fit, that means...I have lost more than 10 lbs...according to the sizes I tried on..I believe I have probably lost around 15 lbs...I don't have a scale to weigh on (weighed at the mother in laws last week)...but, the way my clothes are fitting....pretty close estimation.
Another couple of weeks...I think I will have reached my goal! Yes...I know it is not nice to gloat..but damn it...I have worked hard for this...and I am, just to lose the last little bit...I will be smoking that bikini come May/June.....Whoo Hooo!
Easter's Over...It's Monday....I Am Out Of Juice...
(The rabbit in the picture...that is totally me....since I am the Easter Bunny in my house)...
Holy Cow...what a busy weekend! I have a lot to say, a lot of pictures to post...but, the boss in the office today and for some reason, my pictures on my camera, saved to my internal memory, not my memory, I can't pull them off at the moment.
Trust me, there was a bunny cake made, easter eggs dyed/broken, happy kids, crying kids....baskets, candy..oh, hell..the kids were like spiderman....literally climbing the walls. I had to hide the candy this morning, to keep Max out of it...he would eat each and every piece, in one sitting, if I would let him....We had a huge Easter Dinner(cooked by yours truly~except for the ham~hubby did that)...I started cooking at 9:30 a.m..didn't stop until 2 P.M....we ate, I cleaned up, we hid eggs, hunted eggs, I cleaned some more...then...I ran kids to their dads....Whew!
I am tired...I don't want to be here...instead, I have visions of this...
...with me in it...
I did not get very much rest at all this weekend.
Max woke me up at 3:45 A.M...Easter morning, people...3:45 tell me the Easter Bunny had came.....(and he had about an hour before)....he was hard to get back to bed and was up for good at 7:30 A.M....he played hard all day and needless to say, this morning, he was still asleep and snoring when I left for work.
I wish I still were.
With the boss in all day, working on landscape designs..requiring my input after every little drawing, his assistance at every turn...I won't be around much today.
I will try to get my pics off my do you pull them from the internal memory??? Can anybody tell me that? When/If I get it figured get to see our all of its glory.
Have a great Monday! If that is possible......There is one good thing about today...8 p.m. tonight...Dancing With The Stars...tune in...let's watch together...I will be recapping it tomorrow...for those of you that are interested...Maybe, just maybe...since I have only one chil'en at home this week...I can "live" blog it....depends on how "needy" the hubby and Max are this evening. Moments to myself are few and far between. Now hubby, if you are reading this...don't take that the wrong way...sometimes, I like your being "needy"...just not when Dancing With The Stars is on, m'kay? Love you sweetie!
Friday, March 21, 2008
I found this on another site....I had to share, so yes...I totally stole, for some Easter humor...I give you...
Wow...hard to believe this is Easter Weekend....two weeks early of course. What the heck is up with that? I swear, since I have lived in Indiana, I can't recall but very few nice weather Easters...this weekend is going to suck as far as temps go. Get this, here in Lafayette, for tomorrow...snow showers! Give me a break...I don't know how much more of this chilly weather I can take. The first day of spring was yesterday, but it as yet to feel like it.
Anyway, I have to finish my shopping this evening, for Easter Dinner...I plan on cooking a ham with all the southern side fixings....then, I guess we will have our Easter Egg hunt in the house...what fun is there in that? I have finished shopping for the kids baskets..yes, I make them for all four boys...even though the oldest are 14 and 17...they still like the baskets...the candy...the surprises I put inside. Hubby and I also bought new bikes for the two youngest boys...they are going to be so surprised. We don't usually go overboard for Easter, but last year...I was a shitty mom, and bought premade Easter baskets from Hell-Mart....they sucked and I was embarrassed after the kids got them....ashamed is a better word for it. I didn't do anything for the older boys last year, so I felt compelled to make it up to them this year.
I picked Justin up last night after work, he has Good Friday off from school, so I won't have to make that trip tonight. I won a gift certificate to a local Italian restuarant, off of the radio last week, so I make take the boys there to eat tonight, then to see Horton Hears A Who
....the little ones have been wanting to go since it opened last week....Can you believe that movie grossed $45 million dollars on it's opening weekend? Have any of you seen it? Is is as good as they say? If I'm going to fork over $50 to take them all to see it tonight, I want to make sure I am going to get my monies worth, you know?
Saturday is our day to dye easter eggs and I promised Max I would make an Easter Bunny Cake...I have never done one before, so I am not sure where to any of you have a great recipe for an Easter Bunny cake????
Help a mom out here and forward one to me, K? Thanks, much....
Sunday, hubby's mom wants us to go to church....but, I don't think we will make it...I didn't buy the boys new outfits for Easter, because I figured we would be at home...although, Aaron does have a nice spring like outfit I bought him a few weeks ago for his spring pictures at, it will take me most of the morning to cook our Easter, more than likely, we will stay at home. Although, I will read the Easter story (child like version) to them...just so they do understand what Easter is all about (they know...I just like to reaffirm it to them)..that Easter bunnies, candy, easter eggs are not the true meaning behind Easter...
What are your Easter traditions? Have you got the baskets made for your little ones? Do you do baskets? Do you have any Easter Bunny traditions? I make Easter bunny paw prints from the side of the kids beds, to the front door, to wherever I hide the the kids have to follow the trail, to find their baskets. This year, I was hoping to have a scavenger hunt for the kids, but the weather doesn't seem like it is going to cooperate, my house is not big enough to have one inside...'s to a Happy Easter Weekend with your family...hope it's great, relaxing and don't eat too much Easter candy!
Wow...hard to believe this is Easter Weekend....two weeks early of course. What the heck is up with that? I swear, since I have lived in Indiana, I can't recall but very few nice weather Easters...this weekend is going to suck as far as temps go. Get this, here in Lafayette, for tomorrow...snow showers! Give me a break...I don't know how much more of this chilly weather I can take. The first day of spring was yesterday, but it as yet to feel like it.
Anyway, I have to finish my shopping this evening, for Easter Dinner...I plan on cooking a ham with all the southern side fixings....then, I guess we will have our Easter Egg hunt in the house...what fun is there in that? I have finished shopping for the kids baskets..yes, I make them for all four boys...even though the oldest are 14 and 17...they still like the baskets...the candy...the surprises I put inside. Hubby and I also bought new bikes for the two youngest boys...they are going to be so surprised. We don't usually go overboard for Easter, but last year...I was a shitty mom, and bought premade Easter baskets from Hell-Mart....they sucked and I was embarrassed after the kids got them....ashamed is a better word for it. I didn't do anything for the older boys last year, so I felt compelled to make it up to them this year.
I picked Justin up last night after work, he has Good Friday off from school, so I won't have to make that trip tonight. I won a gift certificate to a local Italian restuarant, off of the radio last week, so I make take the boys there to eat tonight, then to see Horton Hears A Who
....the little ones have been wanting to go since it opened last week....Can you believe that movie grossed $45 million dollars on it's opening weekend? Have any of you seen it? Is is as good as they say? If I'm going to fork over $50 to take them all to see it tonight, I want to make sure I am going to get my monies worth, you know?
Saturday is our day to dye easter eggs and I promised Max I would make an Easter Bunny Cake...I have never done one before, so I am not sure where to any of you have a great recipe for an Easter Bunny cake????
Help a mom out here and forward one to me, K? Thanks, much....
Sunday, hubby's mom wants us to go to church....but, I don't think we will make it...I didn't buy the boys new outfits for Easter, because I figured we would be at home...although, Aaron does have a nice spring like outfit I bought him a few weeks ago for his spring pictures at, it will take me most of the morning to cook our Easter, more than likely, we will stay at home. Although, I will read the Easter story (child like version) to them...just so they do understand what Easter is all about (they know...I just like to reaffirm it to them)..that Easter bunnies, candy, easter eggs are not the true meaning behind Easter...
What are your Easter traditions? Have you got the baskets made for your little ones? Do you do baskets? Do you have any Easter Bunny traditions? I make Easter bunny paw prints from the side of the kids beds, to the front door, to wherever I hide the the kids have to follow the trail, to find their baskets. This year, I was hoping to have a scavenger hunt for the kids, but the weather doesn't seem like it is going to cooperate, my house is not big enough to have one inside...'s to a Happy Easter Weekend with your family...hope it's great, relaxing and don't eat too much Easter candy!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Feeling the Bloggy Love....
You know...I have really been down in the dumps lately with this here blog...I put alot of time and effort in most of my posts....and I haven't felt very "loved" as of late...I am unfortunately a comment whore...lately, they just seem few and far between....except for my loving faithful few bloggy know who you are...that I can always count on for a kind word or two. I started this blog, as a hobby..."all the cool kids were doing it"....kind of thing. A place for me to look back on...remember the ups/downs of my pictures of my kids, etc..and most of all, to make new friends.
I don't have any of those in my "non-blogging" world....I used to....I had two really close girlfriends and a couple handfuls of regular friends....I met my husband and moved away from all of them several years ago...where I live now...I know no one, except for the people I work with...most of those are men...there are only four women in our office, including is way too young, the other two...they are best buddies...they don't include me...maybe because they just aren't what I look for in a, I pretty much close myself off to them. Where I work at...I feel like the "red-headed step child"..(no offense to you redheads out's just a figure of speech)...this bothers me...a lot...I have always been part of the "crowd", to just don't fit in. I don't know why...My husband, his family, when I talk to them about it..just say it's a jealousy thing...I am not so sure....I try to not get upset about it...but, it's hard.
Anyway, I have found several close "bloggy friends" in the short time (6 months) that I have been blogging...they never fail to leave a comment, make me smile...When I feel like throwing in the towel...quit this whole blogging thing, I think of them...know they count on me for a laugh..or an update on our favorite shows...I can't do it...I know I would miss it and them a great deal. It is my goal, to one day meet these wonderful ladies and the mean time...I sign on every day, hoping that I can post something, anything, that will attract new readers, that will brighten my current readers day...that will draw people out to comment. I read so many other blogs...and some of these bloggers, off of one, miniscule post...get 50, 75, 100 plus comments...and I think to the hell do they do that? They blog about nothing different than me..their day, their kids, their work,etc..just life in general. How do you get on that popularity bandwagon?
Well, this morning...I decided that was not so important to me anymore...Know why?
Because of my "handful" of loving blogging friends...they are always there, that is what is appreciate the loyal friends that you have, quit worrying about the "popularity bandwagon"...
Much to my surprise, I made my Idol post this morning, and immediately got a comment..from my wonderful friend Toni , from A Tale Of Two Kiddies...she said she had something for me over at her place...I thought wow, what could it be...When I thought no one cared weather I blogged or died..haha..Toni felt compelled to bestow a couple of awards upon me...
I love the term.."Sassy"..that describes me to a tee...thank you Toni, you sassy little minx you...I heart you..I truly do you.Thanks for always visiting, just making me feel worthwhile. Hopefully, one of these days..we can meet up and share a glass of wine/Starbucks...our favorites.....
Now...when you receive the love, you share the, I am passing this Sassy Mama award on to Nap , from NapWarden...she is a lover of Idol/DWTS and Lost...she rocks some sassy clothes and is a sassy woman/mama...I adore her too...she never fails to stop by and brighten my day. Keep showing the world your sassy self!
I am also passing this on to the other Dixie from Dixie's Diner..she is about as sassy as any southern woman could possibly be...I know without a doubt that we could tear up the town, if we ever met up. She is a girl after my own heart and if you have never read Dixe's Diner...then you are in for a treat. Girl is hilarious.
Another sassy southern girl, that I just like me in so many ways, is Daphne , from One Mom In Alabama...she seems reserved..but, I know better...deep beneath her exterior is one sassy mama, just waiting to get out! Show your sassy self, girl!
There are so many more sassy women on my blogroll I would love to bestow this upon..but tradition is, (I think)...that you pass on an award to three, I am going to stop there..
But, Toni also gave this award for the taking, so I'm a takin'...and I want all the women, (guys too~if you want) to grab this bouquet...never say Dixie didn't give you nothin' are some flowers to brighten your day...brighten your blog.
I'm serious, ya'll...if you look to the right, see your blog name on my blogroll...these flowers are for you....Yes, Janet...Rachel...Pissy....Monk...Diva...Ajooja....White...Daddio...Bradley...all of ya'll...even if I just didn't call you out...take them, show them off....display them proudly...I just don't give flowers to anybody....
Again, rock! You truly made my day....
Love to you all...
Wow...there are no words. I totally expected Kristy to be the one going home. I was shocked to see Carly in the bottom three....even though I don't care for her, she seemed to be a that rocked her world a little bit. As far as Amanda going home...I expected it..just not last night.....Kristy Lee's looks are keeping her in that is for sure. Nothing wrong with that...Hell, I'm all for a girl using what she's got....but, far as talent goes???? She has a lot to be desired. I did like Amanda's edgey voice and style...but, Simon put it...became repetitive and boring.
What did you guys think about Kelly Picklers performance? I didn't see Season 5 of Idol, so I never really heard her sing, until last night. I kind of liked her....I loved her outfit...the red high heels, the song about red high heels...was kind of catchy. She is a pretty girl...although she comes across really stupid/dumb...kind of like Jessica
Anyway, enough of Idol...I heard on the radio that tonight was the final show for....
Seriously??? Already????
I am so far least three episodes....I have got to catch up this upcoming weekend...I am sad to see it end so quickly...I have so many questions....I am going to get caught up if it kills me, then I am going to post about all the things that are confusing bet your bottom dollar on I the only one that is kind of "lost" watching this show???
Have a great Thursday everyone~the weekend is almost here...Hallelujah!
On the plus side....I have lost 10 lbs on my Nutri-System diet....Whoo more month, I am sure my goal weight will be reached...The food sucks, most of it anyway...but, if you stick to works...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Dancing With The Stars....Ladies night...Season 6 Premeire....
Last was the ladies turn to strut their stuff..and strutt it they did..some better than others, of course.
I was more impressed with the ladies than the guys...that is for sure. Still not sure who my favorite is going to be, so I haven't voted yet..maybe after next week, I will know more....
Let's recap last nights premiere of the ladies...
1. ) Shannon Elizabeth and partner Derek Hough..dancing the Cha Cha...
I swear Derek is just as adorable as his sister him. Partnered with Shannon, they make a stunning couple. I would absolutely kill for Shannon's legs..they are amazing. For the first run..I thought they did a terrific job. Shannon has some trouble wearing high heels (she professes to be a tomboy), she will need to work on that a little bit...but overall...great job.
Here are what the judges thought:
Len~Lost your hip need to work on your legs.
Bruno~You sexy minx. You have great legs...learn how to use them.
Carrie Ann~Great energy and confidence. You nailed it. You have gorgeous legs, work on your flexibility.
They scored...21 out of 30.
2.) Monica Seles and her partner Johnathan Robers...dancing the Foxtrot...
Man, was she stiff...she really is going to have to work on loosening up a little bit. After every turn, I expected her to grunt out, "Hhhummmmphhh" when she hits a tennis ball really, really I honestly don't see her being around past the first elimination.
Here are what the judges thought:
Bruno~Loved the beautiful romantic tone. You need to work on engaging your center core...will make you lighter.
Len~Lovely romance, elegant gorgeous. You do need to "lift it to shift it".
Carrie Ann~Lot of confidence/delicateness...use energy.
They scored the lowest of the night with 15 out of 30.
3.) Marissa Jaret Winokur and Tony Dovolani...dancing the Cha Cha...
Tony is so devishly handsome...I just love looking at him...Marissa is so bubbly, her personality truly shines through....I feel she needs to tone down her "broadway faces" just a little bit...but I enjoyed watching her last night. I loved the Flo Rider always makes me want to jump up and dance.
Here are what the judges thought:
Carrie Ann~Love your style and sass..although I was underwhelmed with the amount of content regarding the Cha Cha...there was not enough.
Bruno~Eye popping. Love your peppy personality.
Len~ I was bewitched, bothered and bewildered. Too much hip hop...for the cha cha.
I thought it was very entertaining...girl can really shake it....and Tony..all I have to say is MMmmmmmmmm Mmmmmmmm MMmmmmmm.
They scored way too low in my 18 out of 30.
4.) Priscilla Presley and Louis Van Amstel...dancing the Foxtrot...
Now, if you can get past Mrs. Heartbreak Hotels horribly overbotoxed, nip/tucked face..she actually did really good. Elvis would have been proud. The crowd gave them a standing ovation. So..there's that I guess. When you realize Priscilla is like 63 years old, and for their first dance, they performed the death spiral...and she aced have to be a little impressed.
Here are what the judges thought:
Len~Got it right! Beautifully your posture.
Bruno~That was an uncompromising, smoking hot on your shoulders.
CarrieAnn~You are Queen of the dance was very elegant...shows age is just a number, right?
They scored...24 out of 30...placing them second for the night.
5.) Kristy Yamuguchi and Mark Ballas...dancing the Foxtrot...
All I can say is WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!!!
Some may say she has an unfair advantage, but I have to contend, there is a big difference with wearing heels and dancing choreographed ball room dances, compared to wearing ice skates and dancing choreographed ice skating routines....she was fabulous and looked absolutely beautiful. She knows the turns, it was elegant, flowed like water. She is a natural dancer. Some people just have it..she has it.
Here are what the judges thought:
Bruno~Absolutely Wicked! Timing and precision were right on. Best I've ever seen in a first performance.
CarrieAnn~That looked effortless. It was perfection.
Len~The Ice Maiden melted my heart. You are talented.
They received the highest score of the evening...a 27 out of doesn't get much better than that.
6.) Marlee Matlin and Fabian Sanchez...dancing, I believe, the Cha Cha...
A lot of questions have been raised regarding Marlees ability to dance well, when she can't hear the music...guess those questions were answered last night. She did an amazing job. I was very proud of her. She was very fluid in her movements and Fabian did an excellent job leading her...I look forward to seeing more of what she can do.
Here are what the judges thought:
CarrieAnn~That was unbelievable, very inspiring. You are so fluid and move with such ease.
Len~I was an amazing performance. Work on controlling your arms.
Bruno~I sing the same tune..the music is running through your blood. You hardly missed a beat.
They scored...22 out of 30.
That's it folks...what were your thoughts regarding the first rounds?
Come back next week, Monday night, to watch all 12 stars perform, then the vote off witll be on Tuesday of next week.
American Idol and Dancing With The Stars...On The Same Night....Oy!
Wow...was last night a crazy busy night for far as my television viewing went...Do you realize how hard it is to try and watch two shows at the same time, and try and take notes on both shows, to blog about both shows the next day? Also, throw two little attention hungry little boys into the mix....stressful, stressful indeed.
I almost threw in the towel and said forget about it...but, since I know you all flock to my blog just to read my Idol and Dancing With The Stars posts....and even though very few of you that stop by here LEAVE ME A COMMENT...I am not bitter...I still want to keep you informed...I will not let you, I watched most of Idol, then the majority of my attention was devoted to dancing with the stars.
I will be doing two posts today....starting with...
Last night, the top eleven performed...singing from the Beetles songbook, once again.
I think, just like week of the Beetles was enough...because in my opinion...not one person really stood out for me last night.
Let's recap...
1.) Amanda Overmeyer singing "Back In The USSR"...
I am beginning to lose interest in Amanda...I have to agree with Simon, she is becoming repetitious and boring...I wanted to see her go all the way, since she is a hometown girl..but, she really needs to change it up a bit...or she is going home.
Here are what the judges thought:
Randy~It was a little pitchy in the beginning. It was a good song choice...but, I give you a 7 out of 10.
Paula~Timing was a little off. Little pitchy. It ws quintessential to who you are. I love you and I think you will continue to move up.
Simon~It was what it was...predictable. It is the same thing, week after week. Boring.
You need to surprise with something different.
I gave her three out of five stars....just based on the repetition factor alone.
2.) Kristy Lee Cook...singing "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away"...
I thought she did just ok...I am really not that impressed with her. I strongly think she, along with Amanda will end up in the bottom three tonight. Hopefully, this is her week to go home. I am so done with her.
Here are what the judges thought:
Randy~It was an interesting arrangement. A little boring...more emotional, but safe.
Paula~Safer to stick to the melody. Although, this is the best you have ever looked. It was good, just safe. You really need to go there with the high notes.
Simon~That was not a good performance. You are not a good performer. Better than last week....but, it was like noticing wallpaper, you see it, you just don't remember it.
I give her two out of five stars...just for trying.
Buh bye, Kristi.....
3.) David Archuletta...singing "Long and Winding Road"...
Well, at least he remembered all the words this week....seriously, he did very well.
He has a great voice, but..because of his age...I am just not a fan.
Here are what the judges thought:
Randy~Brought hotness back to your game. That was brilliant...very nice.
Paula~That showed the purity of who and what you are. It was wonderful.
Simon~Last week....was a mess. This week...was amazing. You totally made my point in regards to the last contestant.
I give him a five out of five...he may very well win this thing.
4.) Michael Johns...singing "A Day In The Life"...
It was just ok for me...definitely not one of his best. This could put him towards the bottom...
Here are what the judges thought:
Randy~It wasn't your best. Not the right song. You've got that big old voice, sing and let your voice do your thing.
Paula~Listening to you during dress rehearsals, you were phenomenal. Wearing an ear piece kind of takes that away...(funny thing, though Paula..he wasn't wearing an ear piece)
Simon~It was a mess. You didn't hit the right were all over the place. At this point in the competition, you have got to nail the song. It wasn't good enough.
I gave him two out of five stars.
5.) Brooke White...singing "Here Comes The Sun"...
It wasn't as good as last week..but, I still thought she did ok. She will be around for another week.
Here are what the judges thought:
Randy~It was awkward for me. You were never connected to that song. Was not hot.
Paula~We can't help but smile when we watch you. You really have good low tones to your voice...showed us a different side. It could have been more challenging.
Simon~Somehow, I knew you would be dressed in yellow. It was terrible..from the horrible dancing to your lack of conviction.
I didn't think it was as bad as Simon made it out to be...I give her four out of five stars.
6.) David Cook...singing "Day Tripper"...
Now, I missed most of his, I can't fairly judge here...although I did catch what the judges had to say...
Randy~That was like a David Cook concert. It was another solid look...from the voice box solo...I loved it.
Paula~You are ready to go sale records. Very cool.
Simon~It was not as good as you thought it was. The decoder was stupid. You have lost your element of have become predictable.
Watching the replay...I give him four out of five stars.
7). Carly Smithson...singing "Blackbird"...
I've said it before, I'll say it again...I just don't see what the big freaking deal is with her...she is just ok...would I go buy her music? Probably not...not once as she grabbed me and made me go, "Wow"....doubt that it's going to happen, either.
Here are what the judges thought:
Randy~Another great performance. Very nice.
Paula~You have such an amazing tone to your voice. The arrangement was beautiful.
Simon~It was not a smart song choice. It was indulgent.
I give her four out of five stars.
8.) Jason Castro...singing "Michelle"...
Another performance I only caught bits and pieces of...just like with Carly...I am not too impressed with Jason either. He does absolutely nothing for me.
Here are what the judges thought:
Randy~Loved the song. It was subdued by you. Just alright for me.
Paula~You have a very distinct charm about you. I feel like you are disconnected without your guitar. It was awkward.
Simon~It's a very weird show tonight.Singing The Beetles again, was just not a very good idea, in my opinion. Your face sold that performance.
Based on the replay...I give him three out of five stars.
9.) Syesha Mercado..singing "Yesterday"...
I thought she did a fantastic job. She has potential and she is hanging in there.
Here are what the judges thought:
Randy~Very good performance. You took some liberties.
Paula~Let yourself be very vulnerable. Where you need to be. You do need to connect with the audience, with your eyes.
Simon~Best performance so far. You sold the song very well, that should keep you in.
I gave her five out of five stars.
10.) Chikeze Eze...singing "I've Just Seen A Face"...
Missed this one....
Here are what the judges thought:
Randy~Some good/some bad. I like the upbeat stuff.
Paula~You are showing your depth. You did it again.
Simon~Started out ok...but the harmonica at the end...atrocious...kind of like Achy Breaky was gimmicky.
Based on the replay...I would give him four out of five stars.
11.) Ramiele Malubay..singing "I Should Have Known Better"...
Didn't see one bit of her performance...sorry. I don't care for her much anyway, so I am sure I didn't miss much.
Here are what the judges had to say:
Randy~It was alright. Not jumping up or down or anything.
Paula~It was alright.
Simon~Sounded like Chikezie on the harmonica. You picked a mediocre song.
Looks like she could be in the bottom three.
I can't star her...didn't see any of her performance....
So...what did you guys think?
My pick to go home is Kristy Lee...with Amanda Overmeyer and Ramiele in the bottom three....
Tune in tonight..let's see who is going home.
Dancing With The Stars recap....coming later today.
I almost threw in the towel and said forget about it...but, since I know you all flock to my blog just to read my Idol and Dancing With The Stars posts....and even though very few of you that stop by here LEAVE ME A COMMENT...I am not bitter...I still want to keep you informed...I will not let you, I watched most of Idol, then the majority of my attention was devoted to dancing with the stars.
I will be doing two posts today....starting with...
Last night, the top eleven performed...singing from the Beetles songbook, once again.
I think, just like week of the Beetles was enough...because in my opinion...not one person really stood out for me last night.
Let's recap...
1.) Amanda Overmeyer singing "Back In The USSR"...
I am beginning to lose interest in Amanda...I have to agree with Simon, she is becoming repetitious and boring...I wanted to see her go all the way, since she is a hometown girl..but, she really needs to change it up a bit...or she is going home.
Here are what the judges thought:
Randy~It was a little pitchy in the beginning. It was a good song choice...but, I give you a 7 out of 10.
Paula~Timing was a little off. Little pitchy. It ws quintessential to who you are. I love you and I think you will continue to move up.
Simon~It was what it was...predictable. It is the same thing, week after week. Boring.
You need to surprise with something different.
I gave her three out of five stars....just based on the repetition factor alone.
2.) Kristy Lee Cook...singing "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away"...
I thought she did just ok...I am really not that impressed with her. I strongly think she, along with Amanda will end up in the bottom three tonight. Hopefully, this is her week to go home. I am so done with her.
Here are what the judges thought:
Randy~It was an interesting arrangement. A little boring...more emotional, but safe.
Paula~Safer to stick to the melody. Although, this is the best you have ever looked. It was good, just safe. You really need to go there with the high notes.
Simon~That was not a good performance. You are not a good performer. Better than last week....but, it was like noticing wallpaper, you see it, you just don't remember it.
I give her two out of five stars...just for trying.
Buh bye, Kristi.....
3.) David Archuletta...singing "Long and Winding Road"...
Well, at least he remembered all the words this week....seriously, he did very well.
He has a great voice, but..because of his age...I am just not a fan.
Here are what the judges thought:
Randy~Brought hotness back to your game. That was brilliant...very nice.
Paula~That showed the purity of who and what you are. It was wonderful.
Simon~Last week....was a mess. This week...was amazing. You totally made my point in regards to the last contestant.
I give him a five out of five...he may very well win this thing.
4.) Michael Johns...singing "A Day In The Life"...
It was just ok for me...definitely not one of his best. This could put him towards the bottom...
Here are what the judges thought:
Randy~It wasn't your best. Not the right song. You've got that big old voice, sing and let your voice do your thing.
Paula~Listening to you during dress rehearsals, you were phenomenal. Wearing an ear piece kind of takes that away...(funny thing, though Paula..he wasn't wearing an ear piece)
Simon~It was a mess. You didn't hit the right were all over the place. At this point in the competition, you have got to nail the song. It wasn't good enough.
I gave him two out of five stars.
5.) Brooke White...singing "Here Comes The Sun"...
It wasn't as good as last week..but, I still thought she did ok. She will be around for another week.
Here are what the judges thought:
Randy~It was awkward for me. You were never connected to that song. Was not hot.
Paula~We can't help but smile when we watch you. You really have good low tones to your voice...showed us a different side. It could have been more challenging.
Simon~Somehow, I knew you would be dressed in yellow. It was terrible..from the horrible dancing to your lack of conviction.
I didn't think it was as bad as Simon made it out to be...I give her four out of five stars.
6.) David Cook...singing "Day Tripper"...
Now, I missed most of his, I can't fairly judge here...although I did catch what the judges had to say...
Randy~That was like a David Cook concert. It was another solid look...from the voice box solo...I loved it.
Paula~You are ready to go sale records. Very cool.
Simon~It was not as good as you thought it was. The decoder was stupid. You have lost your element of have become predictable.
Watching the replay...I give him four out of five stars.
7). Carly Smithson...singing "Blackbird"...
I've said it before, I'll say it again...I just don't see what the big freaking deal is with her...she is just ok...would I go buy her music? Probably not...not once as she grabbed me and made me go, "Wow"....doubt that it's going to happen, either.
Here are what the judges thought:
Randy~Another great performance. Very nice.
Paula~You have such an amazing tone to your voice. The arrangement was beautiful.
Simon~It was not a smart song choice. It was indulgent.
I give her four out of five stars.
8.) Jason Castro...singing "Michelle"...
Another performance I only caught bits and pieces of...just like with Carly...I am not too impressed with Jason either. He does absolutely nothing for me.
Here are what the judges thought:
Randy~Loved the song. It was subdued by you. Just alright for me.
Paula~You have a very distinct charm about you. I feel like you are disconnected without your guitar. It was awkward.
Simon~It's a very weird show tonight.Singing The Beetles again, was just not a very good idea, in my opinion. Your face sold that performance.
Based on the replay...I give him three out of five stars.
9.) Syesha Mercado..singing "Yesterday"...
I thought she did a fantastic job. She has potential and she is hanging in there.
Here are what the judges thought:
Randy~Very good performance. You took some liberties.
Paula~Let yourself be very vulnerable. Where you need to be. You do need to connect with the audience, with your eyes.
Simon~Best performance so far. You sold the song very well, that should keep you in.
I gave her five out of five stars.
10.) Chikeze Eze...singing "I've Just Seen A Face"...
Missed this one....
Here are what the judges thought:
Randy~Some good/some bad. I like the upbeat stuff.
Paula~You are showing your depth. You did it again.
Simon~Started out ok...but the harmonica at the end...atrocious...kind of like Achy Breaky was gimmicky.
Based on the replay...I would give him four out of five stars.
11.) Ramiele Malubay..singing "I Should Have Known Better"...
Didn't see one bit of her performance...sorry. I don't care for her much anyway, so I am sure I didn't miss much.
Here are what the judges had to say:
Randy~It was alright. Not jumping up or down or anything.
Paula~It was alright.
Simon~Sounded like Chikezie on the harmonica. You picked a mediocre song.
Looks like she could be in the bottom three.
I can't star her...didn't see any of her performance....
So...what did you guys think?
My pick to go home is Kristy Lee...with Amanda Overmeyer and Ramiele in the bottom three....
Tune in tonight..let's see who is going home.
Dancing With The Stars recap....coming later today.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Happy my big "little" brother!!!!
Today is my Bro Man's birthday....He's 35...Wow! Do I feel old...he may be over six feet tall...but he will always be my "little" brother.
Growing up...we had our ups and downs...but I look back with fond memories on our childhood together. Setting up a clubhouse in the dirt basement of our house...playing in the creek, catching tadpoles and crawdads...damming up the creek at our grandparents house (Our Mom's parents) and going swimming, then getting our asses beat with a hickory switch for sneaking off to the community pool with our cousins and not getting permission from our "grannie trotter"...Fun times people, fun times!
Sneaking off to smoke our first cigarette with our cousins..then freaking the hell out when we heard our Grannie a coming for us...
Mom always had to work, two jobs at times, just to make ends, we grew up in the summer, staying with our grannie and gramps, running around barefoot, in that southern clay mud, swimming in the creek and playing in the woods....we were your typical red neck kids...that's for sure. But we knew how to have fun, make do with what we had.
Oh, the ass whippings with a hickory switch we endured together. Like the one time, my brother got into some serious trouble with our mom, she was not one to spare the rod...she told bro man to go out, fetch a hickory switch for his whooping...he came back in with a little twig...that made her mad, she sent him out again, he came back with a just a little stick..this went on for several trips out, back and finally, he got tired of it, brought in a freaking log, drug it up from the creek, told her to just get it over with and whip him with should have seen her face. He loved to cheese her off...but in a good natured way.
I am proud he is my brother...I miss him. I don't get to see him often, in fact, it has been almost two years since I seen him last. He lives in South Carolina, near our Mom, with his wife and two daughters...hopefully, I will get to see him this summer.
Regardless of the distance that seperates us, I think we have become closer now, then when we were kids. I don't doubt if I ever need him, he will be here in a heart beat.
He proved that during my last two divorces..both times, he was here to go to court with me, ready to kick the ex's up that typical redneck can of whoop ass on with that last one...
Bro~if you are reading this...just know I love you and I consider you one of my very best friends in the world. I don't know what I would do without you. I hope you have a wonderful Birthday...Have a beer for me!
Wow...what a glitzy and glam premiere last night was. I wasn't too sure how much excitement there would be for me, but I was pleasantly surprised. Last night, the men foxtrotted and cha-cha'ed thier hearts out. For the first night, they didn't do too badly...a couple really stood well as some, well..let's just say, they have their work cut out for them. did the six guys do last night? Well, let's recap and find out...
First up...Penn Jillette and Kym Johnson..dancing the Cha Cha ("Fool In Love")...
I found Penn to be very entertaining....but that is to be expected..that is what he does for a living. I thought he had a great attitude...his joke about being "Big Foot"...very funny. Dude is huge, paired next to little Kym....he is scary huge to her I am sure.
Regardless of his entertainment factor, poor Penn has a lot of work to do if he is going to stay in the game, so to speak. Not to say he didn't try, he made a huge effort, but Kym did most of the work.
Here is what the judges had to say:
Len: It was fun, entertaining. There is a problem with your foot technique, that you need to work on.
Bruno: That was like watching a trailer for a Shrek doing the Cha Cha. You need to refine your movements, be lighter on your feet.
Carrie Ann: You have such great energy and attitude. You give 100%. I have to agree that you need to work on your foot work.
The score.......16 out of 30.
Next up...Miami Dolphins Defensive end...Jason Taylor and Edyta Sliwinska...dancing the Foxtrot ("Pride and Joy")...
What a sexy performer he is going to be...I just know it. Although he is far from feminine...he donned a tutu in practice....just a joke from his poker buddies, but it's nice to see, with all that manliness and sexiness, that he too has a sense of humor.
Edyta states that "this is her season to win" and I could see that happening. With a little work, Jason is going to shine.
Here is what the judges had to say....
Len: "When I look at you, it's like looking in the mirror" (um..yeah, right Len-when you are dreaming of your younger days, maybe?)...You have great posture and you move across the floor well.
Carrie Ann: You were very coordinated, fluid in your movements.
Bruno: You are the most graceful tackler I have ever seen. Ignite the romance, make it hot!
Score: 22 out of 30
Third to perform...Christia'n De La Fuente and Cheryl Burke...dancing the Cha Cha ("Bang Bang")...
Christian is sizzling hot...I love the Latin men...MMmMMMmmm....he is no Helio on the dance floor, but I expect some great things out of him...His comment, before dancing was that he wants to bring romance to the dance floor...bring it baby, bring it...Dixie will be drooling in front of her t.v....I assure you.
I thought he did a fab job last night...a little stiff, but for the first night..not bad, not bad at all.
Here are the judges thoughts:
Carrie Ann: You are well suited for this type of dance. You have such a natural charisma. You do need to pull up your shoulders, though.
Bruno: It looks like you are riding a bike. You need to use the instruments that you have..."When she bangs, you have to bang as hard as she does"...(Holy cow! He actually said that?)....even the hosts told the kids to go to bed after that comment.
Reign it in there Bruno....reign it in.
Len: You are half and half. From the hips down you are fine. Work on the arms and posture.
Their score....21 out of 30.
Fourth favorite little professional...Julianne Hough and her celebrity partner...Adam Corrolla...dancing the Foxtrot ("Mello Yello")....
My oh my...poor Julianne surely has her work cut out for her. The show definitely doesn't want her to win that trophy this year, so...they paired her with this Greg Brady look alike. Don't get me wrong, as a radio/comedy personality...I like Adam's just hard to watch poor Julianne, the best professional there is in my opinion, paired with someone that no matter how much work is put into it...he will not win....he has two left feet..that is something that can not be corrected...again, I say..poor, poor Julianne.
Here is what the judges thought:
Bruno: “If the Foxtrot was an actor like George Clooney, you were Will Ferrell.”
There is a lot of work, a lot of be done. You need to work on your posture.
Len: Julianne, you have your work cut out for you. Your footwork was good, but you are too need to relax.
Carrie Ann: I am at a loss for words. You have a lot going on. Just keep working on it.
They scored the lowest of the night...15 out of 30.
Fifth to perform...Mario, one of my favorite R & B singers..dancing with professional Karina Smirnoff...dancing the Cha Cha ("Request Line")....
They are going to be hot some may think that Mario has a little advantage of the others..because of his musical background, but I have to agree that ball room dancing is a far cry from the dancing he does in his videos....
It is obvious that he is a natural on the dance floor though..his twists and turns were totally in sync with Karina's....he is going to be the man to beat in this competition.
Here are what the judges had to say:
Carrie Ann: You can dance. (She was totally flustered~couldn't say too much)...To Karina...Do you have a monopoly on hot Mario's??? That was a great dance, great to watch. Ladies, this is the standard you need to put forth tomorrow night.
Len: Great job! You have some rhythmic hip action. Just need to work on the footwork.
Bruno: You are a great performer. Great musicality.
They had the highest score last night...with 24 out of 30. Way to start at the beginning of this competition.
Last to perform...funny man...Steve Guttenburg and Anna Trebrenskaya...dancing the Foxtrot ("Lazy River")...
What a charming guy Steve is....he seemed geniunely happy to be there. He looked like he was enjoying himself, even throwing in a cute little jump as he danced.
I think he will be around longer than Adam....but not for long. Just not dancer material.
Here are what the judges thought:
Bruno: You put your heart and soul into it.
Carrie Ann: I liked it. It was adorable and charming.
Len: You are the first one that looked like he was enjoying himself.You are charming. Work on your technique.
They scored and 18 out of 30.
Well...that's it for the guys. Thus far, Mario is my favorite. Not sure out of the ladies, who I will favor more. Can't wait to see them perform tonight.
Although, I am in a bit of a pickle...American Idol comes on first, Dancing with The hour later...I can't watch both.
What do you want to see me blog about...DWTS or AI....I am good, but not sure if I can do both at once.
Back to DWTS...whose performance last night surprised you the most?
The higest score of the evening...Mario.
The lowest score of the evening...Adam.
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